Thursday, January 16, 2014

Beach Envy Tablescape

How I envy those of you who live in warm
climates year round and by warm,
I mean winters like my sister's in Texas
where it is often in the 70's or 80's
during our cold, cold months.

I always tell people that I really am
an island girl at heart and that I was
born in the wrong place (Wisconsin!)

I have one son who doesn't like the sun and
when he was just little and we would
drive in my convertible he would cover
his head with his hands and say he hated
the sun.  He is the one on a mission now
in Seoul, Korea and he says he wants to
be a bush pilot in Alaska when he grows
up!!!!  Hope that idea changes.

Leaving Cabo this year wasn't too bad
because it was going to be 43 when
we got back.  I have come back to 8 inches
of snow at the airport having forgotten to
bring boots and having to walk through
the snow in sandals.

Of course we had to go to our favorite
store with the glasses and pewter.

My home is filled with beautiful glasses
from Cabo and I bring them back for family
and friends too.

How can you not like the sun if you are
one of my children?  He does like the ocean
though, so that helps.

Hope your day is filled with warmth,
if not from the beautiful sun, then from
the sunny people that fill your life!

I will be posting this with


  1. Well, at least you got to get away to a beautiful sunny spot for your birthday. Having some sun shine in your life perks you up. Your sister is lucky to live in a place that is warm year round. The table looks lovely with the seashell plates. Adding the starfish really is cute!
    I am sure we will see more of your beautiful finds that you brought home.

  2. Oh, Jacqueline, what a beautiful setting for a meal with the water in the background...I would hate to have to leave there to go back to freezing temperatures, too!
    Have a wonderful week...stay warm.

  3. Gorgeous glasses and view Jacqueline! I'd love to see a little more sun here too:@)

  4. Your table is beautiful, and just pefect for the setting with the ocean in the background. Gorgeous place!

  5. Jacqueline, you already know that I live with mild winters. Today is sunny and in the 60s. I have to say I really appreciate the mild winters in TX. Of course we aren't at the coast with an ocean view. I always marvel at the beautiful sight from your Cobo balcony. Stunning!
    I have those same shell pates, but would love to finish out my set of salad plates. If you know of a source, please let me know. I ended up with more bowls than plates. Love the sculptured detail on them! ~ Sarah

  6. What a beautiful tablescape with an amazing view!...Christine

  7. I chuckled when you said you came back to 8 inches of snow at the airport having forgotten to
    bring boots and having to walk through the snow in sandals. Something I would do! LOL What a beautiful view! Hope your day is a sunny one ;o)

  8. I dunno...I kinda like the change of seasons. It gives me something to look forward to. I say that now, but when we're stuck indoors because the snow is so thick the garage door won't open, I have a complete 180 degree change of heart! :-)

    Your table is perfect for dreaming of the summer months ahead. I'm right there with ya, sister!

    Have a great weekend, and try to warm up, Miss Sandals in the Snow! :-)


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