Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Pirate Poison

Aye, there be plenty of 
Halloween fun around
Purple Chocolat Home
and the pirates came out
to celebrate for
International Talk Like A Pirate Day
(Sept. 19th).

And they be brewin' up
Pirate Poison
for all the little ones.

Don't ye be scared.
There be nothin' to be afeard of
in this pirate abode,
all be sugary poison here.

These glitterin' silver
plates be salvaged from
Z Gallerie, both the skull plates
and the plain silver ones.
Aye, that be a fun store for pirates.

And how about this here
glittery eyed beauty, a candle
to light up the nights 
(light it and walk the plank mateys!!)

Ok, just enjoy the glittering beauty
of those crystal eyes and the
silver hand it sits in.

(This be a gift from dear pirate
friends, Annette and Hannah!)

The table be awash in the 
effects of the poison.

It be bubblin' forth
from Skull Rock

and skull mugs.

Threatenin' to take over
everythin' and everybody.


These here appetizer plates
be booty obtained from
Home Goods this here season.

Ain't they beauties?!!
There always be booty
galore when treasure huntin'
at Home Goods and TJ Maxx!

The little candy skull mugs
be from Smith's grocery
store.  Ye never know where
ye might find booty.

The large mugs be from
a secret online source
known as Amazon.

We pirates love stacks of booty
for our tables.

 And this here pirate loves a little purple 
thrown in.  These spider web placemats
also be treasure gleaned from Home Goods
this season.

Even little cocktail napkins
glitter on the table
(from Williams Sonoma).

 Glitter abounds everywhere.

Aye, hope ye have a little
pirate fun this season too.

 And beware of pirate poison!!

And ye always be welcome to
have some poison with us
Purple Chocolat Home.

I have been told I have to come
back and add what the little kiddies
said about their poison.  My eight 
year old grandson was such a worry
wart about it and said that it would
give him "30 degree burns" if he 
drank it.  His mom couldn't believe
he was so worried since we have
had "witches brew" every Halloween.
We thought the 30 degree was pretty funny!

We pirates be partying


  1. OMG Jackie, this is fabulous! I love the poison effect. The purple placemats are very cool. I ordered those plates from ZGallerie in gold.
    It would be so much fun to share this with you.

  2. Too fun! Lovin' all the smoke, I bet the kids got a big kick out of this table:@)

  3. I love the special effects..howdyoudothat?

  4. Love your skull theme table setting...just


  5. What a wickedly great table, J!! I think you just might like Halloween a bit! Is purple your favorite color? I've noticed it a lot on your blog and it's one of my faves, too. I can't believe you have an 8 year old grandson! Impossible! And that is funny about the poison! :)

    Jane xx

  6. The dry ice in the grape pop made the smoke effects.

  7. Love the smokey purple drink and the entire tablescape. But most of all, i adore those checkered plates!

  8. WOW! That is one sensational presentation, Jacqueline!!!! THAT FROTHY steamy goulish brew! You are a genius table stylist; this is magnificent! I hope you are well and enjoying all that the season has to offer and THANK YOU for coming to visit me yesterday! Happy day, Anita

  9. Shiver me timbers what a magnificent booty you've found! You've outdone yourself on this one! You made quite a haul with the booty you found! Love the mysterious vapors flowing around- what fun! Great job me matey!

  10. This table is AMAZING! What a fun idea! You are such a pirate- who would think os skulls and purple and bling except you!

  11. It must be so much fun living in your house this time of year...what a fabulously spooky table...right down to the effects of the dry ice. We used to love it when Daddy would bring home a huge chunk and turn the lights low on Halloween, it was like being lost in the fog! The skull plates are fantastic.
    Have a great day.

  12. Adorable table and post! Love the poison flowing over everything!!! Sorry your little grand was scared:( Love all the skull elements!!

  13. Wow! What amazing decorations and so SCARY! I LOVE those purple place mats...I mean spider webs! Happy Fall! Have fun!

  14. This is gorgeous! You might like our Jack Black's Blue Cream Soda:



  15. Well, I don't blame him for worrying about those pesky, painful "30 degree burns"! So cute!

    You went all out, over and beyond, to the moon and back on this one! The dry ice really gives it a spooktacular look!!! And you did it all without a speck of orange...just in time for Kathleen's challenge!!!

    You did great, Jacqueline. I suppose we won't make you walk the plank! :-) Have a great weekend!

  16. Jacqueline Your creativity knows no bounds .You are amazing in what you come up with .was that dry ice you used it? gave it the perfect swampy special effects I just love what you come up with.I would love to spend a day shopping with when you plan a special table like this one.So enjoyed this table and I always do.Susie

  17. One of the best Halloween tables ever! Love every detail, especially the purple glitter pumpkin and the skull plates. Wonderful table...

  18. Halloween décor can be so much fun! Love the skull theme table setting and the purple pumpkin.

  19. Shiver my timbers, what spooky fun with your treasure trove of pirate booty for your Halloween table! Love the effect of the dry ice and purple with black accents on your table Jacqueline! I had to chuckle at 30 degree burns :)

  20. Creepy pirates indeed! Love the glittery cocktail napkins and the new app plates from HG! It all is a lot of scary fun from your poison clouds to the purple spider web mats!


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