Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Haagen-Dazs Has New Flavors And I Get To Try Them! Pistachio Gelato Cookie Cups with Pistachio Brittle

Talk about indulgence!!
Haagen-Dazs is THE
superior ice cream and I 
get to try out these three new
flavors and tell you all about them!!

I know, I know, talk about Heaven!!

Which flavor to start with, 
and how to keep the kids out 
of them until I have a chance
to test them first??!!

Oh, the trials!

They arrived on my porch
while I was out of town and
fortunately my daughter
dropped by and called me to
tell me I had packages.

"Quick!! Open any packages!
It could be ice cream and melt!!"

Sure enough the highly anticipated
Haagen-Dazs had arrived.

Isn't the packaging just beautiful?

I am such a Europhile,
(Definition: a person who is fond of,
admires, or even loves European culture)
so I am going to start with
Pistachio Gelato.

Yes, I could have just dug into
it with a spoon and you probably
think I did, but I promise I gave
this gelato its due respect and
waited to taste until it was 
properly presented befitting
its gloriousness.

It is so smooth and creamy!
Probably the best pistachio gelato
I have ever tasted and we have 
tried a lot of them.

Wow!!  You are going to love its
smooth creaminess with just the subtle
saltiness of the pistachios.  The flavor
of the pistachios comes out perfectly.

I had to have a base fitting
Haagen-Dazs ice cream so
I created  Pistachio Cookie Cups,
a cookie baked on a non-stick griddle
that is shaped when hot to create a
crisp cookie bowl.

Then I garnished it with 
Pistachio Brittle.

I could have stopped with 
one scoop (hubby is my official scooper)
but I grew up in Wisconsin where
we ate our ice cream in cereal bowls
so who could stop at one scoop!

This beats allPistachio gelato 
I have had in Europe or the
United States.  

I don't know about you, but
pistachios are something we
always indulge in around the holidays
and this would make such a great
company dessert, or go ahead and
grab a spoon and dig in!

(Confession time:  hubby and I like
to eat a container of Haagen-Dazs while
watching a movie in bed.  How did
Haagen-Dazs know how much I 
love their product?!!)

Yes, I am going to torture you and
review one yummy creation at a time.
Which one will I do next???

Pistachio Cookie Cup Recipe

1 egg
1/3 C. melted butter
1/2 C. sugar
2/3 C. flour
1/8 tsp. salt
2 T. chopped pistachios
1/3 C. milk
1/2 tsp. almond flavoring

In a medium size bowl, lightly whisk the egg,
then whisk in the butter and sugar.  Add the flour,
pistachios, and salt and mix in, 
then stir in the milk and flavoring.  

Heat a non-stick electric griddle to 300 degrees.
Spoon a scant 1/4 C. batter onto hot griddle
(spray with a little Pam or butter it lightly
if desired).  Spread out the batter as
thinly as you can until it reaches about
6 inches in diameter.  Bake on the griddle
until the top is dry - about 7-8 minutes for 
one this size and then gently flip it over
for another minute just to brown it a little
and crisp it up.  Remove with a spatula and
immediately shape in a custard cup.  Let cool
until crisp.  

Pistachio Brittle
(made in the microwave)

1 C. white sugar
1/2 C. light corn syrup
pinch salt
1 C. pistachios, lightly chopped
1 T. butter
1/2 tsp. almond flavoring
1 tsp. baking soda

Prepare a Silpat pan on a baking sheet or
butter the baking sheet well.  Set aside.
Place the sugar, corn syrup and salt into a microwave safe large bowl.  
Glass is preferable as the mix
gets so hot.  Heat for 3 minutes on high, then
remove it and stir.  Heat for another 1 minute
then add pistachios and butter and 
heat for an additional
minute.  Remove and stir in the 
flavoring and soda.
It will foam up rapidly.  Quickly pour it onto the
prepared pan and spread out as thin as possible.
Let cool and break into pieces.  

I will be posting this with

Many thanks to Haagen-Dazs who so honored 
me with this opportunity to try some of 
their new fabulous flavors!!!


  1. Oooh to get ice cream on your doorstep is so incredible. I love the new packaging. I think I would love the pistachio the best. I love your little cups that you made -- just perfect for the gelato. Great presentation!! Yum. Joni

  2. Wow, this looks amazing. What a treat and the flavors sounds great. I love how you put it together.

  3. What a fun treat to get to try! The ice cream looks very elegant in your little cookie cups too-enjoy:@)

  4. Tortue us if you will! I've been looking for pistachio gelato ever since my daughter had it in Italy a couple of months ago. I hope this limited edition arrives in my grocery store soon. Looking forward to your next creation.

  5. Ice cream never looked so lovely to say nothing about how tasty. I checked to see if any had been delivered to my door, but no such luck.

  6. Wow! That looks incredible! Especially the midnight cookies and cream! That'd my weakness!

  7. Jacqueline, they certainly selected the perfect one to review their new product. Your presentation is remarkable. I will have to try not only the new flavor but also your additional delights for presentation. Thank you for sharing! Yum!

  8. Yummy, pistachio is my favourite flavour although it is usually consumed as frozen yogurt.
    Enjoy your treats!

  9. Wow how fun is that to have Hagen Daz delivered to your door? Love your cookie cups. I've been thinking about you with the hurricane in Cabo. Hope everythings OK at your place.

  10. Love those cookie cups and the brittle. The pistachio would have been the first I'd try too. Looks delicious!


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