Sunday, September 1, 2024

Tales of the Traveling Tote 40 and a Giveaway

Welcome to the Tales of the Traveling Totes 
40th post. 
(Wow, the big 40!)
 We are so glad to have you visit.  
A group of the most fun ladies take 
their MacKenzie-Childs totes 
all over the place and share their 
adventures quarterly.  

Also welcome to 
Purple Chocolat Home's new home.
It was a long journey, but we are now in 
and settled and Miss Madi K and I want 
to share our first photos with you.  

We moved in on December 8th 
with just enough time to set up 
a tree and do a little decorating. 

With traveling a lot during the 
cold winter months, it has taken 
some time to work on getting 
all settled in.  In addition we were 
getting our old house ready to sell.  

Hooray, it sold, even with the market 
the way it is!!

We have spent all spring 
and summer working on the 
back yard.  It still isn't done yet!

We were making progress and 
then we had a 100 year hail 
and rain storm and that set 
us back a bit with erosion, 
but the house was OK.

It was like a snowstorm with 
all of the hail.  The gardens 
are all shredded and fruit 
destroyed.  Our lower property
was flooded, but the house was 
fine.  Many houses were like a 
river running through their 
basements, so we feel blessed.   

Miss Madi K and I are going 
to start the home tour with 
one of my favorite rooms 
(wait, they are all my favorites - 
we spent several years designing 
the plans). 

This is the Orangerie - the French 
would bring their tropical plants 
into their orangeries during the 
winter.  We put in a sink and 
a drain in the floor.  

This piece you may recognize
from my old house.  We loved 
it and wanted to keep it, so 
we added a small sink so that 
watering plants would be easy.  
I can store vases and things 

It has its 
own heating and cooling 
system to keep the plants alive.  

I knew from the very beginning 
that I wanted it to be an entertaining 
space and to have a 
Modern French feel.  
Two amber chandeliers 
and beams add to the 
French flair.  We anchored
the one end with a gorgeous

Miss Madi K and I set out 
to decorate the room for 
it's first party - 
A Mad Hatter Tea Party.

It was so much fun entertaining 
in the Orangerie.  I will give 
more details on our tea party 

Thanks for visiting, now hop 
on over and visit our other 
ladies of the 
Tales of the Traveling Tote.
Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home (you are here)
 Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 

Emily with Miss Courtney ChildsThe French Hutch

 Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box  

Jenna with Miss Coquille @The Painted Apron

Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda

Rita with Miss Luna C Panoply 

Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul

Ricki Jill and Countess De Monet @ The Bookish Dilettante

Visit Jenna's blog for a 

chance at this fabulous tote.

I always wish I could win these 

fun giveaways!!!

See you on December 1st for another adventure.


Chocolat - French for Chocolate. I adored chocolate from a young age when I had to sneak in the cupboard to find where my mother had hidden the Nestle's Chocolate Chips. Having read about the famous chocolat shoppes in Paris, when I finally got there I was determined to try a chocolate from every Paris shoppe. I invite you to share my adventures in creating, in travel, and in life.


  1. Oh Jackie, I squealed at the Orangerie. Now I know why I struggle to bring my tropical plants indoors for the winter. My spare bedroom is a plant nursery in the winter lol. Thanks for sharing this beautiful room in your lovely new home.

  2. What a lovely room and a gorgeous home - so sorry to hear the struggles with the weather! Your party looked fun and i hope you will share more photos! Enjoy your new home and Happy September!

  3. Oh my goodness, what a beautiful home! And your plans must've been extremely well-planned to have sustained no damage to the structure in that storm! The orangerie is fabulous! Those doors have a trompe l'oeil effect in that they appear almost bay-like (certainly three-dimensional) with the curve of the metal framing. I love it, and what a perfect first party to go with it! So smart to have the floor drain and separate hvac system. I can't wait to see more of your next chapter in this home, as well as all the travels taken whiling away the winter months. Congratulations, Jackie, and Happy September!

  4. Oh wow Jackie, I love your new home! I am so happy to hear you didn't have any water damage! The Orangerie is my favorite room! And, I haven't even seen the other rooms. In my dreams I have that room and you've decorated it just as I would. I just love seeing it! You look so adorable all dressed up for your party. I hope you are enjoying your trip and can't wait to hear all about it. Safe travels Jackie and Happy September........hugs.

  5. What a treat to see your beautiful new home Jackie! Thank goodness you didn't have any damage from that awful hail storm. The Orangerie is gorgeous and what a perfect space for entertaining. I know you Mad Hatter's Tea Party was amazing, I can't wait to hear more about it! Safe travels home Jackie, and Happy Fall!

  6. I thought the photo was snow...I had to reread the caption to realize it was actually hail! What an awful storm, and I know you must be so thankful that you didn't have any damage to your beautiful new home. Your orangerie is AH-mazing. I love it! It is so, so pretty, and I know all of your guests much have LOVED the Mad Hatter Tea Party. What a gorgeous setting for a fun party! I'm looking forward to seeing more photos of your home and garden *hint, hint* :p

    Happy fall!

  7. Wow Jackie, your new home is stunning. I cannot wait to see more.😍 so sad about the hail storm. I am relieved your home didn’t suffer any flooding. I feel sad for those who did.
    Your Orangerie is gorgeous with those beautiful doors and windows and that floor. Woo hoo, amazing! The chandeliers are magnificent. How special to use that piece from your old home in your Orangerie, complete with a sink and storage. A beautiful room to entertain in. I remember those balloon chairs when you painted them. They are so perfect in your modern French home. The Mad Hatter party has peaked my curios. Knowing you, it is beyond fabulous.


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