Friday, September 19, 2014

The Girls Are Back In Town

The Girls Are Back In Town!

They all flew in to 
get the party started.
Then they agreed to pose for a photo. 

Beaulah was delighted 
to have them fly in 
and she is ready to create
some Halloween fun.

They are all cackling and
hatching plans for
a month of partying.

She is hoping Zoulah will
join the party.
Zoulah is her twin and lives
but Joni is packing her bags
for a big move so we will
have to see if Zoulah gets
to come out and play.


  1. I had NO idea my relatives were visiting you!!!! So cute! xo Diana

  2. Nice to see the girls are't this time of year so much fun ;-)


  3. Oh boy, my relatives are in town, I'm one of them as I'm an October girl...err, one of those!
    I love them they're so cute!

  4. It just wouldn't be Fall if the girls didn't make an appearance. They've earned their spot in the "Fall of Fame." Thanks for inviting us for a peek. Cherry Kay

  5. Always fun when the girls are around! Looking forward to it:@)

  6. It's about time those girls showed up again. They can create some havoc, but it's so fun and worth while. Welcome back girls!

  7. I can't wait for the fun to begin. Where's Joni going? Email me please with details.

  8. Can't wait to see what mischief they are up to this year!
    Hope Zoulah gets unpacked after her big move so she can join in, too.

  9. Welcome back, Ladies. I can't wait to see what y'all will be brewing up this year.

  10. Let the fun begin! I was just dragging some of my pumpkin head witches out of the attic. I miss Joni, and hope her move goes well.

  11. You sure hang with a questionable group of ladies Jacqueline. Ah yes, it was Beaulah I was thinking about, she's the cagey one.
    Let the partying begin!

  12. I too hope Zoulah can come out to play with your witches. It would not be the same at our home if she didn't take over the kitchen. She has had so much fun with Beaulah over the years.


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