Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Our Valentine's Family Dinner

Welcome to our family 
Valentine's Dinner.

The funnest part about this 
tablescape is that HUBBY
set both the table and the counter 
while I was doing the cooking!!
I guess tablescaping has worn
off on him - so this is his first tablescape 
Happy Valentine's Day to me.

Years ago in our home, our 5 children
decided Valentine's Day should 
have something in it for them so
they have gotten chocolates
from Mom and Dad for years and 
years and years.

Now of course there are
also 8 grandchildren and they
want in on the fun too.  Last year
we did a sleepover and breakfast
but this year we decided to do a 
family dinner.

These outrageously bearded 
Valentine's Day boxes were
my favorite.  Kind of creepy but
oh so manly!

The women got a more romantic looking
box of Dove chocolates.

We seated them every other plate
with nine of us at the round table.

The kids were seated at the counter.

Hubby set their places too with 
Ruby King's Crown Cordials for
the little people and paper
napkins.  You should have heard
the little girls' excitement when 
they saw the small glasses were for them.

The Menu

Prime Rib with Mushroom Sauce
Bloomin' Bacon Cheddar Pull Apart Bread
Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Pear and Pecan Spinach Salad

This is one of our best dishes.
You could just drink this sauce.
I will post it later.

My daughter in law Audra 
asked what she could bring.
She was the one who taught me
how to make these cookies
so I asked for Valentine's cookies.

They were gorgeous and delicious -
 they melted in your mouth!

Her girls also decorated two cookies
for me.  I love that they were little
balloon cookies.  They wanted to 
bring theirs on their own tray.

And one other great treat was
catching my newest son in law
doing dishes.

Thanks everyone for making
it a wonderful
Valentine's Dinner!

I will be posting with

Blackboard trays - Home Goods
Bearded Chocolate Boxes & Others -Wal Mart
White Square Plates - Home Goods
Bubble Goblets - Crate and Barrel
Red Flatware - Horchow
Ruby Royal Crown Cordials - Ebay
Napkins - Home Goods


  1. What a sweet post, Jacqueline! I am VERY impressed with your husband's tablescaping abilities! He did a great job -- very festive! And a son-in-law who will load the dishwasher is worth his weight in gold!

  2. How fun, Jacqueline! You hubby did an excellent job on the tablesetting! I love the idea of incorporating the whole family into the festivities! Have a Happy Valentine's Day!

  3. I'd like to be adopted. You look like a fun group!

  4. Can I come next year????!!!! Your dinner sounds DELICIOUS, can't wait for the recipes. Could you post how you do your prime rib too...PLEASE!!! Now you have my mouth watering. Your daughter-in-law is beautiful and her daughter looks just like her! Sending XO's for Valentines!!!

  5. Wow, I would like to be eating with you. Your food is over the top! Yummy! I know that was a thrill for you when the little girls were excited about the little glasses being for them. So sweet. How nice that your hubby got into setting the table which looks wonderful by the way. The cookies are gorgeous! Too pretty to eat!

    I can feel the love and wonderful family time. Such a special time together. Thank you for sharing with us.

  6. Looks like a very special and fun night Jacqueline! How great to have help with the dishes-enjoy:@)

  7. Audra has the sweetest face:)And so does her daughter..:)

    Lovely! Top to bottom..

  8. Your husband did a wonderful job setting the table so festively and your dinner looked so scrumptious, Jackie. Your daughter-in-law's cookies are so beautiful. You have such a lovely family-Happy Valentine's Day!

  9. Great job on the Tablescape.
    I can vouch for the recipe for the prime rib and the mushroom gravy. It is so delicious. I feel the need
    to find a prime rib and make this again.

  10. That was absolutely see the family, to learn you now have grandchildren; they are proof of a marriage that has created family life, and such a beautiful one, Jacqueline! The fun, the art in the home....EVERYTHING! And yes, I too want to be like Bob and Rose when I grow up....teeheeee

    THANK YOU FOR VISITING and please, please, have a super safe and fantastic Valentine's Day! Anita

  11. Oh Jacqueline, the menu sounds fabulous and looks delicious! How sweet of your hubby to do the place settings for the table and counter. Audra's cookies look amazing!!! What fun your family has together. Happy ❤️ Day!

  12. Awww, you have a beautiful family and what a wonderful post. I cannot believe they make Valentine's candy cartons with Duck Dynasty, lol. We just visited their headquarters in Monroe, LA 2 weeks ago when we went there for a birthday party. Everything looks so pretty and delicious!...Christine

  13. What fun Jacqueline! The Duck Dynasty chocolates are hilarious! Your menu is a definite man pleaser!Valentine's Day is a family affair at our house too, as it's my oldest son's birthday~this year we are doing a family getaway weekend at the beach to warm up after yet another snowstorm in Alabama! I love that your husband set the table, he did a great job!

  14. Your table is just wonderful. I am glad you did not start with that marvelous food. My mouth is watering! What a fun family celebration!

  15. Such a great table. I also served a family dinner for Valentines. Beautiful children and grandchildren.

    An Accomplished Woman

  16. Your husband did a great job! Fun table! YES..please do share the recipes. Everything looked delicious!

  17. What a wonderful family tradition to have a Valentine's celebration together! The Valentine chocolates are cute from the manly to the ladies. Glad your husband is so talented at setting this wonderful tablescape. Hope you will take a peek at my Valentine's red and white table for you might enjoy it!

    Have a grand 14th!

  18. Looks like such fun! The last two years we have had family VAL Dinners but I am STILL recovering from illness. I may have to do an EASY version! I have been looking forward to doing it, but it has taken three weeks for me to feel as good as I do and I am not yet better! "Maybe another year, you know!"
    have a great weekend!

  19. Thank you so much for sharing your family with us. The Mr did a great job with the settings and the counter looks like a comfy place to sit. Audra is one talented lady, you guys are lucky!

  20. Newest son-in-law is a very smart guy. He knows just how to score points with the in-laws!!! I like him already! :-)

    Audra did a beautiful job with the cookies. Very, very talented...and patient because all those different designs had to take a lot of time!!

    Your dinner looks fantastic! You really did it up!

    HUGE kudos to your husband for getting involved. He did a great job! The guys' chocolate hearts are hilarious! I guess that's a really good way to get them into it!

  21. What a fabulous-looking dinner -- yummy. and those cookies are beautiful -- so professional. You are creating wonderful memories for your family.

  22. Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Pink Saturday, Jacqueline.

    I love your family celebrations. My husband likes helping and making table setting suggestions. We are blessed to have such great guys. Now I think I need a daughter-in-law like your Audra.

  23. Festive and fun- love the DD candy boxes! HPS! :)

  24. What a fun Valentine celebration you had! Amazing meal and I love all the sweet little details :))
    So nice to meet you on Pink Saturday!

    Happy Valentines Day & HPS

    Kay Ellen

  25. What a fabulous way to celebrate and I just love the Duck Dynasty box of candy! Happy Valentines Day and Pink Saturday too! Marti

  26. How wonderful!... what a great and gorgeous party with your always creative, beautiful and fun table setting! The food looks amazing too Jacqueline! Wish I went for Valentine's to your house and your DDil's adorable heart cookies...I'd hate to eat them, though...soo pretty!
    Have a lovely week ahead.

  27. Oh how fun! And perfect timing. My granddaughter has been staying with me the last few days and last night she enticed me to watch Duck Dynasty which her family enjoys. I have to admit, I laughed my head off at it. It was quite intriguing. Have a grand week!

    PS My pink is at today :)

  28. What a fun evening! You are so lucky that all your kids are nearby. The cookies are beautiful!

  29. Thanks to the men in your family Valentines gifts were abounding! It's good to have a spot of time to visit some of my favorite blogs again, after Sweet Mister's knee replacement surgery. Your dear husband created a wonderful Valentines tablescape. We'll expect to see more from him! Thanks for inviting us for a peek. Cherry Kay


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