Monday, January 20, 2014

My Best White Bread - Craving Baking

I think I am a die hard
especially when it is cold outside.
There is something about the cold
that makes me want to start baking.

And we have had our share of
cold and snow this winter.
(My back deck earlier this winter!)

Give me the oven and let me start baking.
I don't know about you, but for me
a fresh baked loaf is a dangerous
situation.  One slice, just to taste,
another slice with butter, better
have two more in a sandwich

(Mayo, tomato, and fresh basil - killer!)

and soon half the loaf is gone
and I don't have anyone to blame it on!
So this recipe makes three loaves and 
I am going to have to give away
two to the neighbors!

Best White Bread Recipe
11 C. all purpose flour
1 1/2 T. SAF yeast (bread yeast)
3/4 C. vegetable oil
3 T. honey
1 1/4 C. powdered milk
1 T. salt
4 C. warm water

In large Kitchenaid or bread mixer
place all of the ingredients and mix with the
kneading hook for 5-10 minutes or until smooth
and elastic.  (With the bread yeast you don't have
to dissolve the yeast in the warm water.)  If
you don't have bread yeast, place the yeast and
water in the bowl first. 
Remove the bread dough hook.

Spray the dough with Pam and cover it
with plastic wrap and let it rise until 
double, usually about one hour.

Divide the dough into three equal parts.  I like
to weigh mine so they really are equal.

This will make 3 - 2 lb loaves.

I  roll mine out into an oblong on a lightly
flour counter just
using my hands and I keep tucking the
ends in and pinching the back seam
together until I have a loaf about the
length of my pan.

Place the bread in three pans sprayed
with Pam.

I love these pans I got at 
the Bosch store.

Cover the loaves lightly
with a towel or paper towel
and let rise until the loaves are
1 1/2 - 2 inches above the pans.
Get down on eye level and check that.  
It usually takes less time for the second
rise, about 40 minutes, but make sure they
are that far above the pan to get a nice tall loaf.

Place in a preheated oven at 
325 for 30-35 minutes.
Remove from pan and let cool.

Now, just be careful to not eat
the whole loaf.  I know it is hard
but try!


  1. Your bread looks beautiful Jacqueline! Lovin' that domed top. I keep halving recipes that make 2 loaves, just don't need that much bread... I'm gonna keep trying, I think nice loaves are pretty:@)

  2. My Mom baked bread for our family twice a week. One of my favorite things was smelling the aroma of the bread as I came in from school and sharing a piece hot from the oven with my siblings. We slathered ours with butter and honey. Yummmmmmmmmmmm. Wish I was your neighbor about now.

  3. I do believe I just gained some weight by looking at these photos.
    Warm bread and butter.....The Best.

  4. I LOVE bread too and this looks so soft and yummy.

  5. Love baking..:)

    Your snow looks like ours~

    I never used to eat bread..could walk right by it.. is a favorite food of mine..all kinds.:)

  6. There is nothing better than the smell of bread baking...and then eating it with lots of butter!
    Your deck is gorgeous wrapped in white...

  7. yummy! I have been on another diet, so I haven't had any bread in over two weeks. Bring on the bread after Sunday. Thanks for sharing Jackie.
    I wish I was your neighbor....

  8. Oh, these look SO good! I haven't made bread in so long! I'm not familiar with the powdered milk but I'd still love to give your recipe a try! Thanks!


  9. Oh, this bread looks amazing! I can practically smell it baking now. YUM! It would be really hard not to eat a whole loaf all by myself, warm with lots of butter!I'm a carboholic too! We are having another snow storm this week. I think I know what I'll be doing on Wednesday when I'm snowed in : ) xo

  10. Bakeries can keep their cakes and sweets - give me a loaf of fresh-baked bread and I'm in heaven. Butter, jam, peanut butter, honey......I'll top it with anything!

  11. This is my downfall.. Bread!
    Looks wonderful.. I can remember as a child walking past the bakery on a Sunday morning and smelling the fresh baked bread.
    Nothing better in the world!

  12. I had to laugh when I saw your reference to your Bosch kitchen machine because I think the only people who know about them, at least here in the West, are Seventh-day Adventists and Mormons! Love bread, love making bread, love eating bread!

  13. I know what you mean about carbs when it's cold and my waistline proves it :) After a carb-fest, then I need a couple of nights of salad only. Your bread would definitely be worth the plurge! It looks wonderful. I need to look for that bread yeast.

  14. Oh my goodness! It was so difficult not to start nibbling on my screen. That bread looks fantastic!

  15. I sat here last night and told my husband that I was fighting the urge to bake bread. Our weather has been like cold, so much snow and I want to nest and bake and eat! I do think it is something that happens when we feel more housebound and the days are gray. So far, I have held off because like you, I could eat half a loaf before my husband even got home from work!

  16. Looks beautiful and I know it's delish! I'm a carbaholic too and love to bake as well Will be trying this soon. Thanks for sharing!



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