Thursday, February 20, 2014

National Kitchen and Bath Show - Oh The Places I've Been

The National Kitchen and Bath
Show and the International Builder's
Show were held this year in February
in Las Vegas.

This is a show I always love to
attend to see all of the new trends
and products.

The kitchen and bath products are always the most exciting.

The show is heavily attended and this year
we actually had a booth for the first time
kitchen and bath products.

This is our new freestanding tub and skirt.

All of the really big names in
the business are there and it is really

As an interior designer spanning 35 years
I can tell you that the designs and colors
just cycle around and around. 

You couldn't find dark wood,
we are now moving into the
reclaimed wood phase (what
was last time known as pickled wood.) 

I just could never go for Harvest Gold
and Avocado Green appliances again
(from the lovely 70's)
but here they are and at a whopping $7,000
for an oven!

This oven advertises that it has winds 
up to 60 miles an hour inside.

Kohler is the biggest of the biggies
and it is like going to a rock concert
in their gigantic booth.

After the show hubby surprised
me with tickets to Shania Twain.

She is quite the entertainer.  I was so 
thrilled to attend.

And of course we had to visit
the Wicked Spoon

where everything comes in small
pans, bowls and fun dishes.

Not only is the presentation fun
but the food is fabulous.

And we couldn't go to Las Vegas without
a visit to
Hash House A Go Go
and have their famous 
Sage Fried Chicken and Waffles.

But this time I wanted to try something 
new so I tried Man vs Food's favorite
Sage Fried Chicken Benedict.
I love the sweet and savory of the
waffles, but this savory, slightly
spicy chipotle cream sauce
smothering the Sage Fried Chicken
which sits on top of giant fluffy
biscuits which is atop a generous
serving of mashed potatoes has
to be my new favorite.

So the show was food for
the eye and Las Vegas had
great food for the belly.
Now we hope that the economy
can change around and provide
food for the table!!

I will be posting this with


  1. I love all the lovely details and yummy food - but especially those brass sinks, they are divine!

  2. Thanks for taking us around. Looks like a fun time. Those goodies look delicious!

  3. Fun post Jacqueline. Some things should never have been in the first avocado anything, unless it's actually food. I love the red appliances.

  4. Oh how much fun, I would have left drooling from just the fixtures, but the Wicked Spoon is the cutest reataurant ever, and then the Hash House, wowza! Can't wait to check out your chicken and waffles recipe, and I'm with you on those 70s appliances, no thank you!

  5. Oh what fun! Las Vegas has so many fun places to check out. Seeing all of the new styles would be delightful. Thanks for the shout out on those restaurants. I will be marking that info down.

  6. Don't know if I like the sinks more or the food!


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