Sunday, September 14, 2014

Baked Jalapeno Poppers And A Garden Party

Baked Jalapeno Poppers!!

What a yummy appetizer and
a great way to use lots of those
fresh jalapenos you have grown
in your garden this year
(or bought from a Farmers' Market).

We were having a Garden Party.
Our Relief Society 
(the women's organization at our church)
this great garden party
Life Began In A Garden.

In the empty lot right next to my home
one of our neighbor girls, Paige,
who is my youngest daughter's age,
decided to plant a garden.

She and her friend Sam, asked permission
to grow this garden on the empty lot and
used water from our house to water it.

Starting by digging weeds and picking up
tons of rock, they tilled it and added compost
and created such an amazing garden 

that our Relief Society decided to host a 
garden party and Enrichment class there.

Paige and Sam came that evening
to tell us about their garden
and to share their produce.
Awnings were set up over the serving
table and a light dinner was served.

I volunteered to make 
the Baked Jalapeno Poppers

and a couple of 
Chocolate Zucchini Cakes
using ingredients from their

There were displays on canning
and drying and people were
available to answer questions.

It turned out to be an amazing
garden and a wonderful evening.

Baked Jalapeno Poppers Recipe

(Always make sure you use  gloves when working with 
these peppers.)

20 fresh jalapeno peppers
8 oz. cream cheese
1/2 C. Monterey Jack cheese
Cheddar cheese
Chopped tomatoes
Chopped cilantro 

Clean and seed 20 fresh jalapeno peppers.
Mix the cream cheese and Monterey Jack
cheese together in a small bowl.

Grease a baking dish.  Fill the peppers with
the cream cheese mix and arrange the peppers
in the baking dish.  Cover with foil and bake
for 20 minutes at 350.  

Uncover and sprinkle with cheddar cheese.
Lightly cover with the foil and return
to the oven for 5 minutes to melt the

Remove foil and garnish with the
chopped tomatoes and cilantro.

Serve hot or at room temperature.

Makes 40 poppers.

Baking the jalapenos tempers the heat.

Be sure to remove the seeds and veins
and even the top end for less heat.

Get together with your neighbors
and have your own 
Garden Party.  

Share your produce through a light
dinner and teach each other about
gardening and preserving.

I promise you it will be a fun time!

I will be sharing this


  1. The stuffed peppers look delicious but all the food looks yummy. what a fun time.. A lovely garden.. Thanks for sharing the recipe! Have a happy new week!

  2. What a great idea for a party! Love the location!

  3. Oh this is the best kind of party...everything right out of the garden and homemade...brought back so many memories especially that zuke choc cake. I love the mosaics...and especially the popper one as you stuffed each layer.

  4. Really amazing! I am so glad that you had this RS activity. I would love to have one or go to one. The garden is so beautiful. Great work. Hugs. Isabelle

  5. I find it incredible, and admirable that Paige and Sam would think to garden on a vacant lot. The resulting garden party with food from the garden to table is a good way to share the bounty and bring a community together. Your jalapeƱo poppers look yummy Jacqueline and I'm glad the party was a success.
    Thank you for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  6. I'm always in need of a new appetizer recipe so thanks for this one. Love jalapeƱos! I'm also crazy about chocolate zucchini cake.

  7. wow! what a great party! i love everything you prepared!

  8. I love the pretty presentation of your poppers Jacqueline:@)

  9. Now THIS, is a REAL garden party! This is very impressive and such a great idea to bring neighbors together and to enhance the land and EAT! I just love this idea and to make nothing but treats from the garden? Brilliant!

    Dear Jacqueline, how lovely to see your comment this morning! Thank you for your visit! Wishing you a delicious and HAPPY SEPTEMBER! Hugs! Anita

  10. It is so good, and inspiring, to see people return to their roots. In their ways of living, sharing and enjoying each other.

    I love that "life began in a garden"

    Thank you so much for sharing this,

    PS - are those jalapenos poppers strong flavored... I'd like to try my hand on them - it's the farm market for me - but don't want people to deplete the water supply ahahahah

  11. What a great garden party... Nothing like home grown vegies..
    It was so nice to see you had come for a visit.. Thank you so much for your sweet comment..

  12. Love, love love the recipe, Maam Jacqueline.

    TY so much for being my online Baking Book.

    Looks like you had fun.

    GB and more blessings.


  13. What a great idea to have a real garden party. Those peppers look great--I would think they'd make a big hit.

  14. Such a fantastic idea. I love the fact, that these kids started this garden. Having the garden party was a fantastic achievement to show off the produce and make yummy food. Well deserved effort. xo

  15. What a wonderful event! Kudos to those young people for creating such a wonderful garden and also to you for letting them use your water to keep it growing. Your popovers looks so good!

  16. Sounds like a really fun evening, and I'm so glad Paige and Sam planted and worked the garden - they did a great job!

  17. It's so refreshing to hear about young people doing positive things. We don't hear enough of it. Hats off to these talented and generous teens. Thanks so much for sharing pictures from the event and the recipe.


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