Monday, August 25, 2014

Caramel Oreo Brownies

Caramel and Oreos and Chocolate,

Let's just stuff every yummy ingredient
we can think of into the middle of
double chocolatey brownies and let
the yumminess begin.

My sister in law Michele had made
these and though I didn't get one of
hers, I took it on my sister Jean's word
that I had to try these.  

Yup!  They were right.  

These are amazing and not
as rich as I thought (meaning, I
could eat more than one - no problem!)

The batter made from a cake mix is
stuffed with chocolate chips and after
a little baking is topped with Oreos and
caramel and then more batter.  
What more needs to be said???

Caramel Oreo Brownies
(Very slight variation from Easy Baked)

1 pkg. Chocolate Cake Mix
(I like Betty Crocker's Triple Chocolate)
1/3 C. oil
2 eggs
1 12 oz. pkg. milk chocolate chips
1 12 oz. pkg. semi-sweet chocolate chips

24 Double Stuffed Oreos

32 unwrapped Kraft Caramels
1/2 C. butter
1 14 oz. can Sweetened Condensed Milk

Line a 9x13 inch pan with foil (if
you don't do this, you will have a hard 
time with the caramel sticking to the sides).
Spray the bottom with oil.

Heat oven to 350.

In a large mixer bowl mix the cake mix,
oil and 2 eggs until blended.  Stir in the
chocolate chips.

Place half of the batter into the bottom
of the prepared pan.  It won't completely cover
the bottom of the pan but it will fill in as it
bakes.  Bake this for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile place the caramels, butter
and the sweetened condensed milk (minus
1 T.) in a saucepan and melt the caramels.
Stir constantly until melted and smooth.

Remove the pan from the oven and place
24 Oreos on the top of the baked cookies.
Now pour the caramel over the cookies.
Finish by topping the pan with the remaining
batter.  You need to take small amounts
and flatten them out in your hands to try
and cover as much of the top as you can.  
Spray your hands with oil as needed.
Bake for 25 minutes.

Let cool in the pan.  When cool, lift the foil out
of the pan and peel it away from the edges,
then cut into squares.  I cut mine into 24
pieces.  These really cut best if you let them
cool overnight, but sometimes you just can't
wait that long.
Cut into 24 squares.

We have already made these twice
and I have people asking for more!  
They were fabulous!!

I will be posting with 


  1. I know a few kids that would love these.
    You belie the fact you eat more than one:)

  2. Lots of sweet goodness going on here Jacqueline:@)

  3. Oh, my is RIGHT! This one is over the top, Jacqueline.
    There used to be a local chocolate shop that made chocolate covered Oreos, and I thought they were fab.

  4. What delightful decadence! All my favorite dessert categories rolled into one :)

  5. Jacqueline, these look so good! My kids would devour these in one sitting! I am definitely adding this to my recipe file.

  6. Goodness those look so yummy! I could spend all day visiting your blog

  7. Ok, I am going to make these babies. I can't believe you could eat more than one. Thanks for sharing this over the top recipe. xo

  8. OH MY WORD, these look incredibly delicious and decadent! :)

  9. Jacqueline,
    I made these last week while I was in Provo and made them Gluten Free! They were sooooo yummy! The were a hit at the Friday night viewing of the BYU opening football game and I am going to make them again soon! A GF cake mix is always more dry than a Wheat flour cake mix, so I had to add extra moisture. We did add another egg and the rest of the additional moisture was in the form of....get this....Mrs. Richardsons's Chocolate Fudge Ice Cream topping! It was excellent! I was so proud of me, I waited overnight to cut and eat any of these. There were wonderful! We called them Mudpie you can hold in your hand. That is what they reminded me of. Thanks for sharing. I decided I need to make desserts more often, like you do, then just have a piece and give away the rest, telling myself that there is certainly more where that came from.

  10. Oh my everything but the kitchen sink! These are over the top decadent and I love them!

  11. Gaining weight just looking at these!

  12. Well you should add photography to your resume along with all your other wonderful talents. these tables are not only beautiful and indescribable but the photography is breathtaking. Jacqueline can I invite myself to your home? I would love to see you put one of your tables together. thank you for such beauty.Susie

  13. Boy...drowning in chocolate goodness here.


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