Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to my lovely mother
that I lost when I was the tender age
of 33!  (She is the one on the right.(
She was such an example in my
life to keep learning.  She started jogging
in her 50's and started taking painting classes
and photography.  I think the kids were finally
raised and she felt she could do some things
for herself.

Love this picture - no that isn't my dad!  What is
her body language saying?

She taught me the love for cooking and trying
new foods.  We sat by her side every Saturday
as she baked.  

 She is the second from right.

These pictures all come from her high school
years and my uncle gave them to me.

How I love and adore the things our mothers teach us!


  1. Lovely post, Jacqueline! Happy Mother's Day to you!

  2. Happy Mother's Day Jacqueline! Enjoy the day:@)

  3. You are a great mom and Nana:-) She must be very very proud!

  4. Jacqueline, your mom certainly raised a wonderful daughter who is obviously a fantastic mother and grandmother. It's sweet to see these photos and read about your mom. I've been thinking of my sweet mother all day. You lost your mom at such a young age. I know how blessed I am to have had my mother all these years.
    Happy Mother's Day!

  5. She must make everyone mad at Heaven by bragging about her wonderful Family on Earth. And she should. She left behind wonderful heirs of her beauty, her strength and her faith.
    (belated) Happy Mother's Day Jacqueline!!!

  6. She would be so proud of you. I am sure she is smiling down from Heaven. I am so sorry your mom passed when you were so young. She was a great role model for you and it certainly shows in everything you do.

  7. Me too, Jackie:) I lost my mom when I was 30. What great photos you have of her:)
    From what I've seen (you and Joni and families) your mom has left quite a legacy! <3


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