Monday, September 29, 2014

Midnight Cookies and Cream with Cookie Waffles

Doesn't Midnight Cookies and Cream
Ice Cream from Haagen-Dazs just sound
like it should be the perfect ice cream
for this time of year?  

A Chocolate Cookie Waffle is
the perfect base for the rich
ice cream.  Then I topped it off 
with some homemade 
Chocolate Hard Shell,
some black Wilton Sprinkles
(aren't they just fabulous?)
and a cute molded candy
Witch Hat.

Anyone would love this for
their Halloween Dinner.

After we finished making these and 
my four grandkids dived in
the eight year old boy said,
"This ice cream is incredible!!"

Now I thought that had to be the 
perfect compliment.  As a matter of
fact, they were gobbling the ice
cream and ignoring the waffles!

I have to agree. This ice cream is 
so smooth and silky with chunks
of soft chocolate cookie!  Definitely
a new favorite chocolate ice cream.

There aren't
many good commercial chocolate
ice creams out there (speaking 
from a chocolate lover's perspective)
and this one is pure silk on the

Chocolate Cookie Waffle Recipe
(This is a quick and easy version.)

1 Betty Crocker Triple Chocolate Cake Mix
1/2 C. butter, melted
1 egg

Place all three in a bowl and stir
until blended.

Heat waffle maker.  Roll about
1/4 C. dough into a ball and flatten 
out slightly.  Bake in the waffle maker.  
These are going to be super soft so
I like to turn the waffle maker to
the side and let it flip out rather
than crumble trying to lift out.  Do
not overbake.  You want these soft
not crispy.  

Serve immediately as the outside
does crisp up quickly.

Makes 6-8 waffles.

(I usually make these with a homemade
brownie recipe but for a quick and easy
one, I was pleased with these.)

Chocolate Hard Shell Recipe

1 C. semi-sweet chocolate chips
(I used Hersheys)
3 T. coconut oil 

Place the chocolate chips and
coconut oil in a microwave safe bowl.

Heat on high for one minute.  Stir and
heat an additional ten to fifteen seconds
or until the chocolate is almost melted.

Stir until smooth.

Candy Witch Hats

1 C. Wilton Candy Melts, Black
Black gel food coloring
Coconut oil
Silver Lustre

(off Amazon)

So here is my little disclaimer first:  I melted
the Black Wilton Candy Melts and they were
more gray than black so I stirred in just the
tip of the knife blade of black gel food coloring
and stirred it in and it congealed.  You need the
melts thin enough to spoon into the molds.  I thought
I might have done something wrong, so I did it again,
this time adding the food coloring before melting
the candy in the microwave so it would be the same
temperature.  I ended up 
with the same results, so I had to add about 2-3 teaspoons
of liquid coconut oil to make it pourable.

If yours appear more black than gray after
melting, skip the food coloring which seemed
to cause the candy to congeal.  Otherwise,
add enough coconut oil to make it spoonable.

Place a spoonful into each of the molds.  Tap gently
to remove air bubbles or use a toothpick to pop any
air bubbles.  Place in freezer for about 15 minutes
or until hard enough to pop out of the molds.

I painted the buckle and band on with 
Silver luster made liquid with clear vanilla.

Makes 12-18 candy witch hats.

Beaulah was a little 
when all she found was an
empty carton in the trash.
Sorry, the grandkids were hogs!

Thanks to the folks at 
Haagen-Dazs for inviting me
to try out three fabulous new flavors
of their ice cream and gelato,
this one and

(It still amazes me that you can mail 
ice cream!!)
What a world, what a world!!

The Wilton Black Pearl Sprinkles
were found this time of year at
Wal Mart.  Get them before they
are gone!

I will be posting this with


  1. What a darling dessert! I'm sure Beulah understood about the grandchildren finishing off the carton...poor little witch!
    Thanks for the high praise of the ice cream and the inspirational dessert, Jacqueline.

  2. You always set everything up so beautifully! I want chocolate ice cream - NOW :)

  3. Oh my! I'd love to be one of your family members and the recipient of your spectacular desserts! This looks soo decadent. The waffles sound too good and so does the chocolate hard shell- that coconut has to give it a wonderful flavor! Love the cute hats too!

  4. Absolutely charming, and making it for the kiddles was a memory in the making.


  5. A special dessert indeed Jacqueline! Love your presentation (the hats are neat) and the cute pic of Beaulah at the end:@)

  6. As cute and clever as the waffle is, I would be diving straight into that ice cream myself Jacqueline! The candy witch hats really take this over the top! I will keep a spooky eyeball out for that Midnight delight!

  7. Oh my word...that looks like heaven on a plate! YUM!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  8. What a cute, cute idea. I may skip making the hats though and put a little paper one on!;>) So cute- xo Diana

  9. A very devilish dessert. Love the cute witch hats and it's always great to find some creamy decadent chocolate ice cream. Your family must be in heaven with all of these delectable desserts.

  10. Another delicious treat. Very clever presentation, Jacqueline. You are amazingly full of creative ideas.

  11. The ice cream sounds divine. Poor Beualah! She can com live with Zoulah, she would have been scooped up some ice cream at my house. You came up with such a fun way to eat ice cream!! Love the hats. Joni

  12. I could use a bite of that right now. I have to try this recipe soon! Love the witch hat. It turned out so cute!

  13. I could use a bite of that right now. I have to try this recipe soon! Love the witch hat. It turned out so cute!

  14. got my mouth watering!!! This looks delicious.

  15. Delicious idea! I haven't made waffles in ages but chocolate makes me want to get the waffle iron out :)

  16. Oh what a fabulous and witchy presentation for another delicious ice cream flavor! The waffle cookie base and candy witch hats take it over the top!


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