Monday, May 12, 2014

Anniversary In Paris

At a recent dinner we went around the table
and told how we got engaged.  Needless
to say, none of the engagements were
very exotic or romantic.  Some of them
were just comical.

Then we went around the table and asked
the men, "Knowing what you know about
your wife now, how would you get engaged?"

The engagements were much more romantic
and exciting this time around the table.

Hubby and I had been trying to come up with
something wonderful to do to celebrate our
35th wedding anniversary and when it
was his turn, he said, "I would take her to
Paris, I would give her some cooking classes
in Paris and I would slip an engagement
ring into a macaron and drop to my
knee and ask her!"  

Of course I squealed, yes!!!
So that little dinner conversation kind of
cemented what we were going to do 
to celebrate 35 years of marriage.  

We are off to Paris to celebrate our anniversary
and we are going to
Disneyland, Paris,
and we are taking cooking classes
on croissants, French bread and macarons.

I will keep you posted on all of the fun.
Au revoir until then!


  1. Jacqueline, I'm squealing with delight for your! Congratulations on celebrating 35 years of marriage. Your husband sounds like a very thoughtful, romantic guy. Have fun!!!!!

  2. Yeahhhh how wonderful, hope you enjoy every beautiful moment ;-)


  3. Oh you lucky thing! Have a marvelous time, I can't wait to hear all about it!

  4. Lucky girl! Congrats on 35 years-have an amazing trip:@)

  5. Green with envy here. Have some extra fun for me! :) Congratulations on your 35 years together!

  6. Wonderful!!!! Happy and excited for you. The cooking classes are right down your alley. Can't wait to see all you do.

    Your husband is a sweetheart! Enjoy.

  7. So wonderful, J.
    This will be heaven for both of you.

  8. Jacqueline, Congratulations on your anniversary! I'm so excited for you!! Your hubby is so sweet and thoughtful and I can't wait to hear about your adventures in Paris and Disney! Linda

  9. Wonderful!!! Enjoy every second.♥

  10. You're living "The Best has yet to Come" Adage YAY! So Happy for you.
    Enjoy, have fun and do share.
    Happy Anniversary!

  11. That is very romantic do you know what classes you will do. I did a bakery tour through meet the French that I really enjoyed. Do you speak french I always did the cooking classes in French.

  12. Enjoy yourself!!! Eat lots of good food, drink lots of good wine, and then walk it all off exploring!!!

  13. Happy Anniversary and have a great time!


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