Sunday, February 9, 2014

A Valentine's Day Tree & Yoga Champion

Isn't this tree such a great idea 
Valentine's Day?
I would love to have that in my
house for Valentine's Day.
It is an easy transition from
a bare Christmas tree to 
a Valentine's Day tree.

I saw this at Thanksgiving Point's
Yoga Studio 
when I went there to watch my
daughter in law compete in the
USA Regional Yoga competition.

She took first place in 
the Women's division and
so she will be competing at the
Nationals in March.

They happen to be in San Antonio so
I am heading there to see my other
sister and watch Audra compete.
How fun is that to have Jean there?

I just fell in love with this hot pink
garland and now will probably
have to be planning a Valentine's Day
tree in the future.

It was filled with fun hearts and ornaments.

and pretty blossoms too.

Isn't this pressed tin heart fun?

But this paper rose wreath was the 

And this advanced yoga pose
was the showstopper for Audra's routine!
It is the Dancer Pose.

Congratulations Audra!

I will be posting with 


  1. Ouch, I have a cramp just looking at Audra's pic! Just kidding, congrats, that's very exciting and a lot of work! Lovin' the tree and that fun blinged up pink ball:@)

  2. Wow, congratulations to Audra, and how fun to have a trip to Texas to look forward to! The tree is adorable, I made a tabletop Valentine tree this year and have enjoyed it so much! I'm sure yours will be fabulous!

  3. Congratulations to your Audra. Very exciting!

    That tree is do pretty. Please share it with us for our next Pink Saturday.

  4. The tree is gorgeous, I'm glad you photographed it to share.
    Congratulations to your d-i-l, I didn't realize there were yoga competitions and am most impressed by the Dancer Pose. The yoga I practice is modified for grannies but I still love how I feel after doing it.

  5. She is adorable and fit and beautiful:)

    You can made cookies for the tree..I have a V tree..tuck it in the attic when not in use..all decorated:)
    I didn't take it out yet this yr....

  6. Wow! Congratulations to Audra (and what a pretty name!) I didn't know that there were yoga competitions.
    I have a weakness for pressed tin - that little heart is lovely.

  7. Wow, she is limber!!! The only way I could get my body to contort like that would be if I was mangled in an accident!!! She's really good! Congratulations to Audra on her 1st place win! I had no idea there was a USA yoga competition!

    The tree is a fun idea to really kick Valentine's week up a notch! That garland is BEE-yoo-tee-ful!!! I love all the fun ornaments you have for it, too! That would be a chance to get really, really creative.

    Enjoy the week of love!

  8. what a beautiful tree! and congratulations to your daughter in law. that pose is really impressive.

  9. I bet your tree will be even prettier! Love it!


  10. Congratulations to Audra!!! She is AMAZING! And what a fun tree for Valentines! I love it!!

  11. WOW! Audra looks so limber and strong--congratulations to her!

    I love the Valentine tree and all its ornaments. It is so pretty!

  12. Wow, congratulations to your DIL, Jacqueline! Oh to have that flexibility :)

    BTW, if you've tried to come to my blog recently, it's been locked by Blogger. Someone has been trying to embed malicious codes in blogs and mine was one of a few dozen hacked in the past couple of months. Hopefully, Blogger will clear my site soon and my friends will be able to join me once again!

  13. What a great tree! I have done a Valentine's Tree just about every year. I just love the winter look of the tree so I keep it up after Christmas. Just after Christmas I remove all but the heart and snowmen ornaments. I have lots of hearts and snowmen. This year I hoped to really do a great V Day tree, but we have been sick this month and this last week was the worst. Still just beginning to get better. Maybe by next week.I am enjoying the clear lights on the empty tree though. End of February the tree will come down.
    Congrats to your DIL, I didn't know there were Yoga competitions...wish I had stayed....YOUNG! LOL I was in gymnastics in High school, those were the days...

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  15. Ah the joys of youth, congrats to Audra! The pink tree is very pretty and girly. Have fun on your trip.

  16. This tree is so cute! Thanks for all your support with yoga. It's great to have so much support from family, and it meant so much that you made it, even though you had a getaway already planned.


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