Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Fabulously Easy Hot Fudge

I bet you can guess that I love chocolate. 
 I have pondered this.

Why do I love it so much?

 I know it isn't just the taste.

A lot of it has to do with texture
texture has definitely improved over the years.

Chocolate should literally melt in your mouth
there should be no grainy feel.
Yes, I think it is as much texture as
it is taste, and of course, the smell -
I love the smell of chocolate too.

My son Marcus  made me this
wonderful sign which I have in my kitchen.

I love it!

This is so easy and you probably have
everything on hand for it.

Fabulous Hot Fudge Recipe

1 C. semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/2 C. butter
1 can sweetened condensed milk

Place the three ingredients in a microwave
safe bowl.  Melt for one minute, then stir and
melt again for 30 seconds, stirring again.  Repeat
for an additional 30 seconds if you need to.

This is super thick.  You can thin it down 
with a tablespoon or two of milk or use
it thick and rich like it is.

We love to use it for a
Chocolate Fondue.


  1. What a wonderful sign your son made you. It is true. I love chocolate. It seems to make everything seem a bit better.
    This is delicious hot fudge!
    Blessings dear. Catherine

  2. Chocolate is a food group! This looks scrumptious. :)

  3. It even LOOKS creamy! Divine!

  4. How sweet is he?
    Like your choco sauce?:-)
    Have not had choco fondue in so many it is good..
    Idea for my boys💫

  5. I used to make Helen Corbet's chocolate sauce and keep it in the refrigerator. Only problem was I'd end up snacking on chocolate sauce by the spoonful. Will try this recipe. Looks delicious!

  6. You have got to be kidding me. It is one of those slap your head moments of "why didn't I think of that?" Great recipe- xo Diana

  7. Oh no, please keep this away from me! I'll skip the ice cream and fondue, and eat this from the jar. xo

  8. What an easy recipe and what could be better than this over ice cream??!!

  9. Yum! Sounds delicious, Jacqueline. When I was growing up my mom always made homemade chocolate syrup to top ice cream. Hope all is well with you and your family. :)

  10. This looks so yummy! I also wanted to let you know that a lot of subscribers are no longer getting Feedburner blogs. I had to go to Studio 5 to find you again.

  11. I have made your recipe before, and I love it. Joni


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