Thursday, January 30, 2014

Come With Me To An Ice Castle

I am going to take you to one of the
few ice castles in the United States
and since you are going to be royalty
for a day I made you some royal slippers 
and a crown to celebrate.

There are only three ice castles in
the United States and we have one right
here in Utah just up the canyon in Midway.

The ice castles are made by hand and contain
over 20,000,000 pounds of ice.

We went on a warm sunny day
with my favorite royalty,
Hannah, Miss Utah County
and Kylie, Little Miss Utah County.

They dressed in their icy blue
and capes and naturally
they were mistaken for Elsa
our favorite queen from Frozen,
Disney's new movie.

Who happened to just come along
with us for the photo shoot
and we also found

our favorite snowman, Olaf there!

Actually, we brought that Olaf with
 us for baby sister to hold but we
did find this huge Olaf there.

It was a beautiful sunny day there
and the majesty of the ice is
just unimaginable.

There are arches and tunnels
and mazes to explore.

You don't want to wear your princess 
slippers as you are walking
through quite a bit of snow but
I just had to make some
royal cookies to celebrate our adventure.

For complete instructions on
making cookies like these

How appropriate as they use

I made these and brought them over
to Hannah as she had come down
with a cold.

These ice figures remind you of 
the top of a castle.

It was definitely a fun event to go
to, a fabulous place to take
photos, and it was really fun to 
be there with ROYALTY!

Hannah and her mother had
given me both of these
cookie cutters so it was
fun to give a little something back.

I will be posting with


  1. Wow, the ice is pretty amazing Jacqueline! Cute cookies, wish I had one now:@)

  2. Beautiful cookies, gorgeous girls, amazing ice castles and GREAT photos!!!

  3. Jacqueline, your cookies are so pretty, and the ice castle is incredible. What an experience. You had a terrific idea to take the royalty there for a photo shoot. Great post!

  4. Wow, Jacqueline! You captured the same turquoise and white with your posting of ice beauties. Thank you for leaving a comment. Love the ice castles!

  5. Beautiful girls, beautiful ice castle, and beautiful cookies. What a fun day you must have had!

  6. What amazing photos of a spectacular event! WOW! I love it! Today I made a little vignette with a princess in a blue dress and took pics for a post. Isn't that neat? Now I really feel inspired!

  7. Fabulous photos!

    Great to have you at "Oh, the PLACES I've been!"

    - The Tablescaper

  8. Love your ice castle photos Jacqueline. I've never been up to Midway to see it. I have to go. And I really love your slippers. They are elegant!!!

  9. Amazing cookies! Love the colors. Love them! Hannah and Miss Kylie are soooo cute!!! What a perfect venue for them ;). Love the ice castle -- I want to see it, but don't know if I will make it. Drove all the way through snow from the swim meet only to get home, and no snow. Joni

  10. Jacqueline, I would love one of your pretty cookies! The ice castle is amazing and I'm going to read more about it. We attend an ice festival each year and the 2014 Theme is "Celtic Carnival". If you have the time, you can Google Saranac Lake Ice Castle.

  11. Wow I had no idea such a place existed! How beautiful- especially with the sun! Those cookies are so cute- you have such a great talent with food!

  12. Wow, wow and wow!!! What an incredible place, and your princesses look perfectly at home in the beautiful castle of ice! Your delicate decorated cookies are too cute to eat~well, maybe just a little nibble!! Thanks Jacqueline!

  13. What a fun outing for a princess! I have heard good things about this new movie, too.

  14. The castle is magical..There is an ice hotel in QC..but I have never seen a castle like this one..
    Pretty feminine photos ..
    Like a movie:)

  15. What an amazing adventure. The ladies look regal and fabulous and you captured the perfect color for the royal cookies. Love the shoes and the crown is the icing on the cake. I never knew these ice castles existed...Thank for taking me along. xo
    p.s. Your blog is now a .com

  16. Girl, what a great idea! you are so clever! Love the cookies and your Royalty is so adorable! They are truly princesses! I'll bet everyone had hot chocolate from your hot chocolate bar when they returned to your home! I want to make some cute cookies now! I still have not come up with a gluten free sugar cookie recipe that I actually like. Many of them are very grainy, probably from the pudding mix you add to them. They just seems too gritty to me. I will keep at it though. I may just have to make some wheat cookies, just to decorate them and then share with someone else's family!
    Heart hugs!

  17. Amazingly beautiful photos!!!!!!! That would be quite a wonder to explore! We don't have anything nearly that cool here in Missouri. I think there are some caves here, but that's about it. The ice is MUCH cooler...literally AND figuratively! :-)

  18. What a delightful and beautiful post. Would love to bake those cookies.

  19. What fun memories! I'm so glad we got to experience the Ice Castles together, and the cookies were delicious!! ! Lots of Love!

  20. Just gorgeous! Every photo you have shared is gorgeous! I love the cookeis too. I am heading to the link to learn how you created them.

  21. Beautiful girls in a beautiful setting! I had no idea that ice castle existed...just gorgeous. I can't believe how stunning the cookies are! You have amazing talent.


  22. Your beautiful shoe cookies are perfect for those two beautiful snow princesses :) This is what winter should look like - beautiful!

  23. Oh my, what a spectacular sight to behold! I had no idea there were ice castles and so beautiful with the sun shining and that blue sky. Your beautiful cookies are definitely fit for a princess (or two :)

  24. How much fun! Everything looks so magical! Pretty princesses and cookies, spectacular ice!


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