Tuesday, March 4, 2014

St. Patrick's Day Chocolate Mint Leprechaun Cookies

Any leprechaun would love to steal
a plateful of these yummy mint chocolate

Mint chocolate brownies have always 
been my favorite with that nice creamy
layer of mint frosting between chocolate
and chocolate!

These are made even easier because 
they start with a cake mix and
in minutes you have your dough
and your finished cookie.

What could be better?

Chocolate Mint Leprechaun Cookies

1 Betty Crocker's Triple Chocolate Fudge Cake Mix
1/2 C. butter, almost melted (microwave until it is almost
fully melted)
1 egg
Mint Frosting
Chocolate Ganache

Preheat oven to 350 and line your baking sheets
with parchment paper.

Place all of the above in your mixing bowl and
mix with the batter beater until the dough is

Shape into about 18 balls.  Place on pans
and flatten slightly.  Bake 7-8 minutes or just
until the tops are dry.  Let them cool for a few
minutes on the pan.  These cookies are so soft
that you might want to pop them in the fridge
for a minute to cool before frosting.

Mint Frosting
1/2 C. soft butter
2 C. powdered sugar
2 T. water
5-6 drops Creme de Menthe oil or peppermint oil
Green food coloring

Place all of the frosting ingredients in
your mixer bowl and whip until fluffy.
Add a little more water if necessary.  I like to
use water instead of milk or cream in a frosting
with mint flavoring.  You want your frosting to
be soft and spreadable so you don't tear your 

Spread the mint frosting on the cooled cookies.  
Place back in the refrigerator to set the frosting.

Chocolate Ganache Frosting
1 1/8 C. semi-sweet chocolate chips
3/8 C. soft butter

Place the above in a microwave safe
bowl and melt in 30 second intervals,
stirring between each interval whether it
looks like it needs to be stirred or not so
you don't scorch the chocolate.

Let the ganache cool for about 10 minutes
so that it doesn't melt the frosting when you
place the ganache on the mint frosting.

Spoon the ganache on top of the mint
frosting, swirling it with the back of your
spoon.  Place back in the fridge one more
time to set the ganache.

Set them out where your little leprechauns
can sneak one off the plate while you
aren't looking.


  1. Luckily for me my daughter loves mint and I made her some cupcakes to bring to her home on her ACTUAL birthday..saving the post for St Pat's.. because.. I am part Irish:)

    A lovely way ..way..way..back mix of Irish and French Canadian..

    These are so lovely and I bet delish!

  2. I love the pretty green with the chocolate! Bet they taste great:@)

  3. They look so delish! One of my favorite combinations! I probably could not eat just one! Joni

  4. This big leprechaun would be sneaking one right this moment if I could. These look delicious! I'm a fan of mint and chocolate. Yum!

  5. You would not have any of those left , if I was at your gorgeous home. I have a weakness for choc. mint. These are beautiful...LOL
    I would like you to pop on over and celebrate Mardi Gras with us. It will be fun.
    Happy Mardi Gras,
    XXOO Marie Antoinette

  6. Looks wonderful. How in the world can you stay so slim doing all the cooking you do, Jackie?

    Blessed with good metabolism I guess.

    Great St Patrick's Day goodies.

  7. My hubby would love these, he's a real cookie monster.

  8. Oh- Those are making my mouth water just looking at the picture! YUM! xo Diana

  9. Such a great combination..Mint and chocolate and easy peasy too.

  10. Whoever first decided to put mint and chocolate together was brilliant. These sound delicious and easy!

  11. Oh Jacqueline, do these ever look good and another easy one with cake mix!! You share the prettiest desserts ever! My Irish self is craving one of these yummy cookies to satisfy my sweet tooth. xo

  12. Thanks for sharing on Foodie Friday. I love festive recipes and your cookies look yummy!

  13. These are wonderful! I used a gluten free cake mix (Celiac daughter) and they turned out great! It was so nice to meet you today! I still say you are a rock star.

  14. I'm catching up on several weeks' worth of lovely moments, and was caught by this recipe---one DDIL likes Mint-Chocolate-Chip ice cream, and said just last night that she REALLY likes the Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies. I think this would be a splendid gift for her, for she's the only one of us who cares for mint with chocolate.

    I DID wonder, though, when for the cookies, you said, "Mix all the above," and above were both the frosting and the ganache.

    I thought at first it would be like the cake pops in which you DO stir in some frosting with the cake, but then I see they're assembled in such a lovely form, with the three layers.

    Perhaps separating the recipe ingredients for the cookies would alleviate some of the confusion?

    I'm SO enjoying being back, and look forward to all your wonderful SPRING adventures!



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