Monday, August 17, 2015

Swig Dirt Ball Cookies - Copycat

Although Swig Sugar Cookies are one of our favorites
at the all-popular Swig cookie and soda drive through,
my new favorite is their Dirt Ball cookie.  Of course, I
had to give one a try with that crazy name, and it was 
this yummy, sugary, chocolate delight.  It reminded me
of a Texas Sheet Cake in cookie form and I decided to
try making a copy cat recipe.

The magic of Swig cookies is that they start with an extra
thick cookie, slightly underbaked and then top them with
yummy frosting.  They like to store them cold and top
them with fresh icing, but I think they are just as good
at room temperature, maybe better.  

Here they are, just waiting for their frosting to finish them off.
I guess you could eat them this way, but I am the kind of
girl that believes frosting makes everything better.

Swig Dirt Ball Cookie Recipe - Copycat

2 C. sugar
1 C. butter, softened
1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla
1/3 C. cocoa powder, sifted to remove lumps
1/4 tsp. salt
2 1/4 C. flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. baking powder

Preheat oven to 350.
In a large mixing bowl, cream the butter and sugar,
 then add the egg and vanilla, and blend together. Be sure to sift
the cocoa powder so that it blends in smoothly.  Add the
sifted cocoa to the salt, flour, soda and baking powder. Add
the flour mix to the sugar mix and blend until mixed together with
the paddle of your mixer.  It will be a pretty dry mixture.
Form the dough into golf ball size patties.  Swig cookies are
nice and big.  Place the balls on a parchment lined cookie sheet.

Place some sugar in a small bowl, and dip the bottom of a
glass into the sugar and press the cookie down.  
Bake 9-10 minutes or until tops are just dry.  Let cool 
on pan for a few minutes so that you can move them
to a cooling rack without breaking them.

When cool, frost.  Makes about 18 large cookies.

2 C. powdered sugar
1/4 C. cocoa powder, sifted
1/4 C. butter, melted
1/4 C. milk

In mixing bowl, place all of the ingredients and
whip together, using the whisk.

These are our new favorite chocolate cookies,
whether we stop in at Swig, or whip up a
batch at home.
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  1. I love Swig cookies! Thank you for recreating this one. I'm adding this recipe to my "must make these soon " list!

  2. I've never had a Swig cookie Jacqueline, but I bet yours are better that the real thing! Sounds creamy dreamy good!

  3. I've never heard of Swig Cookies, either, but I sure would love to try one. I'm like you, Jacqueline, and love frosting on top!

  4. These are new to me, but somehow I know they are yummy. It's great you did the copycat recipe for all of us to enjoy! Happy Wednesday.

  5. I love the dirtball cookies too, and these look absolutely amazing!! I am craving one now just from looking at your pictures. Will for sure be trying this recipe soon!!

  6. The dirtball are my favorites. Tati is in love with the oatmeal ones, but I love these. I will try them. Joni

  7. These are new to me also but I would love to try them.

  8. My sister introduced me to Swig when I was in Salt Lake a few weeks ago. A dirtball cookie and a coconut Dr. pepper became our nightly tradition. I can't wait to try your recipe. Thank you!


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