Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Strawberry Pie with Margarita Glaze

The fresh strawberries are so sweet right now, and
I always crave a fresh strawberry pie this time of
year.  I just love the tang of the berries with a sweet
glaze, and I created a new glaze that had my mouth

We have strawberries growing in the garden,
but they are just flowering, so these strawberries
were from the store, but with this glaze they 
didn't disappoint.

Fresh Strawberry Pie with Margarita Glaze Recipe

9 inch baked pie shell - make your favorite, I did a an Oreo
Cookie Crust

7 C. strawberries (the large container from Costco
made two pies)
2 T. cornstarch
3/8 C. white sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/8 tsp. almond (because I like a hint of almond in everything)
3 T. Strawberry Margarita Mix - the liquid in the quart
bottle used for making Strawberry Margaritas.  Ours is by the
soda pop section.

Slice 6 C. of strawberries and place them in a large
bowl.  Chop 1 C. strawberries and place them in
a blender or food processor with the sugar and
cornstarch.  Blend until smooth.  Remove and place
in a small saucepan.  On medium heat, bring to a boil
and cook until thick.  It is going to be pretty thick.  Remove
from heat and add the vanilla, almond, and Strawberry
Margarita mix.  This will thin the mix down.  Let cool.
Toss berries in the glaze and place in your pie shell.

Pile them high and decoratively place a few in
the center in a circle.
Refrigerate and serve with whipped cream, ice
cream or plain.  
The extra tang of the Strawberry Margarita Mix made
the best glaze I have ever had on a fresh strawberry

 I ended up making two pies.  One I made with sliced
berries, and the other I made with whole berries.
We ate both of them, but there just wasn't enough glaze
on the one with whole berries to satisfy my sweet tooth!

Give me more surface to put this yummy glaze
on!  We were licking our plates.  

Grab some fresh strawberries, while they are sweet
and fabulous, and make a pie.

"Cut my pie into four pieces, I don't think I could eat eight!"
Yogi Berra

I will be posting this with


  1. I love the Yogi Berra quote. I have a tub of strawberries in my fridge. I think I Ned to try this!

  2. Oh! My, my my, my my! Such deliciousness! Thanks for the recipe. Gotta make a Costco run!

  3. Strawberry pie is a favorite. Thanks for sharing another wonderful recipe. Love your cute little quote.

  4. So delicious Jackie. I cannot wait to buy some strawberries. Thanks so much for sharing at DI&DI.

  5. This sounds delicious. I am going buy a bottle of the margarita mix next time I am shopping.
    You make any foods look delicious and easy to make.
    Have a great rest of the week, Jackie.

  6. Wished I would have seen this recipe before I made my strawberry pie! Hmmm, looks like another pie in my future!

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