Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility Lawn Party

Our Craft Group had another 
fabulous Jane Austen party 
this time featuring 
Sense and Sensibility, 
hosted by the wonderful 
Karen/Mrs. Dashwood. 

(I have the very best of friends!)

You can see the gazebo in 
the background, decked with 
British flags.  We dined there 
last year, but this year she 
asked her husband to create 
another spot to dine for us - 
wow, what a great guy!

Then opposite of that, she 
had constructed this amazing
serving table.  
We dined on a cold soup, 
finger sandwiches, eclairs, 
scones and tarts.

The table was set beautifully 
with her mother's china.

We had fresh flowers and 
candles everywhere.

The bouquets on the backs 
of the chairs held our 

We have been looking forward 
to this party all summer.  

All we had to do was 
to get dressed up for 
the event.  

Alas, my lady's maid 
didn't show up, so I had 
to dress myself and do my 
own hair! 

The cook didn't show either, 
so I had to make the scones 
for the party.  What is a woman 
to do these days?!!

Mrs. Dashwood created 
beautiful Charcuterie Cups 
for us to start the meal.

Details, details everywhere.

Edward Ferrars even arrived 
bringing gifts, and did a reading 
for us.  The gifts were aprons 
that Mrs. Dashwood had 
sewn for us. 

But if all of this wasn't enough - 

We were able to make 
mussie tussies from her flowers,

and Natalie gifted us each 
a pearl necklace with our 
initials and a crown jewelry 
holder.  (So spoiled!)

The evening was nothing but magical.

(Bottom second from right, 
the lovely Mrs. Dashwood 
and her husband/Edward.) 

We are already looking forward 
to next year's Jane Austen Party.


Chocolat - French for Chocolate. I adored chocolate from a young age when I had to sneak in the cupboard to find where my mother had hidden the Nestle's Chocolate Chips. Having read about the famous chocolat shoppes in Paris, when I finally got there I was determined to try a chocolate from every Paris shoppe. I invite you to share my adventures in creating, in travel, and in life.


  1. What a fun themed party - and beautiful setting! You and your friends certainly have lots of fun!

  2. Love all the details! Looks like a lot of fun.

  3. Wow, such a fabulous party. You look so beautiful Jackie. Love the menu and the ambiance is fantastic. A magical celebration with friends.


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