Monday, September 1, 2014

Garden Fun 2014

These are some of my favorite garden photos
from this year - 2014.

I don't even remember planting Romaine
lettuce, but look how lovely it came up right
amidst my purple pansies this spring.  I enjoyed
the Romaine so much and have let a couple
go to seed so I can have more next year,
although I don't imagine they will ever
look this perfect!

Next came my strawberries, cherries
and raspberries, all overlapping each other.
Good thing the cherries come on because
then the birds leave the strawberries alone.

We have everbearing strawberries and they
have loved this cool August.  I continue
to have some every day and the birds have
forgotten about them.

Our first tomatoes were the 
Early Girls and of course I had
to make a tomato sandwich with them 
and then BLT's.

Our peaches ripen mid-July even though
my daughter and I bought "the same variety"
and hers ripen in August.
The tree is four years old and finally had a
nice crop of peaches.  


I always have to plant some yellow pear
tomatoes.  I love the color addition for
Bruschetta or salsa.

And now Romas are in full swing.  See how
long they are this year?  We have Grape Tomatoes
coming in full force too.  For such a small garden,

we are able to enjoy quite a lot of produce.


  1. So Nice fruit and vegatables from own garden...happy new week Darling Ria ..x..!

  2. What beautiful produce...and colors!

  3. Your fruits and vegetables look great, Jacqueline. There's nothing like fresh produce from your own gardens!

  4. Everything looks great, Jacqueline. I like the idea of the yellow and red tomatoes together for your bruschetta. So pretty! You're very lucky to be able to grow such beautiful peaches! Yum! They don't do well in our climate.

  5. I thought you had made an arrangement with the romaine and pansies..
    How beautiful!

    Lucky you and all that produce!
    Dr Oz says peaches are so good for us!

  6. Your garden has been amazing Jacqueline-lots and lots of goodies! Happy Labor Day-enjoy:@)

  7. I love the romaine and pansy photo! Funny, my roma tomatoes much for oblong this year also. I just picked the first few today.

    Beautiful shots of your garden!

  8. Interesting about the roma tomatoes being oblong this year. also. When we got home from the lake today, some sweet neighbor or friend left some roma tomatoes for us, and they were oblong just like yours. The romaine and pansies look beautiful together! Lovely shots of your garden.

  9. Mmm, lots of yummy things growing at your place.
    One of the instructors at the Toronto Botanical Gardeners would be proud of your romaine and pansies - not only for colour but growing flowers and food close together. He has been promoting this for years and says to put veggies in the front flower gardens.

  10. It all looks so fresh and delicious. I hope you have a wonderful Tuesday!!

  11. Beautiful photos of your treasures from your garden. I love the one of the lettuce and pansies. Gorgeous colors. I am new to your blog and your newest follower.


  12. Love the gorgeous cabbage and purple flowers, its so stunning!

  13. Beautiful photos - I wish we could grow peaches here, they look delicious.

  14. It is so gratifying to have fruits of your work around the garden, don't you think?

    I have several fruit trees but I've been putting off planting peaches - that I love - because they attract so much pests and all... seeing yours made me want to go to the garden center and bring my tree home.

    And look what a colorful post it turned up. Lovely.


  15. It is so gratifying to have fruits of your work around the garden, don't you think?

    I have several fruit trees but I've been putting off planting peaches - that I love - because they attract so much pests and all... seeing yours made me want to go to the garden center and bring my tree home.

    And look what a colorful post it turned up. Lovely.



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