Monday, March 24, 2014

Cookie Con 2014

Hey Everyone,
Joni (Red Couch Recipes) and I and my
oldest daughter Jessica,
went to Cookie Con (Convention)
this week and although none of us
are experts at Royal Icing Frosted cookies,
we wanted to learn more.

This was the winning set of
cookies in the fairy tale type
category - Once Upon A Time.

There were 450 attendees from 14 countries and 44 states and only 2 of them were men.
These are artists!  
This won a teacher's choice award
and it was one of our token men attendees!
It was one of my choices too.

This was another of my choices.  
How could you choose a favorite?
Anyone who wanted to enter the Sugar Show
could.  We are novices so of course we
didn't enter, but the skill level of
these "cookiers" as they called themselves
was amazing.

The first full day was spent in classes
where we learned and had a lot of
fun.  We decided there isn't a happier
group than cookiers - all filled
with sugar and spice and everything

By the end of the day we were
craving a cookie - but not a cookie
to be had.
(These and the Where The Wild Things Are
cookies were made by the two great gals at
Sugar Bliss.  Check them out - amazing!  Hope 
they teach a class next year on airbrushing!  Everything they
touched was out of this world!!)
The final day we spent all day
in a hands on lab where we
could try out every fun idea
we had been presented from
air brushing, to hand painting,
to using a Kopy Kake machine
that transfers the design onto
your cookie so you can copy
the exact design and also rice
paper transfers, stencils and fondant.

(One of mine - fondant.)

(One of mine - rice paper and rice paper butterfly.)

The days were filled with fun 
giveaways from a beautiful Purple
Kitchenaid (no I didn't win it!) to 
4 air brush guns (which Jessica
did win), tons of cookie cutters and
other fun things. 

(These were the winners at our table - Jessica on the left
and Libby from Spokane and Kelsey from Helena.)

 I did win a sprinkle
filled bracelet which retails for $50 -
and Joni, Jessica and I all won one
or two things each.  How lucky were we?

We left for lunch on Saturday to meet
one of our blogging friends from Salt Lake
for the first time 
Ryan and Brad were there posing for
pictures, so they couldn't make it to
lunch with us.
(Bonnie, Ryan, Joni, Brad and myself - 
left to right!)

We also had the cookie icon
Arty McGoo there as our keynote
speaker.  She and her husband 
were so much fun, wanting to
turn all the networks into cookie
related shows - such talent.

A mystery shape cookie was given
out on Saturday and people could 
create whatever they wanted.

It was a quotation bubble and
we were amazed at what people 
came up with.

The last one was the winner.  We
all got to vote.

These are the cookies I created
on Saturday.  

Quite a step up from
what I have made in the past.  I
tried to use every technique they
taught us.

What a blast we had.  
We sure hope to be able to
attend next year.
Thanks to Sue from
told us about it although she
ended up not being able to attend.

I know these little ones will be
wanting to make and eat
more cookies!!!

(Done with Waterlogue App on Iphone)

I will be posting this with


  1. I had so much fun with you and Jessica at Cookie Con! Thanks a ton! I have been having cookie dreams ever since. I guess I could have worse dreams, huh? I think medical school graduation and high school graduation cookies are in order. I can't wait to get in the kitchen and start to use some of the techniques that we learned. Your cookies are beautiful. You had far more cookie stamina than Jessica and I. Joni

  2. LUCKY you girls!
    How fun..I am telling are so lucky to have a sister and that shares the same interest.
    Bravo on your pretty..this is all right up yor alley.

  3. Oh wow, those cookies are amazing little works of art!

  4. Wow, Jacqueline your cookie creations are wonderful. So glad you had a great time.

    Love the pictures of everyone.

    What an amazing experience. Such artistic work.

  5. Looks like you all had such a fun time Jacqueline! Your cookies look great, bet it was a blast:@)

  6. Wow- That is the most amazing thing I have ever seen. You can hardly believe they are cookies. What amazing images. I am so glad you were able to go. YOUR cookies are amazing, too!!!! Love this post!!! xo Diana

  7. Omg! I could hardly believe these gorgeous works of arts are cookies! Really amazing....


  8. Wow, that looked like fun. These people are true artists, guess it doesn't matter what media you paint on.

  9. I didn't even know such intricate cookies existed! Wow wow wow! I can't wait to see what you come up with with your new skills!

  10. Those cookies are all too beautiful to bite into!

  11. Those cookies are all too beautiful to bite into!

  12. WHAT??!?!?!?!! Oh, my gosh! WOW!!! This is artistry beyond my wildest dreams!!! I never really thought of cookie art, but now it will be on my radar! 450 attendees from 14 different countries??? Wow...had no idea there were so many cookie artists out there with this fervent desire! Simply unbelievable art!!! You did a fabulous job with yours! Maybe next year you could enter? I think you have a real shot at winning some big prizes!!! Congratulations to you guys on the prizes you did win this year! That's quite an honor!

    Next time you see Brad or Ryan, be sure to tell them hi for me! :-)

  13. Was wonderful to sit with you all at the banquet Saturday evening! You have a wonderful little corner of the web here! :). See you next year at CC

  14. This looks like so much fun! Beautiful cookies! they are all works of art. I especially love the shoe!

  15. It kind of pains me a little to read your post about CookieCon, but I am so happy that you had an amazing time! Your cookie is beautiful! I am going next year no matter what!

  16. P.S. I mean, your cookieS are beautiful!

  17. Hello Maam Jacquie

    OMG... this event was absolutely to die for. I know the feelings of squeezing, peeping and thinking all you have in thoughts.

    I went to a cake decoration class and flower paste (roses/flowers) making too and that was the most happiest moment of my life. Although I am not an artist but I managed to create some simple decos and I am still learning.

    I wish, I can attend such fun time.

    Enjoy the Friday and have a wonderful weekend ahead.

    /CC girl


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