Monday, April 28, 2014

Chocolate Bread Pudding with Caramel Cream Sauce

My first introduction to 
Chocolate Bread Pudding
was in a restaurant in
New Orleans where 
the Chocolate Bread Pudding
came out warm and two waiters
attended it with two forks to open
it up and the other waiter had
a small pitcher of chocolate sauce
and a small pitcher of caramel sauce
and he poured the sauces into the
center of the warm pudding.

Flavor and presentation!
I was wowed and won over.   

Chocolate Bread Pudding
12 C. European style bread cut into 1 inch chunks
1 qt. cream or 2 C. cream and 2 C. half and half
2 C. brown sugar
1 C. white sugar
1 egg
1 T. vanilla
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 1/2 C. semi-sweet chocolate chips
3/8 C. orange juice
1/4 C. brown sugar
1/2 C. semi-sweet chocolate chips

In a larger bowl place the bread cubes.  Set aside.
In another bowl mix the cream, sugars, egg,
vanilla and cinnamon.

In a microwave safe bowl place the 
chocolate chips and orange juice.  Microwave
the chocolate in 30 second intervals, stirring
between each one until the chocolate is melted.
Stir until smooth.  

Whisk the chocolate mixture into the sugar mixture,
then pour over the bread cubes.  Let the
bread soak for about 30 minutes, then place
in a 9x13 inch cake pan that has been
sprayed with Pam.

Sprinkle the 1/4 C. brown sugar and the
chocolate chips on the top.

Bake at 375 for 40-50 minutes
or until bubbling around the edge
and set.  

Let cool.  You may serve it warm or
at room temperature.
Top with Caramel Cream Sauce
and Cinnamon Chocolate Sauce.

Caramel Cream Sauce

In a medium saucepan melt 2/3 C. butter
and then stir in 2 1/2 T. flour.  Cook until
bubbly and slightly browned and nutty
smelling.  Stir in 2 C. cream, 1 C. brown sugar
 and 1/4 tsp. salt, whisking until smooth
and cook over medium heat until thickened.
Remove from heat and stir in 1 tsp. vanilla.

Cinnamon Chocolate Sauce

Place 1 C. semi sweet chocolate chips in
a microwave safe bowl along with 1 C. sugar, 
1 C. cream and 1/4 tsp cinnamon.  Microwave
at 30 second intervals, stirring between each 
interval until smooth and the chocolate is all

Garnish with whipped cream.

Click here for a printable recipe.

Talk about the perfect comfort food!
This hits all of my buttons.

Thanks for stopping by and visiting
Purple Chocolat Home.

I will be posting this with


  1. YUM! I'll have to try with GF bread! Maybe next time I am in your area I we can go to lunch! I am back home again!

  2. Beautiful photo's of an absolutely delicious treat.
    I grew up having bread pudding for dessert. My mother made it often, though I never had chocolate bread pudding. This is a delight. Blessings, Catherine

  3. I am saving this to make for our Southern friend when we get together with them next. I have looked for a special bread pudding recipe because he loves it. This is PERFECT!!! xo Diana

  4. Omg! My mouth is watering.....delicious ;-)

    Have a great week~

  5. Everything about this sounds wonderful!

  6. Yum! That photo of the gooey caramel and chocolate is killing me! Want some now! :)

  7. Jackie, your photos look like I could reach right in and take a big bite. What perfect combination of flavors. Yumm for sure. I will be trying this one out. Love your new photos on your sidebar....

  8. Beautiful photo of a luscious looking dessert!

  9. I am confused on the amount of ingredients needed.. They don't seem to add up? Can you clarify? What is the total amount of cream needed? Is it 4c just for the bread alone? I was hoping to make this for Christmas but don't want to mess it up!

  10. I've never seen something look so "to die for"....I can't wait to try this recipe.
    I tried to follow you through your G+ link, but it took me to Linda P's page :(


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