Monday, July 7, 2014

Chocolate Mousse for the Angels

You know me, I am a cookbook fan so
when we recently went to this summer's
Homeshow and one builder offered a drink
bottle or a family cookbook, I grabbed 
the cookbook.  

This comes from the
Custom Home Cookbook
by Carrie McEwan.
I read the cookbook right away and this one intrigued me.  
So the only ingredient I needed was an
angel food cake and I bought that within
a couple of days.

I love having a place to take a new recipe
so that I don't sit and eat the whole pan
by myself.  We had a lunch that we were 
going to and there is no better place to try out a 
new recipe.

It is basically a chocolate mousse 
poured over broken angel food cake
and loving almond with chocolate like
I do, I had to add a little almond.

All I could think was "I am in love!"

A chocolate mousse is fairly easy
but there are a few things to watch for.
The chocolate is melted and egg yolks
are added and stirred in.  

Now you have to let it cool a little
because you will be folding it into
egg whites and it can't be hot without
inflating the egg whites.

Egg whites are whipped until
stiff.  These are probably over whipped
just a little but it still worked well.

Then a scoop of egg whites 
- the sacrifice-
is stirred into the chocolate mix to 
lighten it.  

Then you will fold the rest of the egg whites
into the chocolate mixture, trying to not
deflate the egg whites by folding gently
until no streaks remain.

If you just take a little care with
chocolate mousse, you will have a
light and fluffy dessert.

Chocolate Mousse for the Angels

2 C. semi-sweet chocolate chips
3 T. sugar
3 T. water
1 tsp. almond flavoring
4 eggs, separated
1 C. whipping cream
1 large angel food cake

Melt chips, water and sugar in a microwave
safe bowl, heating for 30 seconds and then stirring
and then another 30 seconds and stirring.  When the
chocolate chips are melted, stir until smooth.  Let cool
for 5 minutes and then stir in the 4 egg yolks, one at a time
and the almond flavoring.
Now let cool an additional 5 minutes.

Then whip the 4 egg whites until stiff.  
Take a large scoop of egg whites and stir into
the chocolate - the "sacrifice".  Now fold
in the remaining egg whites.

While folding the egg whites, begin whipping
the cup of cream until stiff.  Fold that into
the mousse mix.

Break the angel food cake up into
nice sized pieces and place in a large
bowl.  Pour the mousse over the cake 
and gently toss the cake to cover it.
Scoop into a 7x11 inch dish.
You can put it in a 9x13 but it will
be thinner.  Place in fridge overnight to set up.

Garnish wish sweetened whip cream
and fresh raspberries.

A little missy was trying to steal all of
the fresh raspberries off of the dessert.
She carried the extra bowl of raspberries
to the lunch with me and when we arrived
there were only six left in the bowl!!!

So I guess there were no raspberries to
pass around.

Someone needs to start a weekly 
Chocolate Party 
for bloggers!!  


  1. This looks delicious...I am definitely going to have to try it! You should start that party, it would be perfect!


  2. Goodness, that looks light yet decadent! Ditto to Trisha's suggestion, you would be the perfect host for a chocolate party.

  3. Sounds like a nice fluffy dessert for summer:@)

  4. This looks like a wonderful summer dessert. I'm going to have to make this for a friend who loves chocolate like you do. You need to start the chocolate blog party!!

  5. I know, and I've made, several chocolate mousses (my kids won't eat any other dessert and with them that sweetest Princess could have all the whip cream and the raspberries as they tend to be chocolate mousse purists ahahah) but this one is a glorious winner.
    Someone should invite me over so I could bring it with me... might make some next weekend because I fret with taking non-experienced recipes ;).
    Those nails are too lovely. You're fortunate for always having kids around. I guess that's why you are always so happy and fresh.
    Take Care,

  6. Oh wow this looks and sounds soooo yummy, ok you need to stop making my mouth
    Thanks for sharing ;-)


  7. This looks delicious and I hope you start the party!!!

  8. Oh, my! This looks so yummy! I'm going to splurge and make this. Angle food cake and all those egg whites. How bad can it be for my Weight Watchers diet? '-)


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