Saturday, November 1, 2014

Frozen Halloween 2014

Olaf and Elsa welcome you to their
Ice Castle for trick or treating.

This is the first time ever that 
we haven't had scary costumes for
trick or treaters!  

I started to make this Olaf Costume for hubby
but he ended up having to be out
of town so I made it for myself
following the instructions from
(The head took 10 hours and the body 8!)

Hers is a lot better than mine
but I was pleased with the results
and even though we were nice characters,
Olaf still made a couple of little ones cry!

I opened the double doors and said, 
"Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!",
then Elsa said, "Welcome to my ice castle."
Everyone wanted their pictures taken with us
and some kids didn't want to leave.

It was a beautiful warm night and we
had a lot of fun.

I hope you had lots of warm hugs
on Halloween too.

(The Elsa costume was a Disney
costume for adults sold at Wal Mart
this year.  My daughter bought it for me
and then I saw another one and I bought
one for her.  My friend Hannah, Miss Greater
Salt Lake starred as our resident Elsa this
year.  So glad she could help and she
made the perfect Elsa.  Girls asked if she
was the real Elsa!!)


  1. Fantastic Jackie, I love this post! Lots of warm hugs are always welcome. You did a great job on making Olaf. You look amazing. How fun and different to not be scary. I can see why the kiddies didn't want to leave.

  2. Girl-CHILD! You MADE that? My admiration grows exponentially.

    What a treat to find you two at the door! Our Elsa did not have a very good time in the COLD---34 here , raw and damp, and when she and I went next door, it was drizzling a bit. Later she and her Mama went out to several houses close by, and when I looked up, they were scurrying up the drive, her pretty white wig askew, and snowflakes pelting them as they ran!

    She DID, however, have the comfort of having MET Elsa at DisneyWorld a few weeks ago, and of having bought her own dress there. We had no idea of the Halloween party when they booked their trip in August, and they were in the crowd who got "kicked out" of that section of the park when you arrived for the party.

    Small World, indeed. EWWWW, now I have that SONG in my head.


  3. You are really amazing..
    That costume is superb!
    Bravo..bravo bravo!

  4. 18 hours!! That is a commitment! I know the kids LOVED it and yes, you are definitely the Queen of Halloween or perhaps tied for the title with Mary! I am Halloweened out, but boy this month was tons of fun with more creativity every day~thanks for all the fun Jacqueline!

  5. Jacqueline, you amaze me in all that you do. I love your spirit! This is a darling idea. I can see why the trick or treaters wanted to have their photo taken with you and Elsa.


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