My Garden
Even with a tiny sliver of a garden,
you can create a beautiful space.
My Garden at Twilight
Come enjoy my garden lighting at night.
Flowered Garden Chairs
See what a pretty creation you
can make with an iron chair!
My Fairy Garden

I have been in love with fairies since I
was a little girl. Come see my fairy garden.
Make Your Own Grapevine Wreaths
Don't just throw away your old grapevines -
make beautiful wreaths and save a fortune.
Fairy Tea for the Queen
Garden Tablescape with Irises
Use your fresh flowers to make your table gorgeous.
Breakfast in Grandmother's Garden
Enjoy the flowers of summer.
Paris Garden Party
Happy Anniversary in May Table
Harvest Grapes Table
Avocado Salsa
Use all of your garden bounty to make this
great salsa.