Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Dressed Up Fall Table with Elegant Haagen-Dazs Pomegranate Swirl

It is time to set a dressier 
table for the season since we
have one of the new flavors of Haagen-Dazs
as a guest tonight!

Aren't these new containers so elegant?

I was lucky enough to have the
wonderful people at Haagen-Dazs
send me some of their new flavors
and their Pomegranate Swirl Gelato
just seemed to go with our fall
tablescape today.  It might be
a little early to find pomegranates
in the grocery section of your
store, but not in the freezer section.

Let's get the table set.

The table's inspiration came
from these inexpensive beauties
that I found at Home Goods 
this year.  I added the blingy
(leftover from Amanda's wedding)
and it took them to a whole new level.

They center the table along with a rich
beaded and fringed table topper.

We couldn't get too serious so I
added my home made grapevine
wreaths under a chocolate brown
plate to bring in more of the fall season.

I am loving this in the dining 
room so I moved two of my chairs
to the wall with the sideboard.
It is fun to leave tablescapes up
for the seasons and holidays
as part of your interior design.

I made eight of these grapevine wreaths
 two years
ago with the grapevines that grow
in the backyard just for tablescaping.

The plate stack consists of a chocolate
brown plate topped by a taupe textured
plate and finished off with the leafy
green and cream plate.
I just love the huge soup bowls.
Wouldn't they be great with a fall soup?

Don't you find that you change your
cooking once the weather changes.  My
first thing is I begin baking breads again
and then soups to go with the breads.

The rich wood of the napkin rings
brings some more rustic elegance
to the table.  

This tablescape is one that goes
beautifully with the uncovered wood
of the table so that it can be a star itself.

The green bubble goblets are my
favorite for fall.

I always find myself turning
to this green flatware year round.

These are just yummy all
dressed up in their finery.

This gives you a nice view of
the beaded topper.  I love to
scrunch up a topper for the center
of the table to give it texture and depth.

Are you craving candles with
the days shorter?  I know I am.  I
love soft candlelight as it gets cooler.

I can't wait for the candlelight
to shine through this hurricane.

Now that the table is set,
it is time to enjoy our dessert
inspired by one of nature's fall fruits
the beautiful pomegranate.

The Pomegranate Swirl Gelato
is another smooth and creamy dessert.
The flavor is really subtle and refreshing.

You wouldn't want to overpower
this flavor so I decided to just
accent it with some home made
pomegranate syrup and some
chocolate covered pomegranates.

Serve it up in a pretty dish
and squirt a little syrup over
the top and garnish with some more
chocolate covered pomegranates
and you have an elegant yet simple dessert.

Don't you just love their new packaging
for these flavors.  You know you are
serving up something elegant and
wonderful just with the packaging.

Pomegranate Syrup Recipe

1 C. pomegranate juice
2 C. sugar
2 T. cornstarch mixed in 1/4 C. cold water.
Red food coloring (optional)
Juice of 1/2 lemon

Bring the juice and sugar to a boil.  
Mix in the cornstarch mix slowly until
the desired thickness.  Add a little red
food coloring if desired.  Stir in the
lemon juice.  Let cool then refrigerate.

This shot shows you how pretty the swirls
are in the Gelato.

A big thank you to the people at
Haagen-Dazs who have given me
the opportunity to sample and then 
highlight three of their new flavors.

We have one more to go.  If you 
missed the first one
click here.  It was by far the
best Pistachio I have had.  You
could actually taste the salty pistachios!

The final one is
Midnight Cookies and Cream Ice Cream!!
Did I save the best one for last?  Who
knows!!??  I haven't cheated, yet!

Thanks for visiting today!
I will be posting this with


  1. OMGoodness, Jacqueline- THAT is just gorgeous---from the pumpkins to the dishes to the chandy to the chair slipcovers----It all just oozes Fall to me. I love it all!

    My hubby LOVES Haagen-Daza, too. Especially the one with the caramel in it. I am a plain old vanilla bean girl! xo Diana

  2. Haggen Dasz Vanilla Swiss Almond is my all time favorite ice cream EVER EVER. What a beautiful table, and you are sporting new some great flavors I would like to try.

  3. I love the warm colors of your setting Jacqueline-Happy Fall! Your new plush pumpkins are fun and the ice cream looks yummy:@)

  4. Gorgeous table, Jacqueline! The blingy pumpkins are so elegant and are a beautiful addition to your table. I love anything with pomegranates; so, I will have to look for this!

  5. I'm totally drooling!!!
    what an incredible post!
    & your home is gorgeous!!!!

  6. Jacqueline, you elevate everything to its highest. Wow, the table setting with the fall theme and a touch of bling is perfection. Pomegranate Swirl looks like a delicious treat, especially with the added sauce. With these recent reviews I have 3 new ideas for easy desserts. Thank you, sweet friend!

  7. This is exactly my favorite kind of table. Maybe it's because I love autumn so much or maybe it's that I am a huge fan of that exact shade of green in the plates, but I just love it. The green plates look hand painted, and I love them. And yes, the bowls are just begging for a big old bowl of soup.

  8. The bling contrasting with warm color, the mussed cloth, candles all combine in one of my favorite of your tables. Hagen Daz sure did the right thing by having you present their new flavors.

  9. What beautiful and fun pumpkins...your table is stunning and I can't wait to try the HD.....

  10. I'm drooling over here. I love everything about this.

    And, it will be perfect for Pink Saturday this weekend.♥

  11. Absolutely charming and perfectly lovely. Those shining greens take it WAY into the sky.

    I can't judge the capacity of the bowls or if they're oven-safe, but I'd be scooping in great spoons of homemade chicken pot pie and topping the whole rim with a lid of puff pastry. Even if the bowl is too big for a serving, the air-space between pie and lid would leave room to smoosh all that crispy crust down into the lovely sauce.

    Girl, you DO beat ALL.


  12. I'm loving your table. The dishes are one of my favorites, when I see that big soup bowl all I can think of is "Chilli"....a nice big steaming bowl of chilli. And after seeing how food that ice cream looks I'm thinking Gelato would be following it. Great post, thanks so much for sharing it!

  13. What a great tablescape for the fall. I am loving those bling pumpkins. Are the green goblets new? You are such a crafty woman with those gtapevine chargers. Those Hagen-Daz gelatos look soooo yummy. I am keeping a look up for them. Joni

  14. As usual Jacqueline you set a magnificent table. I too have these velvet pumpkins where I saw them as beautiful you upscaled them by adding the bling. I am not a bling kinda girl and never would have thought of doing that but you made them even lovelier with your special touch.How was the Gelato? I love pomegranates and they are coming out in abundance in our stores now.Yumm Susie

  15. Such beautiful colors for fall! That green is gorgeous! I love the bling on the velvet pumpkins, I may borrow that idea for mine! Love it all, you always have so much inspiration to share! Thank you!

    The gelato looks yummy too!


  16. Love your fall tablescape, your an amazing decorator. That gelato looks delicious too!

  17. Stunning my dear Jacqueline! I would say exquisite and elegant from the dishes, chandy, dining room, napkins, velvety pumpkins, etc...naff said!
    Have a great weekend.

  18. ...and yeah, the ice cream is great too!

  19. What a great way to use those grapevines! Love the bejeweled pumpkins and the whole table is lovely.

  20. How delicious! And what a lovely table. the bejeweled pumpkins are adorable too.
    Blessings, Beth

  21. I love the bling you added to the pumpkins. You can never have too much bling!

  22. Oh you have elevated your wee velvet pumpkins to a new level of glam with the addition of your brooches! The table is beautiful and inviting with the throw centerpiece and dish stack with your rustic grapevine chargers! I'll be looking for that flavor or gelato in my store's freezer section. Love your addition of the syrup and chocolate cover pomegranates...oh my!

  23. Love those glammed up pumpkins! I'm shivering right now and tempted to turn the heater back on but I would love a scoop of that gelato.


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