Thursday, October 23, 2014

Graveyard Dip

Graveyard Dip 
is always a fun and easy
Halloween food that is
not too scary but everyone
oohs and aahs over it and wants
to know how you made it.

I made two this year for my party as I was
feeding about 65 people.  It takes such a 
small amount of time and leftovers are
yummy too.

You can have as much fun
and be as creative as you want.

Use black gel food coloring and a
thin paint brush to add details to
your headstones, ghosts and even
a tree.

I started by laying down a path with
the crushed Gold Fish Crackers
and filled in the rest of the "ground" 
with crushed tortilla chips. 

Graveyard Dip Recipe
(For a 9x13 inch pan)

2 large cans Refried Beans
(I used Rosarita's Spicy Jalapeno)
1 pkg. taco seasoning mix
8 corn tortillas
1 C. crushed Goldfish Crackers
1 1/2 C. crushed tortilla chips
(or reverse it if you want the colors opposite)
1 can diced green chilis
1 C. sour cream
Black food coloring

In a large bowl mix the cans of beans with the
taco seasoning.  Place in the baking dish.

Heat the oven to 350.  Cut the tortillas
into headstone shapes, adding jagged edges
and cracks as desired.  Also cut out a
tree and a cat if desired.  I also cut
some thin strips to create bushes. 

Spray on both sides
with Pam.  Bake until golden brown. Remove 
and let cool.  

When cool, use a small paint brush to
accent the edges, paint sayings on the
headstones and add additional crack lines.

Place the headstones, cat and tree where
desired.  Use the pepitas and green chilis to
place around the headstones and create bushes.
Stick the thin strips of tortillas upright to 
make plants.  

Place the sour cream in a piping bag
with a large tip and pipe ghosts around
the graveyard.  Use black food coloring
to create eyes. 

Refrigerate until ready to serve.
Serve with chips.

I really like the cat painted black
with food coloring.

This is the opposite, with the tortilla
chips as the path and Goldfish as the
groundcover.  I liked the way this one looked better.

All the spooks gobbled these right
down and Beaulah was howling for more.

I will be sharing
this at


  1. You are so creative, Jacqueline! This is a clever idea. I know invitations to your parties are in demand.

  2. I'm going to pin this for next Halloween! Creative and tasty too!

  3. This is so fun Jacqueline, I never would have guessed the ghosts were sour cream! That last headstone is too funny-LOVE IT:@)

  4. Yes yes my little ones would love this:)
    You fed 65 people?
    I don't even know 65 people anymore:)

  5. Another fabulous creation, Jacqueline! You always have the best treats! This is awesome!

  6. That is so clever, Jacqueline. You are the hostess we all would love to be!

  7. Oh, how fun and adorable! Your dip will be featured in the FF Halloween bucket list tomorrow. Thanks for this wonderful recipe! Have a great week!


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