Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Irish GreensTablescape and Rose with Leaves Napkin Tutorial

Corned beef and cabbage was the traditional
fare growing up for St. Patrick's Day at
our house 
so I just had to bring out my 
cabbage leaf plates again to celebrate.

The texture on these plates is just something 
that I adore.  I could fill my cupboards with
cabbage dishes and plates.

One of my favorite silk flowers I own
is this cabbage with script.  These are perfect
for my St. Patrick's Day table featuring cabbage.

As far as decorating for St. Patrick's Day, I don't
do anything but a table.  My parents used to tease
each other about who was English and who was
Irish but as I have done geneology, I haven't found
any Irish yet, but why not have a little fun on 
St. Patrick's!

We have lots of pretty greens to set the table with.
I just love the bubbly texture of these goblets.

A white charger and green plates are topped with
a green and white napkin. 

 I had intended to make
a rose napkin in the middle of the plate but
I found this darling rose with leaves that
I like even better.

The rose with the leaves is so textural and is
 super simple.  It takes about a minute to fold one.

 Fold a square napkin in half, placing the top points at the top.
Roll the napkin toward the top tightly, about 1/3 of the
way up.  Carefully turn this over so the rolled part
is underneath.

Begin on the left and roll the napkin left to right holding onto
your rolled under part.  Then tuck in the remaining tail.

Stand the rolled napkin up with the rose part down and 
separate the two points, pulling them opposite of each other.

Voila!  Your rose with leaves is finished.  You may
have to play with it a little to get it to sit up
straight.  Pull the leaves out a little more or cup
them a little in the center to support the weight
of the middle rose.

I only have one set of green flatware and 
fortunately it is the perfect green for 
today's table.  I just love colored flatware
and would have some in every color if I could.

Our cabbage flowers take center stage in a mercury
glass urn and greenery along with
some chicken wire candle holders.  I love how the chicken
wire gives a rustic outdoors look to the table.  You
can fill them with candles, flowers, plants, etc.

Even though I don't think I am, I can still get
a few kisses from hubby and the kiddies!
They are better than pinches!

I had to have something sweet and a miniature
version of my Chocolate Cabbage Cake in green
chocolate goes so well with the table.

While I have always loved boiled cabbage,
I think I prefer this little chocolate cabbage!
Who wouldn't?!!  

My next post will show how I made these
fun little cabbage cakes which would be great
for St. Patrick's Day, Easter, a Spring Party
or a Garden Party.

I will be partying with


  1. I love your bright green table. I agree with you about the cabbage plates. I have always admired them on other tables. Your napkin is so fun. That is a nice tutorial. It is always corned beef and cabbage for us also. I remember mom always said that the Irish was on her side. Joni

  2. Jacqueline, I'm a fan of cabbage plates too. I love the texture they offer. No Irish here either, but I love celebrating St. Pat's Day. It's the teacher in me.....I can't let a holiday pass without a celebration.
    Thanks for the tutorial. Pretty napkin fold. The little cabbage cakes are adorable. Look forward to seeing how they are created.

  3. Jacqueline, I am sure you know how much I love this's got lots of green! That silk cabbage is fabulous. I can't wait to see how you do the cabbage cake. Cute napkin fold.
    Enjoy the rest of the week.

  4. I'm half Irish, Jackie, but I usually don't decorate much. I do amke corned beef and cabbage and Irish Soda Bread, however, as my family loves it!

    I love how you folded your napkins and I'm pinning that to my "Napkin Folds" board on Pinterest!

    I just blogged about winning your Teacup cake molds give away--thanks again! I love them!

  5. Lovin' the green Jacqueline! The napkin fold is very pretty:@)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Those napkins are so cute and it looks like they aren't too hard to make! Thank you for the tutorial! No Irish in me but it's always fun to pretend for the day! The little chocolate cagge looks so good- can't wait to see how you did it!

  8. Love this table and many thanks for the tutorial! Rosie @ The Magic Hutch

  9. Not a big fan of predominantly green tablescapes - at least not until now. This is very classy in a sort of casual way.
    I can see why you love the scripted cabbage.

    Thanks for the tutorial. I hadn't seen that fold before - and I love to fold my napkins in unusual ways.

  10. I'm having a serious drop-dead-envy episode right now...

    I must tell you that one of our finest arts are these cabbage leaf plates - they were invented and made by a Sculptor Rafael Bordallo Pinheiro as you surely know being an appreciator of the fine arts as you are. And you have ALLLLL those pieces.

    And I love the cabbage with script fabric. St. Patrick's is a happy Saint around your creations. Luck of the Irish, I guess ahahahah

    Happy St. Patrick's, Dear Jacqueline!
    Many blessings be bestowed upon you and your amazing family!
    Have Fun!

  11. Oh what a pretty Irish table, Jacqueline. Thanks for the instructions on how to make those pretty napkins. Love the faux cabbage centerpiece...Christine

  12. Jacqueline, this is a most Irish table, indeed! Love all of the cabbage pieces and that napkin fold is adorable. Thanks for sharing that with us!!!

  13. love the napkin fold Jaqueline, so pretty! I think it's fun to celebrate every holiday and you will enjoy this Irish table full of cabbage and green!

  14. Wow, your table is gorgeous! I love your silk cabbage with the pretty. Thank you for the napkin fold tutorial. I've not seen that one before, and it truly is beautiful. Your tablescape is filled with inspiration and loveliness. Blessings~
    Kim @ Curtain Queen Creates

  15. This is such a cute table arrangement for a St. Patricks dinner!

  16. I love this Jacqueline! I've seen and done the rose out of a napkin but not with the leaves, thanks for sharing the tutorial. I love the BP cabbage plates too Your table is beautiful with the the cabbage flowers and chicken wire topiaries. Your chocolate cabbage leaf cake is icing on the cake! ♣

  17. Love this tablescape! So pretty and the napkin roses are wonderful..thanks for sharing!
    Miss Bloomers

  18. Jacqueline, I don't have a drop of Irish blood as far as I can tell, but that doesn't stop me from loving all the green. Your napkin fold is so unique and the chocolate cabbages are amazing! I have BP cabbage plates but not with the wonderful curved edges like yours. I love them! Linda

  19. Jacqueline,
    I adore the timeless classic of green and white and this Bordallo Pinheiro collection is entirely top notch!!!
    Love the rose napkin tutorial!
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

  20. You may remember I'm crazy for napkin folds and this is one I don't know. I'm pinning this so I can give it a try. As always, you've nailed the theme is both a fun and elegant way.

  21. Hello Jacqueline,
    Love your table setting and all the layering. The goblets are great. Thank you for the napkin folding tutorial! Happy St. Pat's day to you!

  22. That napkin fold is so cute and looks perfect on your plates! Love this table...

  23. This is just beautiful, those napkins are gorgeous! Yes, I want to know how to do those little cabbage cakes. I remember years ago Monique made a baby shower cake like that! Thanks so much for joining in the Crawl. It is like a reunion with blogging friends I haven't seen. I haven't been blogging much, miss all of you!

  24. I love your table. Everything looks so crisp and fresh in green and white. Thank you for the instructions on the napkin fold. Happy Saint Patrick's Day!


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