Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Candy Land Christmas Morning Table

I hope you had a wondrous
and joyous Christmas filled
with love!

Welcome to our breakfast table 
for Christmas morning.  I had it
set last night so I was able to
shoot these beautiful photos
with during the blue hour.

This year I hung beautiful white garland 
with lights above the curved glass in the
dinette area.  My favorite part of it is
that I have it on a remote control plug
that I can turn on and off with a touch of 
a button and it casts such a pretty glow 
at night.

The table is built around my candy 
centerpiece that I have used before.  I
just save the big suckers and trees
from year to year and place them in
a stacked set of styrofoam rounds.

Then I set those on my Krinkles cake 

The Santa Claus runner is new this year
from Pier 1.  I love it up against the snowy
white tablecloth.
You saw my candy display earlier when 
I blogged about dipping chocolates, I just
added to the table.

I always use my candy cane plates 
for Christmas morning breakfast.
I try to make this a really fun
children's table. 

Candy and candy themes like these
trees are everywhere on the table.

These adorable silverware holders
are new this year.  I found them on the internet.

Santa's jacket

and his pants make adorable
silverware holders with bright
red silverware.

Alternating sheer napkins, one in red and one
with candycanes (that I made) fill the bubble
goblets with red stems.

A few candy related nutcrackers adorn the
table too.  I love having the breakfast table
set on Christmas Eve as the family comes
in to get them excited about the events 
the next morning.

This is the sight that greeted the family
as they entered our home.  It was pure magic!
Candles lined the sides of the staircase
with snow glittering all around their bases.

The most magical part was that the
candles are all battery operated and
run by remote control so they are safe
and they all turn on with a click of a
button.  It was the most magical the
staircase ever looked.

I hope you feel the love and joy of the
birth of Christ all throughout the year.
Thanks for joining us for part of
our Christmas celebration.

Candles - Costco (6 to a box)
Santa silverware holders - ebay
(be careful these were around $10
but there are some on ebay up to $60)
Red plates - Home Goods
Red chargers - Z Gallerie
White tablecloth - Your Chair Covers
Goblets - Crate and Barrel (years ago)
Silverware - Home Goods
Nutcrackers - Tai Pan
Runner - Pier 1

I will be posting with


  1. Wowwwww !!!......May the spirit of Christmas bring us
    love, hope and peace! you !!!..thanks for your friendship !!! !! ...!

  2. Oh my, your decorations are the yummiest, most beautiful! I have loved all your Christmas posts, just stunning.

  3. Oh my goodness....Jacqueline, this table is so stinkin' cute, I could jump for joy! I can just imagine the smiles on your grandkidlets faces when they first saw it.
    That sweet little cherub surrounded by the candles on the steps is just darling...great idea!!

    I've never seen the curved window in that area before. It looks spectacular the way you've draped it. Beautifully done, Honey!

    Merry Christmas!

    p.s. You forgot to mention the red scrolly plates. Any info on their brand or where you found them??

  4. Very nice Jacqueline! Your table was as cute as could be. Love the candy theme! Your stairs look so beautiful all lit up like that and the little one is precious!

  5. It's all amazing!

    That cutie is the icing on the cake:)
    My house is chaos Christmas morning!
    Chairs don't match..running around..up and down:) !
    Paper allover the place and we are all in our pj's.
    You are so good at this..

  6. Always fun to visit. Love your candy themed table for Christmas morning. Too cute for words. Thanks for the pointer to the darling Santa outfits. Here's to a bright new year. xo

  7. What a merry home to visit with.

    I love the candle on batteries! I had done like this on my stairs but with real candles and it was a bit scary when kids are present.

    TY again Maam Jacque, for the most intriguing tips. I guess, I get my hysteria style (some friends said) from you but a hysteria with style, they added LoL*

    Happy New Year dear Blogie friend. Wish you all the best & luck this coming 2014.

    Hugs & greetings from D´Box,
    /CC girl

  8. Jacqueline, your table is just gorgeous! Love the candyland theme! I added a few touches this year; but, I would love to go all out with it next year. Your staircase looks amazing!

  9. What an amazing table to greet little ones for breakfast! Thanks for sharing, Jacqueline.

  10. I love following your blog, but I think you've outdone yourself with the Christmas morning table! Just stunning...

  11. Jacqueline, I can't think of any child (or adult) on the face of this earth who wouldn't be totally enthralled and filled with joy over this table!!! You put ALL of yourself into this one! No stone (or candy cane!) was left unturned! Every detail is perfect, and that table runner is the most fun ever!!

    I love the candles on the stairwell. I do that from time to time, and it really keeps my husband on his toes! Safety first!

    I'm so glad you shared this with us all! Absolutely magical!

  12. You do turn the whole house into a magical wonderland!

  13. Jacqueline, what a magical experience to be in your home during the holidays. Everything is stunning. Love the "safe" candles on the staircase with the glitter touches. Your candy table is adorable, but the blue hour backdrop is the cherry on the cake.
    Glad you are having wonderful holidays with your family. Thanks for your dear friendship across the miles of Blogland.

  14. Wow! I love this table! What an utterly charming way to celebrate Christmas breakfast! Love all your details! It's perfect!

  15. Ho ho ho! Love candy themes and yours is the best ever! I love what you did with the styrofoam rounds on your Kringles cake stand, your candy cane napkins and the Santa suit flatware holders! It's all wonderful fun, your family is so lucky to have you make everything magical all year!

  16. You captured a magical photo of a magical setting. Wishes for continued joy in your home.

  17. Totally gorgeous Jacqueline!!! Your table is amazing! Your Little angel is the best though. Hope you had a wonderful and blessed C'mas. Didn't want to let it pass without visiting you!

  18. Gorgeous! You always have the most beautiful tables. Love the red plates!


  19. WOW!!! What fun table to greet you on Christmas morning. I am going to have to copy your center piece. Great idea for safety using the battery candles.

    Happy New Year!


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