Monday, November 2, 2015

Captain Kirk, The Pirate King, Has a Birthday

Aye, it be true that the Captain of our Ship
has a birthday in October!  What be more fittin'
than to celebrate his birthday in his true form -
a pirate!

Yea, it truly be his name -
Captain Kirk.  
(Best pirate cake ever, all chocolate for the Captain,
 made by Annie,
what had to be transported across the ocean
to the ship, but she made it intact.) 

And nothin' be too good for this Captain.

He be a man of many faces, many hats, and many fancy clothes.

(One of the wee ones be askin' how many pirate clothes me
had, and me said, "Not as many as Papa (Captain Kirk)!"

But this be his best party outfit - to celebrate
the big day!


He be the Captain of these scurvy mates,

and the Captain of many wee ones - all fit to man the ship.

As of yet - there ain't been a mutiny, but that little
one I be holdin' looks ready to abandon ship.

(Here be the real treasure in life - the wee ones!)

Pirating runs in the family, and they all be trained.

His crew be a scary bunch, but they all be loyal
to the Captain.

Wantin' to make him proud of their scariest faces

Their best swords,

And their finest party clothes.

It's all fun and games, until someone loses an eye...
and this bunch been in a few too many of them 

Don't ye be messing with these two!
Jacquelyn looks like the captain of her ship - scary!

Can't be too scared of this one - YET!
(But with a name like Saylor, she'll be a true pirate too.)

(Me new Cricut, put to pirate use!)

(A serving wench - uh, lass!)

(Of course, some pirate cookies.)

All hail the Captain!

We would swing for you, Captain!

What a swinging time! 

Best band of pirates ever!!  

Yo Ho, Yo Ho, The Family Life for Me!!

The innocent pirate-to-be.


  1. A stunning, creative cake. Adorable, wee pirates to be!

  2. You are the best! I love your sense of humor and whimsical fun that you provide for your family. This is a fun post!

  3. Great cake! Happy B-Day to your hubby, I'm sure he had a great time:@)

  4. Oh my goodness! You went ALL OUT!!! What a lot of fun that party must be. The littlest pirate is just a doll!

  5. WOW! That's all I can say Jacqueline, I am pretty much speechless!!!

  6. Such a great party! You guys really live life to the fullest! Happy birthday Captain Kirk!

  7. That was the best party ever. What an amazing cake.

  8. Best blog ever ..... Wow do you know how to have fun you all look like movie stars!!!

  9. Amazing cake!! love all the costumes! I'm in love with Saylor's cheeks!!!!!!

  10. This is awesome Jackie. You two know how to party. That cake is the best ever and fits the theme perfectly. It must be a blast to be at one of your parties. Love your pirate costumes...It is true, you two look like celebrity couples. You have pulled out all of the bells and whistles. Fun, fun and more fun!

  11. Love your pirate pictures! They came out awesome!!! Fun times!

  12. The costumes are wonderful! What a fabulous birthday for your hubby. Happy belated wishes to him!


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