Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Birthday Cupcake Tablescape

Happy Birthday to many in our family
this month!  

Grandpa turned 80 and he is here
for a big birthday celebration.

He is one of my avid blog followers
and when he arrived, he asked if I
was going to blog about his
birthday, so in celebration of his
birthday, I set a table for him.

Wanting to come straight from 
and practice many of the things we 
learned there, Jessica (my oldest) and
I got together and made birthday cake and
cupcake cookies, along with balloons and

Two things I learned at Cookie Con
were to make a collection of 
theme related cookies and
create them with a color scheme.

So since Grandpa is a guy, we chose
aqua and red with white as our neutral.

I can't believe the difference it makes
when you are deciding what to make and
how to decorate them.  

I sent a picture of the finished cookies
to Joni, who also went to Cookie Con,
(Red Couch Recipes) and her response
was that it looked like we got our
money's worth out of the classes!

I was pleased too.  I had never done much
but wet on wet and I learned that my 
frosting was way too thin.

So Grandpa's honorary table is in 
aqua and red with white as a neutral.

We have real cupcakes, a chocolate cake
with cooked caramel frosting
and cookies.  I know the little kids will
love the cupcakes and the cookies.

Jessica made me take them from her house
so that there were actually some left for
the party.

The frosting on the cupcakes
was one of those items on my
Swiss Meringue Buttercream.
Yummy and wonderful, but it
did take some time.  It is a labor
of love.  I will post that later.

I combined aqua and red 
organza napkins

and aqua and red goblets

to go with the stack of 
aqua, red and white plates.

I love how the stack ended up
with cupcakes everywhere.

Textured plates in aqua, red and white
are so fun together.

So the color scheme for the cupcakes
turned into the color scheme for
the tablescape.  I love the aqua 
and red together.

Happy Birthday to
all those in my family this month
and especially to Grandpa.
Tonight is the big birthday party.

He laughed when Grandma told him
that I set up a tablescape for him.
He said he was just teasing, but
it was fun to do it.  

Have you noticed that people love
to be featured on your blogs?  They
sure do on mine.

I will be posting this 
Cupcake Tablescape on


  1. Jacqueline, Your table is fabulous. Grandpa and Grandma are going to be thrilled. I love your cookies. Next thing we know you will have a cookie shop! THey are indeed very professional!

    The red and aqua set a lovely table and is so striking. I hope you take pictures of him. I would love to see him.

    Have a wonderful celebration. Happy Birthday Grandpa!

    I am pinning your special birthday celebration.

  2. Forgot to say how nice your cupcakes were too. They sound delicious as well.

  3. A special Happy Birthday to Grandpa! All your cookies and cupcakes are works of art. I'm sending my niece to a cookie decorating class this Saturday. I've passed the cookie cutters on to her. Ha!
    Wishing for one of your cookies for my evening treat. They look yummy!

  4. I hope the celebrations are fabulous! Happy Birthday to grandpa too.

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  5. Happy Birthday to Grandpa....
    Your cookies are simply gorgeous, and oh so yummy...
    But I adore your table scape the colrs are beautiful...


  6. Oh Jacqueline, this is the most darling thing I've seen in Blogland; your grandpa loving your BLOG! Bless him tonight and always on his big birthday! What a lovely thing that he follows you and takes interest. These cookies/cupcakes are all so lovely and the colors are most definitely favorite for any season.

    Thank you for coming to visit my post. Your kind words are much needed and came to me in such a timely way. I hope your spring is emerging; ours is not! More snow coming tonight, but I BELIEVE in new life and it has to come some time for us!

    Many thanks and have a fun birthday party! Anita

  7. Oh lovely Jacqueline your table is fabulous and gorgeous with such attention to detail and the adorable cookies! How cute of your grandpa loving your blog, what a charming person he must be! Happy birthday and may his new year of life be very blessed, as you are for having a granpa still!

  8. I hope Grandpa reads all the comments too! I love people that have passion, and I know Grandpa does. My husband and family are my biggest fans, and I should feature them more. The cookies will make the celebration so much fun!

  9. Happy Birthday to Grandpa!! I'm sure he and all the other family members will enjoy your tasty treats. I'm so in love with the cupcake cookies!!

  10. How beautiful and cheery! Happy birthday to him. The cupcakes are gorgeous and the cookies so cute! What a lovely party you made for him.

  11. Happy birthday to your grand pa..
    I just love the cookies!

  12. Holy Cow, Jacqueline! You outdid yourself. You seriously need to be in the cookie and cupcake making/selling business. Those are SO professional looking. I WANT one-maybe just to look at rather than eat. They are all too pretty to eat AND your tablescape is fantastic!!!! GREAT job! xo Diana

  13. Everything looks great Jacqueline! I love the cupcake cookies! Happy B-Day to your Grandpa, have fun tonight:@)

  14. Happy 80th to your grandpa. The cookies are awesome, and decorated like a pro and the table colour scheme is very guy friendly.
    Yes, family does like to be featured on our blogs.

  15. Happy birthday to Grandpa. How sweet that he reads your blog and you featured a very special birthday tablescape just for him. The cookies are darling and colorful. I do love red and turquoise and lively. The cupcakes are gorgeous and look like they came right out of a bakery.

  16. Everything about this post is beautiful. The sentiment, the cookies...and oh those cookies. They are every bit as nice as any I saw last week. I love the colors. And I can't wait for the buttercream tutorial...oh how I love buttercream and the cupcakes are gorgeous too. It was so much fun to meet you and Joni last week. I think I might just need to up my cookie skills!

  17. Well thank you for the Birthday wishes! Mine was on Monday! Happy Birthday to your grandfather too! I love that he follows your blog. Your color choices look fabulous. You are so talented- I want one of those cupcakes so bad!! LOL... The cookies are too cute to eat but I could manage!! Hugs, Liz

  18. Happy Birthday to all!!! I love the color palette and those cookies are picture perfect. I've tried Swiss Meringue Buttercream once and it is a bit tedious. A couple more tries and I think I'll have it.

  19. Beautiful table, and the cookies are amazing! Love the decorated cupcakes too. You made Grandpa's birthday special. :)

  20. Happy Birthday Grandpa! What a special table! I love the colors and dishes. I have to tell you, the cookies and cupcakes look beautiful! You are so talented. Just perfect! I am sure Grandpa felt very special.
    Blessings My Friend,

  21. Very colorful and fabulous! Your cookies look wonderful!

  22. Jacqueline you graduated at the top of the class for sure from Cookie Con! Wow, those cookies are so professional and over the top cute! LOVE your color palette too, so smart. I know your grandpa is thrilled, and that's so awesome that he reads your blog! I have been trying to explain my blog to my 98 year old MIL and she has no clue what a computer does and just doesn't get it at all!

  23. Red and aqua is one of my favorite color combinations! I am absolutely smitten over your cookies; I love them so much!

  24. Lovely...your color scheme is so striking!

  25. Yes, I HAVE noticed that people love to be featured! Isn't that fun? I'm glad your Grandpa enjoyed being the featured attraction this week! Happy Birthday to him!!! You put together a wonderful table in his honor! The bold colors are really great for a guy.

    I can't even begin to describe my admiration for your cookie decorating talent!!!!!

  26. Happy Birthday Grandpa! Love the fun you had with your treats and decorations! And your Easter parade is the best! Enjoy your weekend my friend! Hugs!

  27. The reds and aquas are perfect for the party. They are bright and festive, but somehow maintain a level of sophistication. I love it! You did a fantastic job on the pastries. Thanks for inviting us for a peek. Cherry Kay

  28. Oh what a lovely visual treat you have blessed me with. It looks fantastic.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  29. these are the cutest cookies ever, love the red and aqua and what a sweet sweet b-day for everyone to enjoy!


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