Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Easter Dinner Table

The Mama Bunny at Purple Chocolat Home
was busy baking and chocolate making so
for our family Easter Dinner
she cheated a little and kept the theme
she had used for the Easter Birthday Lunch
and modified it as she was setting the
table for 12.

(I don't blame her one bit as she was
hopping just as fast as she could to get
everything done!)

She didn't have 12 of either of the 
purple dinner plates, so she alternated
a textured square one with a round ruffled one.

Mama Bunny also switched out the goblets to these
lighter amethyst ones, alternating the bubble
goblets with the Amethyst King's Crown.

The purple plates were topped with a
stack of textured white, deep purple glass
and a mercury glass salad plate.

These beautiful Amethyst King's Crown glasses
were a gift from her sister Jean.  
The Ruby King's Crown
that her aunt owned were always the star of
Christmas dinner and when
 none of this side of the family
inherited the ruby goblets, 
she found some online and
gifted Jean and Joni with some. 
(Yes, all three girls start
with J's - you can imagine the fun
 their parents had
confusing their names!)

Later Jean found these amethyst goblets at an
antique store and gave them to her.  
Mama Bunny had
never seen amethyst ones 
before and just loves them.

She kept most of the centerpiece 
which consisted of bunnies and eggs, but
added  fresh flowers in purple and white.

She switched out
new grass in a smaller container

and chocolate Easter eggs took over the
darling bunny pedestals.
The pedestals moved from the plate stack
to surrounding the centerpiece.

Keeping the same purple tablecloth 
and purple theme, the table was a
very easy switchover for a larger crowd
of little bunnies hopping everywhere!

She was pretty busy baking and creating
as you saw if you read the post on
new Easter Dinner Recipes
so having a quick switchover for
the table really helped.

Everyone loved having
Easter so late this year
making the lawn beautiful
for the annual
Easter Egg Hunt.

The flowers were just perfect.

The daffodils were just starting to
brown around the edges and now
just a few days later they are done.

A few eggs got tucked into the
flowers but not too many so
the little (and big) bunnies
 wouldn't trample them.

All the bunnies are attempting to squint into the
sun before the hunt begins.  Papa Bunny is
taking the photo.

Little bunnies are separated from the
big ones, as everyone wants in on the fun
and so no bunnies get trampled!

The little ones go first and then cheer on their
parents after.

Just a little playful horsing around
before Mama Bunny says "GO!"

Such adorable little bunnies!  
Those faces just cry out "KISS ME!"

Afterwards, they all returned into 
the house to open their eggs. 

This is little Jacquelyn bunny.
After we were all done and the empty 
eggs were left in the middle of the coffee table,
she kept opening them and finding them
empty, she would say, "No" and trying
one after another, she kept saying, "No", "No", "No",
with each empty egg.  It was darling!

One final surprise were these fun
confetti filled eggs that a niece convinced 
Mama Bunny to buy in Texas.
You crack them on someone's
head. The bunnies were very surprised.

 Messy but fun!

I will be posting this with


  1. Looks like you all had a fun Easter! Love the purple glasses-very pretty:@)

  2. Mama Bunny sure knows how to make Easter fun for her family! Love the confetti eggs, but only if Papa Bunny cleans up the confetti afterwards :o)

  3. How awesome. I love popping in here.
    Your family are blessed to have such an incredibly talented mom and gran.
    Happy Easter.

  4. Wonderful table and a day you had! Looks like great fun and a wonderful family. Thanks for sharing it...

  5. Beautiful family...and you looked did your flowers etc..

    Love your white dress on the sidebar too.
    So nice to see green grass..geesh they grow up fast ..look at mini J:)

  6. You have a beautiful family!!! And OH your table....just gorgeous! I have the ruby glasses- we always called them ruby "thumbprint" glasses. They belonged to my hubby's grandmother. I use them quite often with red transferware and at Christmas, too.

    It looks like you had a wonderful time. I can tell that your family is full of love and fun! You should be proud of them all---and I know you are. xo Diana

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I wish I could remember what your table looked like but after meeting your family everything else was forgotten - Those "babies" are a Hymn of and to Blessings.

    So I had to start again and yep it's official: there's nothing you can't do. Everything Amazing! It helps that you seem to have an endless stock of amazing items but it's so much more because where one would fret and mess up, you just slide through.

    I believe one could live in one of your tablescapes and never get bored or tired - so many lovely details.

    Happy Easter Jacqueline,

  9. Mama Bunny is amazing in all that she does. I think she is a wise bunny to tweak a table when she can. It certainly was elegant with all the purple details. Love seeing the egg hunt photos. How special to have such a large family enjoying holiday traditions together. Ahhhh, yes, the cascaron tradition has migrated to Utah. They are a mess, but such fun, especially with a group like your fun loving family. Just remember the rules………only outside. '-)
    Thanks for sharing the fun and the beauty of your Easter table, Jacqueline.

  10. Well mama bunny sure did a great job! The table looks magnificent! I love those mercury glass dishes on top of the purple- what a great look! Looks like all your family had a great time and I know you fed them well!

  11. Wonderful shots of your family, Jacqueline! It was a beautiful day here too.

  12. Beautiful table, Jacqueline...I smile every time I see those amethyst Kings Crown stemware, so gorgeous.
    Have a wonderful week.

  13. You've got some sweet little bunnies there- What a lovely day! :)

  14. Beautiful have used the purple to perfection. Sweet family!

  15. Jacqueline, You are so much fun! Love the exploits of Mama Bunny!

    I can't say enough about your beautiful family!!!! You are so blessed. Those grands are darling, darling!

    I just told my husband about the little one, saying no, no, no! Glad your Easter was special.

    Your table was of course, sparkly and festive as always. You have the gift of design along with your wonderful baking and cooking.

    Loved this post.

  16. What a beautiful Easter table and what a beautiful family!

  17. Jacqueline, you have out-done yourself. Your family is beautiful and I can see so many smiles on their faces. How special for them to enjoy the Easter feast and festivities. Your table is gorgeous, along with the decor. So vibrant and beautiful. Love the bunny bread and rolls. Joni's dessert inspiration is great hit. Mama Bunny did your family proud.

  18. Love your purple Easter table! I hoped to get your purple Chocolate Home Tag to you before Easter, but I am still working on it!
    Love the family pictures and the easter egg hunt. Such lovely flowers blooming in your garden and in you family! (Grand children!)

  19. Jacquline what a beautiful family and your table as always is absolutely stunning the purples are just gorgeous thanks for sharing your family with all of us.Susie


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