Monday, May 19, 2014

Sunday at the Tuileries Gardens

We spent Sunday afternoon walking
through The Tuileries Gardens.  

We were here a few years ago in May
but the flowers weren't in bloom
like they are this time.

I had to stop and take this beautiful
shot of a purple bike against
the purple gardens!  So perfect -
it was like a prop brought along for 
my delight.

Hubby and I are architecture fanatics
more than art fanatics and we
could just walk the streets of Paris
endlessly enjoying all of the
architectural detail and taking
photos of those details.

Add to that the beauty of flowers
and I had the perfect stroll!

The blooms were fantastic.

At the end of the garden 
is the Louvre.  You can imagine
what this garden must have been like
when it was part of the royal palace.
Today it was crowded with people.
How nice that so many can now enjoy it.

The fountains were all on and people were
enjoying the sunshine pulled up in their
chairs around the fountains.

The children were gathered around this
fountain playing with the wooden
boats and someone even had brought
a motorized boat.  The movement of
the water pushes the wooden boats
around and the children use poles to push
them back out.  They were delightful to watch.

There is an area for children with trampolines
and another with slides.  Families were out
in large numbers enjoying the perfect spring weather.

It couldn't have been a more perfect day!

I have pictures and a recipe for you from
our first cooking class - 
but I am running out the door so will
leave those for later.  I promise to
do a tutorial.

Here is something to tempt you to come

Yes, I made all of these.  Frances our teacher
made it so fun and so easy and we each took
home about 15.  We have been enjoying them
ever since!

Today we are off to learn Croissants!

Wish you were all going to class with us!!


  1. I am so glad you shared the stunning garden with us....It reminded me that I have foxglove seeds that need planting today so I can try and copycat that stunning view!

    I probably wont get THAT copycat close but I am going to try!

  2. Did you ever think 35 yrs ago you would be celebrating this way?

  3. LOVING your anni, so many wonderful pics and memories! i spent my honeymoon in paris, love retracing my steps with you. what a wonderful life you have, thank you for sharing~

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Jacqueline, your posts and photos make me feel like you took me along on your wonderful trip.

    You know I love those pretty pink macarons, and I am all ready for one of your croissants.

  6. You must have been in purple heaven in Paris! It all looks picture perfect!

  7. Just lovely, Jacqueline. There is nothing more wonderful than strolling in Paris. Looking forward to MORE. xx's

  8. What lovely gardens. Nice way to spend the day. Love the purple bike and flowers. Joni

  9. Paris is always a good idea but through your eyes it becomes gayer... so glad you're having fun. What's dear husband doing while you attend those classes? Tried macaroons and only you will be able to explain it to me so I can shine ahahah.
    Croissants, I've tried my hand with and not so bad.
    Enjoy and keep having all the fun!

  10. What a wonderful way to celebrate! It sounds like you're enjoying every second and drinking it all in.

  11. Wow! Your photography is amazing! Each photograph looks like a painting. I will look forward to your next post.

  12. Jacqueline, looks like you two are certainly celebrating with endless fun. What a joy! The macaroons looks as pretty as I know they taste. You even made a heart shaped one. Look forward to seeing more of your trip. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Thank you for sharing! How fun to visit Paris through your pictures. Can't wait to see your recipe and to hear about the croissants. Have fun!

  14. Looks like you're having an amazing trip Jacqueline! Enjoy every minute:@)

  15. I love it. Beautiful photos. The flowers look wonderful. I love love watching the children sail the little colorful boats.


  16. You must feel like Alice in Wonderland, Cinderella and Julia Child all wrapped up into one!!! Have fun, and I look forward to the macaron recipe!

  17. Your pics are exquisite and I just love that purple bike and those macaroons you made.
    Scrolling further down to see your other posts, I saw you sitting in that exact chair I sat in...what fond memories except that I lost my family for several hours!
    Enjoy your amazing holiday and look forward to more stunning pics.


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