Thursday, December 18, 2014

A Table for the Royal Birth

My feathered placemats were so magical
that I had to try them in another color
for this week's tablescape.

White clouds of Heavenly feathers
nest the plates fit for a king
celebrating Christmas.

Today I combined the white feathers
with royal crown plates and
glittering silver plates.  This is just
one of those tables that took my breath away.

I love plate stacked upon plate with crowns
topping them.  These were a wonderful 
collection of 24 each that I got from our
local company Tai Pan

complete with 24 bowls.

We have already had two dinner parties
on this table and guests were worried
about getting food on the feathers but
as a designer told me when I asked about
cow hide, "Well, the cows (or in this case birds)
are out in the rain and mud - it washes off easily!"
So that relaxed all of our guests.

I love this beautiful silverplated flatware
that I got for Christmas 2010,
but I always feel badly when people 
ask about them because they are discontinued.
They were Padova from Horchow.
They were on sale (duh!  they were being
discontinued) and I got them at the price
of stainless steel.  I wish they had more 
for you!!

The pewter goblets are fit for a king too.
I received 12 of these as a gift a few years
ago with a huge pewter punchbowl.

This glittery silver tablerunner centers the
table.  This was a new purchase this year
from Koyal Wholesale, another wonderful
source for tablecloths at great prices.  This is
so soft and elegant you could use it as a wrap!

Mercury glass creates the centerpiece.

I embellished one of the vases with
a kingly crown ornament.

This little white and silver
fairy just slipped her way onto
the table.  She thought she matched

It looks all wintery and white but we have had
the warmest December ever!  There is snow in 
the tops of the mountains right outside this
window but we haven't had any in the valley.

But it looks wintery in here.

What a wondrous time of year when we
celebrate the birth of the
King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

I saw this Christmas Tree napkin fold
demonstrated on the Hallmark Channel
morning show, Home and Family and
had to give it a try for one of our
dinner parties.  Isn't it fun.  You have to
turn the napkin inside out to get the 
design to show up, but it is easy to do.
Just look up a tutorial on youtube.

Well, just one week left to prepare
for Christmas.  I think a set of these
feathered placemats would be a 
perfect gift for anyone that loves

I hope you are having a
wonderful time filled with joy and
love for this great time of year.

I would love to have you here to
celebrate with me - wouldn't that be
a fabulous party!

I will be posting this with


  1. One of the most charming things about your blog is your imagination, and how you can think of a scene, and it just magically comes to life as you create. This is simply lovely, with all the white and silver.

    Fit to welcome Royalty, indeed.


  2. I would love to be at one of your gatherings!!! You always do such a beautiful job! I'm always excited when I see you have a new post!
    Thanks for sharing!
    So very thankful for a reason to celebrate the season.

  3. Oh, so pretty - love all of the crowns. Also, I was delighted to learn that the feathers could be cleaned. What a fabulous table full of delights!!

  4. This is absolutely stunning! At first I was worried about cleaning the feathers, but your comment about birds makes perfect sense.

  5. Stunningly beautiful! Love the feathers. Would love to be there!


  6. Very beautiful.
    Happy Holidays. Catherine

  7. Beautiful, Jacqueline. Your tablescapes are always filled with amazing details. Looking forward to more of your gorgeous tables! Merry, Merry!

  8. Very fancy Jacqueline! Merry Christmas-have fun:@)

  9. Wow that's a beautiful table! I got some flatware from Horchow once, went back to order a 2nd and they were already discontinued! Good thing you got what you needed! Have yourself a Merry Christmas and lots of good family time!

  10. Simply Stunning Jacqueline! The feather boa mats are equally stunning in white as they were in aqua, and they are so you!! That's funny about your guests worrying about spills~ The crown dishware is gorgeous and so perfect for this most special of special occasions~
    Happy holidays to you and your family,

  11. This is just stunning. I love those feather placemats and the dinnerware, the goblets, everything! Best of all, it's in honor of the King.

  12. This table is indeed fit for a future king!!! Wow, really pulled out all the stops!!!

    I can appreciate your guests' concerns about getting food on the feathers, but I love your gracious response. I don't ever put anything on a table that I would have a cow over getting messed up. If it's on the table, it's cool to use it!!!

    Too bad about the discontinued flatware because it really is gorgeous. That would have been a very welcome addition to my stash!!!

    I wouldn't mind at all having a seat at this table to help you and your family celebrate the Christmas season. Thank you so much for sharing this and all of the gorgeous tablescapes you've brought to us in 2014. Looking forward to the New Year! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  13. Just beautiful! This would be a great setting for New Years Eve. Always love to see your delightful table settings.


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