Sunday, February 14, 2016

Love Post from Hubby - Happy Valentine's Day

A Valentine Post from my dear husband.

He has totally embraced blogging - his is
just personal, and sent to family and friends
through texting.  I had to share his "post"
that he sent to me and the kids this morning.

Seven reasons you are my Valentine.

#1  You started dreaming with me, and you have never stopped.  
You have given me wings to fly.

#2  You became my teacher and you have taught me
everything, and I love you for that.

#3  You always wanted to be a mom, have a family
and spend time together.

#4  Your heart has always been true blue and
faithful to living the gospel, and you taught me to serve.

#5  You have said in word and deed... "Entreat me not to leave
thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou
goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge."

#6  You are the music of my life, spiritually,
mentally, physically, in every way.

#7  You are beautiful, you always turn my head and I feel
like I can fly when I am next to you.

P.S.  I love you, and that means forever.....

Be my Valentine with a golden Kiss.....

Or kisses!

What a romantic, and how beautiful that he 
would share it with our children!

Hope your Valentine's Day is filled with
giving and receiving love!


  1. Wow!! How romantic!! You two inspire so many of us! What a great example of love, service and so devoted to The Lord. I am truly blessed to know both of you and to learn from you! May God bless you forever!!

  2. Oh, Jacqueline if there was ever a friend who deserves such a romantic in her life it is you. I was teary reading each one of these. It is such a heartfelt message, and that he shared it with your family means even more. You two are blessed to have found each other to share a life together. You should make this post into a book that you can pick up time and again. This is a treasure to cherish. Not only is Kirk a romantic, but he is a very creative guy as well. This is amazing in every detail.
    Happy Day to you and your loves! ~ Sarah

  3. I would have been crying my eyes out.
    Lovely man.
    Lovely you two:)

  4. Happy valentine's day Ria x ❤️❤️❤️

  5. What a romantic hubby...he is a keeper for sure, Jackie!
    Happy Valentine's!

  6. Oh he is indeed a keeper for sure! :)

  7. Very touching! Very creative! Very lovely!

    You have to feel Very Special!

  8. You have a very romantic husband. Love that you created something so special and share it.
    You have a winner!

  9. I had to scroll down and read this amazingly beautiful love letter again. I still think about it. I hope you printed it and have put it into a book. I don't think I've ever read anything so romantic. '-)


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