Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Kicked Up Queso

It's getting chilly outside and I am
craving warm and spicy foods and
there isn't any queso like this queso!

The secret is all in the 
Frank's Buffalo Sauce,
one of those sauces that my kids
and their kids have become addicted to.
I keep a supply of it in the pantry so
we don't ever run out.

I first had this fantastic queso this summer
at our neighborhood Walk and Talk on
Sunday evenings where everyone gets out
for a walk and visits and we stop at 3 houses
where they serve refreshments.

My friends Sue Ellen served this and
I couldn't walk away from her crockpot!

She had created this fantastic variation
of queso that I know you are going to
love.  It isn't hot, just savory.
We made it several times during
the summer and are having it again
now when it is freezing outside - this
is a year round recipe!

And it goes together in minutes
with things you can always have
on hand if you need to throw together
a fast appetizer or meal.

You can serve it straight out
of the pan or crockpot, but I
decided to serve mine up in these
fun mini cast iron frying pans that I
got at Costco last Christmas season.  
I sure hope they are going to have them
again.  They came four to a package and
have been the perfect size for individual

Kicked Up Queso Recipe

1 lb. ground beef
1 medium onion
2 cans Rotel tomatoes (mild)
1 small can chopped green chilis
2 lb. Velveeta cheese, cubed
1 can black beans, rinsed and drained
1/3 C. Franks Red Hot Wings Buffalo Sauce
(don't get the hot one, get the medium one)

Chopped tomatoes and cilantro for garnish
Additional Buffalo Sauce if desired

In a large dutch oven pan brown the
ground beef and onion.  Drain.  Add the
Rotel tomatoes and the chilis.  Stir in the
cubed Velveeta and heat on medium until
the cheese is melted.  Add the beans and 
Buffalo sauce and heat through.

Serve garnished with chopped tomatoes
and cilantro and a splash of additional
Buffalo sauce.  Use tortilla chips as dippers.

This makes a large batch to serve a crowd
but it tastes great as leftovers too.

Dip in and enjoy some with me!

It is queso that is kicked up with
flavor from Buffalo sauce and I 
think you will love this.  I haven't served
it yet without someone asking for the recipe.

I will be posting this with


  1. I think I gained 2 pounds just by looking at the pictures ahahahah
    But life isn't worth living without simple and tasty pleasure if you ask me so I'm enjoying this through and through.
    I'm hopeless with tortillas - I must have some Mexican blood ahahah
    But I'm at a loss of what's Buffalo Sauce - is it similar to Tabasco or not even closer... I need to stop by and American Store we have in Lisbon and ask (when the boy behind the counter watches me entering I can tell by his expression that he thinks "here comes the crazy lady with weird questions about our products" ahahahah)
    This is awesome. Really going to pin this for a future gathering.
    Thank you for sharing,

    PS - Couldn't comment before... are you experiencing any problems at the blog? let's see if this comment goes through

  2. Looks absolutely delicious. xo Catherine

  3. Oh yea, I could probably eat a pint or two of this:@) Sounds great!

  4. Absolutely comfort food and to think you couldn't walk away from it. I will be trying this out on my kids when they come up for a visit.

  5. Your kicked up queso sounds great Jacqueline and I love it served in those mini skillets! I am so glad you are not a Velveeta snob, I swear you need Velveeta for queso! The way you garnished it and photographed it is irresistible, the buffalo sauce is a great addition~

  6. This dip is just what we need to warm up. It's so festive, too! Beautiful photography!

  7. It's been so cold here this past week that your queso is looking very appealing to me right now! Love the addition of the Frank's Hot Sauce.

  8. Could these pictures be any more appetizing!


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