Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Angels Among Us Tablescape

Welcome to my
Angelic Table
for Christmas this year.

My darling daughter in law gave me
these fabulous angel wings last year
and I did a tablescape with them
tied onto the kitchen table

But this year we moved into the dining room
and I used a tack to attach them to
these beautiful brocade slipper chairs.

I also added a little bling
to the wings by pinning
a brooch on them.
(From my favorite

Everything is silver and cream,
one of my personal favorite combinations
for a dressy table.

The placecards are tucked into 
another set of tiny angel wings that
I found at Pier 1 this year.

You know those literally leaped into
my basket!!

I used two kinds of coordinating
silver printed napkins.

I printed the names on cardstock in 
a dark gray for the placecards 
and then spayed Glitter Blast
on the cardstock.  After the paint
was dry, I cut them to size.
I would love to tell you the name of
this font, but it is so small I can't read
it - starts with an A!  Sorry

I took my square plates and
turned them each on an angle to get 
a fun and different look out of them.

Of course the Horchow
silverplate has to come out of the
chest for this table.
(Some of you have asked about
this but it has been discontinued - sorry!)

I love using these silverplate goblets
that I bought years ago from Spiegel
Catalog because even the kids
can use them without any worry.
Fortunately I was wise enough to 
choose 24 all those years ago.

I had to let the beauty of the wood
show with this tablescape.

Fresh flowers and silvery 
presents and candles on another
glittering placemat create
the perfect centerpiece.

It feel really special to have fresh flowers
during the cold of winter.

Everything is creamy white.

I placed them in this mini bottle cooler
with stag heads on each side.  This is
the perfect sized container for all kinds
of things - flowers, chocolates, candy, etc.

The flowers were just show-offs!

A little snow in the bottom of
this apothecary and a sparkling
candle and it changes dramatically.

These little gift boxes have
been all over the house this year. 
I don't know if I will ever give them
away as gift boxes as I like them so much!

I have to tell you a darling story
about this daughter - Jessica - after
coming to my tablescaping class at
Gatehouse No1 this year, she decided
she too could easily do a tablescape 
and she has had her table all decked
out all season long!  I loved it.

I hope your Christmas plans are coming
right along.  Ours got derailed with sickness
and hubby having kidney stone surgery, but
I think we are back together - cross your fingers!!

Thanks for taking a peek over 
the shoulder of my angel!

I hope your Christmas is filled with
the magic of God's gift to the world,
His Only Begotten Son, 
and you feel of His love this Christmas season!
And may you feel the presence of
Angels among us all year long.

I will be posting with

Placemats - Home Goods
Plates - Home Goods
Flatware - Horchow (discontinued pattern)
Goblets - Spiegel
Stag cooler - Tai Pan
Apothecary jar - Home Goods
Napkins - Home Goods
Silver Gift Boxes - Target
Little wings ornaments - Pier 1


  1. Dear Jacqueline,
    I chose the same theme - white and silver and Angel Wings for my Christmas Decor this year.
    I celebrated my Silver Wedding Anniversary this year and wanted to keep celebrating through this magic Season. The Wings - well, the weirdest think I know but mine also flew for my basket. I don't have tiny ones like your for the place cards. Just a small in the tree and a bigger that will make its appearance by the dessert table.
    Enjoy The Season!
    Loved Jessica story. She must - and rightly so - have thought that it must be something in the Genes to be that Creative and hoped to have inherited. So glad she did and now the fun never ends at your home and wherever you go - blessings of beauty and creativity all around you.

  2. I remember those wings..:-)
    Take care..wish hubby a prompt recovery...

  3. Angel Wings! I remember the tablescape from last year! This one is fabulous with the tiny wings and large wings on the chair. Your silver and cream is a great combination for this theme and I love the white roses in the silver vase for part of your centerpiece. A wonderful job! Have a very Merry Christmas!



    Jacqueline, those angels' wings on the chairs....DIVINE INSPIRATION! Your home is so well put together and dreamy! You are a pro, that's all there is to it! And you photos of course make everything shine as it's supposed to! I can never capture the essence of my home with pictures!

    Let us celebrate the fact that we are LOVED and that He came to live among us. Isn't that a wild idea? But what is left? He is the only source of this eternal love and so good to know you believe!

    Oh you should have tasted the chocolate French candies I made the other day: MENDIANTS. Heaven!

    Merry Christmas to all! Anita

  5. Now THIS is a tablescape made in Haven for sure, my friend! Brilliant!


    Sheila :-)

  6. How funny I just ordered 6 of the angel wings for my dining room chairs and I could hardly wait for them to arrive, I want to do a cherub theme in my dining room for Valentines day as it will be to late for them for christmas, oh well maybe next year, your home is always a feast for the eyes.

    Have a joyous Holiday~

  7. Kidney stones? Ouch!!! I know that was no fun. I hope your husband is feeling much better now and that Christmas will be joyous for your whole family...without pain.

    This is so sweet and beautiful. The angel wings are just perfect for this time of year, and I love the way you blinged 'em up! Great score on the miniature angel wings from Pier 1. I saw them when I was in there a couple of days ago. So pretty!!!

    SO smart to have bought a double portion of those goblets!!! Don't you just love it when you can look back at a good decision and pat yourself on the back for having made it? Careful...don't ruffle those angel wings with all that back patting! :-)

    The flowers are gorgeous! They do wonders to warm up the house on a cold winter day.

    Great call to let the table wood anchor this. It really lets the sparkly stuff sparkle that much more!

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  8. Oh what a gorgeous table! So elegant down to every last detail!

    Hope your husband is feeling better.

  9. Everything looks so beautiful! Merry Christmas Jackie! xo

  10. Love your table are amazing woman, you just never Stop! No wonder you got sick! Take your vitamins...says Mom E.... How fun. I keep trying to do table scapes, but I don't get things finished in time to take pictures before dinner! Or breakfast...or whenever!
    Someday i will get one finished!
    hugs and talk soon!

  11. Such an elegant and pretty table Jacqueline! Sorry to hear about your hubby, I hope he feels better soon! Merry Christmas-enjoy:@)

  12. How beautiful this table is!! Love your color choices for it. Those napkins are wonderful (napkin envy here - lol!!). I cannot believe that you mentioned the Spiegal catalog! I had completely forgotten about it and I used to pour over every single page, when it would arrive. Love those goblets! Your flatware is so dramatic - too bad that it is discontinued! Hope all of the angels in your family have a wonderful Christmas

  13. Hi Jacqueline,
    I'm happy to hear that your hubby is on the road to recovery! Your Christmas celebration will be all the brighter as you give thanks for this!
    Your table is heavenly. Isn't it nice to feel that you have inspired your own daughter? The little wings are so cute with the place cards and I would be trying to wear the ones on your chair. Merry Christmas to you and your family! Linda

  14. Entertaining Angels indeed! You put a table together like no other and I love coming here to drool over them. I didn't know a Spiegels catalog was still available. They used to be one of my favorite stores. We had one in our outlet mall but it closed it's doors almost 15 years ago. Thanks again for sharing this beautiful table with us and Merry Christmas!

  15. Breathtakingly Beautiful, Jacqueline!
    Just GORGEOUS!
    I hope your hubby's surgery went well & that you're done with illness for the rest of the year.

    Merry CHRISTmas, Honey!!

  16. Hi Jacqueline - Oh goodness this is so beautiful and so much fun! I have a white feather boa wreath in my kitchen that would be a perfect compliment if you ever want to borrow it! I love this, thanks for the inspiration and Merry Christmas! Hugs, Holly

  17. I hope your hubby is better SOON!!! Your table is exquisite! I love the soft, serene colors. The angel wings are spectacular, as are the dishes and the silverware!!! Those goblets are gorgeous. You have the most beautiful things. Wishing you and your family a very merry and blessed Christmas. XO

  18. Your table is stunning, Jacqueline! I'm so happy you stopped by my blog today & left a comment. Hope you'll visit again soon!


  19. Jacqueline, you set the most elegant tables that just sparkle and inspire. The flower centerpiece is so pretty and I love the glittery jewelry. I sure hope your hubby is feeling better now. Blessing for a Merry Christmas.

  20. I remember those fabulous angel wings from last year, and I can't believe you found those mini wings to match! I am drooling over those cream and silver foil napkins~and the bling! Love it Jacqueline! Sorry there have been challenges of late, I hope you will enjoy a happy holiday~

  21. So beautiful, luxurious and elegant! I love everything on the table and the angel wings too. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Jacqueline....Christine

  22. So much inspiration here. The angel wings, the silver goblets, the wood table as an integral part of the design. Beautiful work! Thanks for inviting us for a peek. Glad your husband is better. Merry Christmas! Cherry Kay

  23. The feathers are so you, both fun and glamorous. It's always such fun to see your special touches. Hope the hubby is doing fine after what I am sure was a most uncomfortable episode.

  24. Love elegant. I especially like those tiny wings!

  25. You find the most amazing things! Gorgeous angel wing chair covers!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family, Jacqueline!

  26. Gorgeous, Jacqueline! The wings are such a beautiful touch. You always have such gorgeous accents! I wish you and your family a Very Merry Christmas!

  27. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!

  28. I think you mean those wings FLEW into your basket at Pier One, LOL! Your table is heavenly, such soft colors! I hope dh is on the mend!
    Thanks so much for linking to Let's Dish, and a very blessed Christmas to you and yours!

  29. This is positively stunning. Love the color scheme, how soft and elegant everything is. Dying over how gorgeous the plates, goblets, and silverware is!

  30. This is so pretty! We can't wait...and I'm coming hungry because your dinner on Christmas Eve is always the BEST! xoxo

  31. WOW!Beacutiful rose,Nice and luxurious。。。。Stunning!!


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