Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Elegant French Table

I have been posting a lot about 
since we got home from there
at the end of May
(and I still have some more posts
I want to share with you)
so I decided to create an
Elegant French Table
in honor of our fabulous trip.

The inspiration actually came as I passed
this printed burlap
at WalMart and
couldn't resist it
(besides which it was so inexpensive per yard!)

Rather than cut it down to runner size, I
decided to use the full width of the fabric
and just serged the edges placing it over
my pinwheel pinch pleated tablecloth

The dinner and salad plates were new
this spring from Home Goods.  
They definitely have that elegant French feel.

Speaking of new,
I have new chairs at my dinette table
covered in white "leather" from
They are so great with all the little ones eating
at this table.

Here is a closeup of the new salad plates.

I just love the layered effect with the
scrolling and stamping.

It gives it this fun, elegant, almost
architectural detailing. 

 These oblong plates
are really unique.

My black flatware from Horchow
are the perfect touch with the plates
and the table runner.

The centerpiece features
French chocolates and pastries.

(These are so fun because they are
artificial and the little ones always 
want to taste them.  I got them from
Tai Pan years ago and they still look
freshly made!)

Fresh Peace roses and ferns from the
garden fill this stacked dessert tray.

A flying pig hangs from the chandy.
We have a couple of pigs in the
kitchen.  Lynn at Happier Than A Pig In Mud
would love seeing these.

Hubby always says,
"Fat pigs love to eat!"
and we do love to eat so a 
couple of fat pigs have been
resident in our kitchen for years.

I paired my pewter goblets with 
solid black goblets.

And I tucked black napkins into the goblets.

Since you can see the outdoor table
right through the rounded window
I made another fleur de lys runner
for it too.  It is amazing what a little
fabric can do for a table and it was
so inexpensive.

Summer flies by so quickly and sometimes
we have a hard time taking the time 
just to reminisce about a trip or event
so having the table set like this is
a great reminder.

I hope you enjoyed your visit today.

I thank those who worried about me
when I was not posting.  A couple
even contacted me to make sure I
was all right.  

I was just overwhelmed with a
garden that had been neglected while
I was gone, showers, weddings and
having some summer fun.  Thanks for
giving me a little push to get back blogging!

Oh, besides all that I was visiting Joni's
son in the hospital with MRSA for a week.
Read about it here.  How blessed we are
to have such great medical care.  I read
about someone who also had developed sepsis 
in our area and
lost both legs, all ten fingers, had 100 surgeries
and 9 months of hospitalization and finally
a kidney transplant.  Thanks be to God that
Joni's son is on the mend.

Crazy, busy summer.

I will be posting this with


  1. Oh my goodness I didn't know about Joni's son- how scary. Thank the good lord he's ok now. That MRSA is scary stuff.
    Love your tablescape. The fleur de-lis tablecloth is perfect and I love those dishes! I haven't seen your posts about going to Paris! Come to thin of it I haven't been seeing any updates on your posts. I've just scrolled through and now I'm hungry with all your foodie posts!! XO, Liz

  2. Jacqueline,
    First of all lucky you with your trip to Paris... I'd love to go some time. Your table is an inspiration... Love that fabric you used. Love your Paris table...& runners.

  3. I love your new dishes they are stunning and the table cloth you lovingly made is gorgeous...but oh how darling are your flying pigs ;-) tooooo cute......


  4. Very pretty Jacqueline, I really love the faux desserts, I was drooling myself! Cute flying pig:@) Thanks for the shout-out, wishing you a fun 4th of July!

  5. Jacque,
    Love the table setting! you have so many fun dishes! I never did find any I really wanted when I was searching there in April. There were some I liked, but I ended up getting some from the Gardner Village Antique store!
    I am so glad to hear your nephew is getting better! WE will remember him in our prayers. My hubby is on the mend from a second infection and a surgery, but still having infection issues. It is not MRSA, but it is lingering. It has been a month this time it was 6 weeks last time. I hope they add a new antibiotic tomorrow when we see the doc. Love your home! Are you keeping the chairs you had at your round table? They are so beautiful as well as your new chairs!!
    Talk soon,

  6. How lucky they are for having you giving support in there trial times.
    How blessed you are when you're life is full of happy endings.
    I'm hopeless with fleur de lys creations. Whenever I find one - in prints, fabrics etc - I immediately feel a pull to it.
    It's so elegant. I even like it in tattoos ahahahah
    Thank you for sharing the elegant tablescape.
    Take Care,

  7. You found the fabric at WalMart? I'm going there today to see if it exists in these parts. As always, your table is splendid and totally reflects the elegance of Paris.

  8. The burlap is just perfect!! Love how you utilized it and built a whole story around it. I, too, am a Francophile (just recently posted some pics from Provence on my blog - The pastries are amazing and I can't believe they aren't real! Nice post... :-)

    Lory at

  9. That burlap table cover is wonderful! Love it, and your elegant, classy table is sooo evocative of Paris. Belle'!

  10. Ooh la la, Jacqueline, you always set the prettiest tables! I would love to be a guest and enjoy all your pretty things. I'm loving your new dishes and the table toppers are wonderful.
    I'm so happy that Joni's son is on the mend!
    Happy 4th to you and your family.

  11. I love your new plates Jacqueline, just fabulous, and especially the rectangular ones! Your printed burlap is a great contrast and keeps it all from becoming too formal and serious! I did miss your blogs, but knew you must have been up to something fun and fabulous! Love the flying pigs!

  12. A nice table tribute to remember Paris. I'm just back from Ireland and know what you mean about the gardens getting away from you but I'm slowly getting things in order again.

  13. Stunning and perfect to remember your fabulous trip to Paris Jacqueline! The dishes are to die for, I love them with that fleur de lys, perfectly French tablecloth!
    Have a super, duper 4th. of July celeb!

  14. What a beautiful table, Jacqueline! Love the fabric! Amazing what you can find at Walmart these days! Love your dinnerware, as well. It's perfect for this setting! Happy Fourth of July!

  15. Love love love the burlap fabric will have to go check that out!

  16. What a gorgeous table! I love the runner and everything you've chosen, but the little flying pig is absolutely the best! It's the touch of whimsy that makes the table.
    I'm so glad to hear that Joni's son is on the mend!


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