Saturday, October 11, 2014

Look Who Flew In While I Was Away

While I had been flying around
to Disneyland for a photo shoot
for Miss Greater Salt Lake
Mickey's Halloween Party,
guess who flew onto my blog?

A spunky little pink and purple witch?
She had flown in last year for our 

I had just arrived home and 
hadn't opened a computer for 
four days as we ran from one end
of each park to the other when I
looked at my comments and 
had commented on my header.

Well, I just had to fly back to
my header and who was perched
there on a giant pumpkin but this
crazy witch I have met a few times.

It just blew me away and I laughed
and had to send a thank you off to
as she had absolutely surprised
me and added this witch to my header.

Thanks Linda!  She knows how
much fun witches are welcome here
during Halloween.

What a fun surprise to come home to!
At my age you don't get many fun
surprises and this was one of the best!!!

Go and see Linda's beautiful
Glam Skullduggery Table.  She
got the same skull plates from
ZGallerie that I have only in gold
and it made a fabulous table.  She and
I are just kindred spirits as 
Anne of Green Gables would say.
(Of course I feel like Anne and I
are connected as she is Anne, "with an e",
and my middle name is Kaye, "with an e"!!

(But don't tell Beaulah anything!  
She is already green enough!)


  1. Jacqueline, what a sweet post....I love surprises too, so I couldn't resist adding your pretty funky witch to your header. I know how much you love Halloween, so it seemed natural to add your witch. She loves to party, entertain and dress up.....Yes, we are kindred spirits and sometimes it's amazing how much we think alike and the things we both love.
    Thank you for this sweet very own surprise.

  2. Love it-your header is really cute:@)

  3. Again so YOU.
    And how nice is that Linda?:)
    How very thoughtful.

  4. Isn't Linda the BEST!!?? She takes care of my blog too and is the most geberous person. You are so adorable as a BEAUTIFUL witch!!!

  5. And now a surprise of my own... me and my big mouth ahahahah
    I thought hilarious the detail and I'm even more happy to learn it was a surprise from Linda - you're right you are both kindred spirits with, if I may say so myself, lots of spunk to make it interesting and funny.
    Enjoy Halloween,


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