Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Disney Princesses at Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party

As the reigning "Fairy Godmother" 
I was invited to travel along with
these two Princesses 
to Disneyland's annual
Mickey's Halloween Party.

Normally you can't dress up as 
a princess at Disneyland - 
that would confuse the little children -
but for Halloween you can come
as Belle or any other Disney character
you would like.

So the whole crew gathered 
this year and guess who I went
as - YES!!!  


The "little Beasties"!

I reigned in my jealousy of
their beauty that night so we
could have some fun.

Ok, maybe I am working on 
reigning it in, but I didn't 
cast a spell on either of them - yet!!

Disney knows how to throw
a party and this is a fun one.

A special ticket is purchased for
Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party.
They sell out quickly, especially for
the weekends so be sure to buy
one early in the season.

The party officially starts at 7:00 pm
(the other guests are to leave by 6:00 pm
so if you aren't going to the party, you get
a very short day.  I know because we were there
for Fall Break one year and I had serious
envy as we were walking out and
party goers were walking in!!
You are welcome to
come to the party by 4:00 pm, which I 
recommend.  You don't need a regular
pass, just the special party ticket.  You
receive a wrist band to show that you have
paid for the party.  

If you love the fun of Halloween,
this is a party of all parties!

This is the night you get to meet
all of the villains.  Many of them were
at the front of the park.  Lines
were long and we are
speedy when we are at
Disneyland, so we just stopped
for a few shots.

But we had to stop and chat with
the wicked step-sisters.  You don't 
go up to them, they choose you from
the crowd, if they "want to talk to you"!

They were hysterical and of course had
to chat with The Belles.  The Sisters gave
pointers on how to curtsy and talk to 
the Prince.  They were fabulous.

This is the time of year when 
the villains come out to play
and they are GOOD ...very, very good
at being villainous.

The fireworks show features
the music of the villains too so
you shouldn't miss this!
Well, I am a fireworks gal and I
think it should never, ever be missed.

It gets more fun as it gets dark.

And all of the special Halloween
decorations come to life.

You don't have to wear a costume,
but it makes it lots of fun.
I wore my new witch boots
but brought a pair of comfortable
shoes to change into after dark.

We choose to hit the rides and then
go back and get the candy.  Disney
doesn't run out of candy and turn
out their lights!  How fun is that.

They even include crackers and apples
and carrots for those who don't
want all of the sugar.  This year it
was CHOCOLATE!!!  Yippee for me!!

So to enjoy 
Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party
I recommend:

1.  Come early at 4:00
2.  Dress in costume, but bring sensible
shoes (to change into if it wrecks your costume
to be without them).
3.  Enjoy the villains, but don't spend your whole
night standing in line for a picture for them.
4.  Enjoy the rides, then go for the candy.
5.  Be a kid again - it is so fun.

We also spent two days in the
park where the regular characters
are out and about.

It was everyone's first time 
on Cars.

My suggestion to enjoy Cars
as it now has the longest wait times:
1.  Get to Disneyland 45 minutes early
so you can get your tickets, get through
the gate and be waiting in California Disney.
2.  Leave the stroller at home this morning - you
will never get through the crowds with it.
3.  As soon as they let you, walk fast, don't run,
and head straight to Cars.  You will get on the 
ride quickly even if you aren't at the front of
the ride.
4.  Now go and get a Fast Pass for a ride later
in the day.  The Fast Passes will be gone before
5.  If two times just isn't enough, then hop in
the single rider line.  You won't all be in the
same car, but that's fine.
5.  Definitely come back at night to see 
Carsland lit up.
6.  Enjoy a Chili Cheese Cone at the
Cozy Cone.


The boys had already started
theirs by the time I got the photo
but this was super yummy in a
bread cone.

We also tried the spicy Chili Verde Cone
and their Pomegranate Lime.  Fun and yummy.
Unfortunately when we went back to have
another the last night, they ran out of chili.

Of course part of our fun at 
Disney is eating at the park.

We disagree with those who say
that it is just yucky park food.

Definitely wait in the lines for
the Dole Pineapple Whip Float.  

We tried the Blue Cheese and Onion Burger
at Hungry Bear Restaurant by Splash Mountain.
We also had the Chili Cheeseburger and 
Big Al's Chicken Salad there.  Everything
was amazing.  I stood in line next to someone
who said he comes five times a year and this
is his favorite place to eat.  Who knew??!!
We loved it too.  And it was reasonably priced.

Of course we had to eat twice at
the Bengal BBQ where we love 
the beef and chicken skewers, the 
asparagus and bacon skewers and
the jalapeno filled pretzels.
So much food, so little time!!

For the first time we tried 
breakfast at The RainForest Cafe.
The hostess recommended the
Breakfast Pizza and it was wonderful.

Kudos to Disneyland because for
the first time I can remember, they
kept their food services open late.  

We don't have time to eat and
when everything closes at 9:00,
people are hungry and not happy
that there is nothing to eat, so we were
thrilled to be able to eat late.  Hope
that continues!


And as they have all learned
we have to hurry and eat 
to get onto the next ride!

So glad the Princesses invited
the "Fairy Godmother" 
or "Evil Fairy" along
as they represented Greater Salt Lake
at Disneyland.

It was a 
Magical Time!!

We will be posting with


  1. How fun. Love your costume! Did you make it? The photos were fun but I was glad to hear your food recommendations. I've never been to Disneyland in the fall.

  2. I am so jealous, I would love to go. It looks like so much fun, and so much yumminess!

  3. What beautiful memories. Blessings, Catherine

  4. Looks like a blast! Bet everyone had a great time:@)

  5. If I ever read such an honest and proven-personally recommendation for Disneyland I really can't remember.
    It is all so appreciated and I can't believe I even find Malificent perfect in your pictures.

    What a lovely family you have and what an amazing blessing you are to each other by having so much fun together.

    Thank you for sharing,

    PS - Yes, you need to eat at the park. It's part of the fun package... it's like going to Paris and not having a macaroon, right?

  6. Hi Jacqueline! I've never been to a Disney park at this time of year but I can see that I must go next year! You are all having so much fun and the costumes are fabulous! Your Maleficent poses are perfect, too. We LOVE Disney, food and all, and the parades and decor are just as wonderful as the rides. We recently saw the new Magic Kingdom parade in Orlando and the Maleficent additions are so amazing. Thank you for the great Disney posts. You always get me excited to plan another trip! Linda

  7. Great costume Jacqueline. You make a lovely villain...LOL Looks like the whole family had a blast and where in the world did you put all that food you ate? Love the bread cone idea. Thanks for sharing great tips for the adventure. I grew up in Anaheim, home of Disneyland. Thanks for sharing such a fun party.

  8. You REALLY look great as Maleficent!!! I mean...REALLY convincing! I had to look 2 or 3 times to make sure that was really you! That must have been super fun getting all dressed up like that! The whole experience sounds like a blast-and-a-half!!! I've been to Disneyland twice in my life, but never around Halloween. It looks like a great time for both adults and kids!


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