Monday, December 15, 2014

Ugly Christmas Sweater Cake and Party

The "Ugly Christmas Sweater" 
are back in after 20 years and 
Ugly Christmas Sweater parties
are all the rage now.  We started holding
them about 4 or 5 years ago after my oldest
son came home from one and suggested we
all wear them for Christmas morning.

We raided the local thrift store and got
everyone outfitted.  Now I think it is
hard to find a used one but stores are
selling Christmas sweaters and sweatshirts
again.  I wish I had kept my original one.
They were expensive - I paid $50 for
mine back in the early 90's!!

So we decided to have our first
Ugly Christmas Sweater party 
and invite our dinner group.
I  started searching on the internet
for ideas and 
just had to make one of the cakes I
found on Pinterest.  

There were no instructions on the link,
and no one to give credit to for their
creation, just the picture, but thanks to whomever
created this idea. 
I am going to show you how
to make this adorable and easy cake
for your Christmas party.  

The Ugly Sweater cake will take 30 regular
size cupcakes.  I baked mine and then laid
them out on a black foam board for my 
serving tray as it makes a pretty big cake.
I like how the black made the cake pop.

You will start at the bottom and do 4 rows of
4 and then reduce to two rows of 2 and 
finally add the arms.

After achieving my shape, I took
the cupcakes a row at a time and
frosted and sugared them to keep
the shape and to avoid getting
the frosting on the board.

To achieve a dark red frosting is a little
tricky.  I tripled my basic recipe 
so it had 12 C. powdered sugar
and it took a full small squeeze bottle
of Americolor's Super Red.  It still was a
little on the pink side, but it does deepen in
color if you let it sit for a while.  I was dipping mine
in sanding sugar so I wasn't that picky about how
red the frosting was.  You have to use gel or paste
to get a red frosting.  I flavored mine with almond
so that you don't get that funky red food coloring
I love Americolor's gel colorings rather than
Wilton's because I have never had one of theirs
dry up in the bottles.  Wilton's always dry up in
their bottles so I have switched over to Americolor's.

Almond Frosting
(I tripled this)
1/2 C. butter, soft
4 C. powdered sugar
1 tsp. almond extract
Red gel food coloring
3 T. water (I like water because it 
makes a firmer frosting than milk or cream.)

In a large mixing bowl beat all of the
ingredients together adding additional 
water if needed.  Beat for five minutes for
a nice creamy frosting.  You don't want it too
stiff or too soft.  I test it by scooping up a bit
with my finger.  It should be soft enough to
scoop but not so soft it falls off my finger.

This should cover all of your cupcakes
as most recipes make more than 12 and you
are going to have some extra cupcakes you
don't use in the cake.

Dip each cupcake into a small bowl
of sanding sugar, covering all the frosting.

After all the cupcakes are frosted and dipped
use mini marshmallows to create the fur trim
at the collar, hem and cuffs.

Then decorate with colorful candy.

I finished like the one I found on 
Pinterest with a string of 
green Christmas lights piped on in different colors.

My wonderful niece made up some 
cute Ugly Christmas Sweater picks for the food

and some fun drink labels.

I found these bottle sweaters online
which were perfect for the theme.

We dressed up some sparkling
apple cider bottles,

but we served Cherry Cream Sodas
as I wanted a dark red drink for the 
fun bottles.

Everyone got into the spirit of
things with their sweaters. 

The couple in the middle did the 
DIY Ugly Christmas Sweater kits!
He won the prize for the men's ugly
sweater with his creation.

won the prize for the women!
Don't you love the vintage 1996 Barbie
in a Christmas sweater that I found online!!
Notice her white tights too!  I remember 
wearing those a lot back then too!

I thought that was the perfect women's prize.
It couldn't have matched her sweater more
perfectly which was her MIL's. 

While searching for Ugly Sweater Party ideas
online, I also found these 
Ugly Christmas leggings!!

And hubby and I have had 
Ugly Christmas Slippers for ages.  
Maybe they will be classics!  I am 
holding onto these!!

Everyone brought appetizers and desserts

and we made Lettuce Wraps.  

We tried to keep the main dish light
but with all of the appetizers and desserts
we were still stuffed!

Instead of a gift exchange this year I asked
everyone to bring a Christmas story to share
and 5 copies of it so we could all have a copy.
That was a fun change as we sat and read stories
together and shed a tear or two.

We all agreed that this isn't so much
an Ugly Christmas Sweater Cake as a cute
one so make it for any Christmas Party.
It really is easy and fun and a great 
conversation piece.

I think it is so fun that the Ugly Christmas Sweater
has turned into sweater love!  Wear yours all
through the season!!

I am wearing this sweater to these parties! 


  1. What fun Jacqueline! Love your pants and slippers! My daughter has a friend that throws and ugly sweater party every year, and I was pretty insulted when she asked to borrow one of my old sweaters, ha!! I remember back in the day when they were in style paying over $100 for them!! Your cake is totally perfect! Reminds me of the cupcake brides dress cake you made~
    I think you've just started a new annual party tradition for your group!

  2. I don't know anyone..who is like you.
    You create fun..all the time.
    I think that is exceptional.Well done..
    My son-in-law loves to wear funny Christmas Tshirts..They had planned an ugly Christmas Sweater party..

    I hear you re how $$ those sweaters used to be..!
    Happy Holidays to you and your fun family.

  3. Love this! You put so much work into it, I'd almost hate to take a cupcake!
    One suggestion - you might want to add a "pin it" button to your blog so that people can save your gorgeous creations and share them with others. There are free tutorials online.

    I'm pinning this to my boards now!
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. How fun indeed! I saw Ugly sweater cookie kits at Michael's craft store.407

  5. this is so darn adorabale! i am going to a party this week and would love to try and pull this off, but its storming and the store is an hour away and i rather be cozy in bed looking at this then driving and baking like a mad woman!

    you always have the best parties, you truly live a blessed life and have so darn much FUN in all you do! darling pics of you all, or should i say ugly...!

  6. What a fun party AND theme!! And the cake is absolute genius---the sanding sugar gives the knit the look of those little fuzzles which plague many well-worn garments, as if Grandma had owned hers forever, taking it out for a spin once a year. They all ought to smell of Old Spice or Emeraude (or even mothballs), and have a little dusting of Coty face powder in a spot or two.

    You all look like guests at a really Gucci, really downhome ski lodge. All the touches---sweaters for the bottles, all those clever labels---they bespeak close and careful planning and well-thought-out events, as all yours do.

    Are any of the red letterings links? I cannot seem to click on any of them, and especially wanted the lettuce wrap directions.

    Charming, as always, with everything you post.


  7. Jackie, this is so cute! love this idea and I might steal it for next year. No big parties this year, just a few dinner parties. The cupcake sweater is darling. What a fun party for all. The printables are so darn cute. Everything is perfect. Thanks for sharing. I added a pin it button to your blog and a Pinterest board. If you don't like it, just let me know. xo

  8. Oh what fun you all had! I think Christmas sweaters are sweet! I believe I still have a Halloween one too! HaHaHa! Stay happy and healthy this Christmas season. Thank you for sharing the adorable cake too! Love all the effort everyone put into this sweet party! Hugs!

  9. I would fit right in as I do have a very ugly Christmas sweater. That would be a fun party.

  10. Looks like everyone had a blast! I remember an ugly sweater (or two) that would be perfect for this type of party! I love your leggins too, really fun:@)

  11. Jacqueline, This over the top fun with your sweater cupcakes and cute party fare! Love the labels and sweater for the bottles too! You make the cutest elf in leggings and slippers :)

  12. I just saw this and chuckled... Had to share:@)

  13. There is never a dull moment at your house! This ugly sweater cake is so creative, you nailed it!

  14. I love your ugly sweater cake! So perfect for and ugly sweater party. My "ugly" sweater is one that I wore for real back in the 90s. It just goes to show you shouldn't throw anything away. :)

  15. I don't know that I could laugh any harder than I am right now! Those sweaters are so ugly that they're cute! The slippers are terrific, too! I wish I could find some around here!

    That cake sweater HAD to be the hit of the party! What a fun part of your celebration! I don't have the patience to do it myself, but you KNOW I'm pinning that bad boy!!!

    Merry Christmas, sweetheart!

  16. What a fun party--and a great idea! Merry Christmas!!!


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