Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Adult Table for Gatehouse No1's Christmas Open House

When I was asked to do a 
tablescaping demonstration 
for Evan's Gatehouse No1
I was told to go throughout
the store and pick anything I 
wanted to use for the tablescaping.

This lush mantel was my inspiration.
(It definitely makes my mantel decor look wimpy
and in need of a redo!)
All of their mantels throughout the store
are fabulously decorated.  I attended the
classes held throughout the week and learned
from Joey, who helps decorate the
Governor's mansion
that they use nails to secure their mantels but
she taught us we could use 3m hooks on the
mantel and wire the heavy decor to the hook.

Thought you might like to know that tip.
I am definitely beefing up my mantel and
using the 3m hooks as mine is stone.

Oh, to have a whole store to freely choose from
to create a mantel like this!!!

I loved the icy blues and silvers and decided 
I had to make an adult table in these colors
along with the children's table

that I set in the traditional reds and greens.

This fabulous floral was the first thing
I chose to start my tablescape. 
 I love, love, love
the icy aqua vase it was set in.

Of course I chose this huge 
Mark Roberts
Father Christmas to go alongside
the vase.  As I was moving it a woman
was worried that it was sold as she had
her eye on it.

I also had to pull this fabulous
sleigh and fill it with a darker shade
of aqua ornaments.
(This was one of my favorite pieces.)

I anchored everything on the 
table with a sheer organza 
table overlay (

You are going to love this website!
These overlays are under $5 
for a 72 inch square!!
AND there is no minimum
number to order.  Warning - this
site can be very addictive!

The opposite side of the table
featured this cluster of bottle brush
trees in sparkling white and this
simpler Father Christmas.

As Gatehouse No1 doesn't sell plates, goblets and
flatware I brought my own over to create the
tablescape.  Hubby did all the hauling.
(I do have to tell on him - at the 
end of the presentation, when I
was answering questions, 
he raised his hand and asked,
"How much do you budget for 
this every month?"  Oh, that
one got the laughs!!

The perfect place setting for this table
was a stack of aqua and white and topped
it with this encrusted stag ornament.

We began with talking about linens and 
placemats and how I always try to use a
charger to begin the stack of dishes.

I also taught them about layering the dishes
and how I remove layers to serve a meal.

I demonstrated layering napkins 
and told them that both of these 
napkins were made simply by
cutting 17 1/2 inch squares of
coordinating fabrics and serging
the edges.  I love the effect of
an organza napkin layered over another

I mentioned that I had searched for
aqua napkins and had found none so
I had decided to make my own.

Imagine how many fun holiday napkins
you could make this year with all of
the great Christmas fabrics!!

The white bubble goblet is my $1 bargain 
from Tai Pan a few years ago and the 
gorgeous aqua goblet with the twisted
stem (the one they all wanted) was
hand carried home from Mexico.

People were also crazy for these beautiful 
square beaded placemats which I found at
Home Goods.  I told them I had purchased
a few one year and searched the next year
and found more.  I told them my favorite
stores for bargain dishes and my
favorite web sites.

Here's a perfect example that I showed them
of mixing and matching as I didn't have
enough snowflake napkin rings to finish
the table so I used these reindeer napkin
rings for every other place setting.

The reindeer were originally red and I
told them how I had spray painted them
and finished them with a glitter spray paint.

This table topping was so popular
that I personally know a woman that 
purchased the floral arrangement and
the sleigh and I heard rumors that someone
else purchased the entire table top.
(They had multiples of the floral arrangement.)

As I told you in the first tablescape from 
the Christmas Open House
Miss Utah County was there and 
her Little Miss Utah County
(my granddaughter)
didn't get there until after the event
started as she had a music class so
I didn't have a picture of her by the
children's table.
Chef's Table was there catering
the event as was Sweet Tooth Fairy
with their goodies.  It was a
fabulous event and was followed
by a fun week of demonstrations.

A big thank you to Rachel who helped me
change from one table to the next and was
the best assistant ever!  Rachel works as
a designer and salesperson at
Gatehouse No1 and was the
one who invited me to participate in 
this fabulous open house.  I became
so addicted that I attended other classes
all week!

My oldest daughter (mother of
Little Miss Utah County)
texted me later that night and
said that I had made tablescaping
look easy and that she now felt
she could do it.  I thought that
was the perfect feedback!

I will be posting this with


  1. Beautiful aqua and silver table Jacqueline, what fun to have all those wonderful items to play with and pair with your dishes! The mantle is a frosty winter wonderland of finery. Little Miss Utah County is adorable too :)

  2. The tablescapes are stunningly beautiful!

  3. Sounds like you had a lot of fun Jacqueline! Everything looks very pretty:@)

  4. I saw your wedding photo's so I know you love the color aqua....your tablescape is stunning...the children's table is adorable...and your granddaughter is Beautiful!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving...

  5. First, and most importantly, your granddaughter is adorable! How much fun that had to be! I would be like a kid in a candy store...giddy with excitement. I laughed out loud at your husband's it! Your tables are gorgeous and this post is full of great tidbits. Thanks so much for sharing. So happy I found your blog through No Minimalist Here.

  6. I love everything about this exquisite table. Thanks for sharing all your little tips, too.
    Have a wonderful week, Jacqueline.

  7. Oh Jacqueline, your aqua and silver table is stunning, you did an amazing job creating this magical scape! Thanks for sharing, I love it. Your Little Miss Utah is gorgeous, congrats!
    PS: Right before this last post I have a C'mas table with aqua and silver... yes, great combo!

  8. Jacqueline, Both tables are amazing and what a great job you did! Thanks for sharing these beautiful tablescapes at the Open House Party.

  9. They picked the right person to do the tables. They are both gorgeous!
    I have to go back and study them, so much to look at!
    Thanks for linking to Let's Dish!

  10. You did yourself proud with your creations, and I'm betting those who had the opportunity to view them were in awe.

  11. Just stunning -- I love your pretty unexpected colors and that mantle is certainly a stunner!

  12. What a neat color to use for Christmas. I just can't get away from red, need to try something new. You did a wonderful job and I am sure they learned a few things.


  13. So much fun! Your tablescapes are always so pretty. Your hubby is a hoot! I hope you pled the 5th!
    I wish i could have gone to the class!
    I would like to hear all your wonderful advice!

  14. So glad that I do not live near this store. I could be in big, bad trouble - lol!! Your table is incredible and I am sure your helped sell quite a few pieces. Love the colors that you used and your two Santas. However, the cutest "item" in the post is Little Miss Utah - what a doll! P. S. Aren't you glad your husband has a sense of humor???

  15. is very addicting, the prices are so good it's a challenge not to blow your budget there. This shade of blue is a beautiful alternative to traditional holiday colors and I love all of the sparkle. Thanks for sharing the tips on making napkins I will definitely start these soon.

  16. Spectacular tablescape, Jacqueline! I adore this color & all the icey accessories just play with it so well.
    Your sweet granddaughter is adorable, too! I see a future beauty pageant winner in her.

    Thanks for taking us through this winter wonderland of table settings. Loved every inch!

  17. Eye popping and show stopping Jacqueline! Aqua is my favorite color anyway and paired with wintery sparkling silver it is so stunning! What fun you have been having and you have created two beautiful tables for many to enjoy and be inspired from. Thanks for sharing with us,

  18. Oh Jacqueline, were they ever lucky to have you do the table and the presentation. Your table is absolutely stunning!! I know the crowd enjoyed all your knowledge and your tips. I would've loved to have been there in person, but at least i was able to read all your information. Now I'm wishing I had a serger!!

  19. Gorgeous! I love the muted colors and all the sparkle.

  20. Stunning tables, Jacqueline. I love the sophistication of the aqua and silver (so perfect for winter) and the whimsical fun of the red and green for the children's table. I always admire the way you combine different elements so beautifully.

  21. Hi lovely lady.
    Your Christmas Tablescape is Gorgeous loving all the colors you use to put this all together.

  22. Oh Jacqueline, this is gorgeous! I would never have thought of aqua for a Christmas scape. You did it beautifully. All of the sparkle and the filmy materials are just magical. They sure picked the right person to do this in their store. (I got a kick out of your husband's question). laurie

  23. Your creation was outstanding and what a fabulous way to show your talent. Glad you had so many wonderful items to choose from to use. Your husband's question was priceless! Have a great week!


  24. Good evening Jacqueline! I have goosebumps just looking at these aqua and silver glittered ornaments and accessories! SO LUSH INDEED! I want to cry because the beauty of the season is coming, and to see how all of us decorate, express ourselves to rejoice during a time of family and giving, it just hits me right. Thank you for showing how lavish and beautiful it is to elevate LIFE and one another. Thank you!

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving my dear, Anita

  25. This is absolutely stunning! Love those colors! You need the aqua mercury glass owl I used in my tablescape last week. What fun to be able to shop the store for your 'scape! Great job! The children's table is adorable too!

    Happy Thanksgiving!


  26. Gorgeous job Jacqueline! It is always a pleasure to see your settings at home and so nice to see you doing so professionally. It must have been heaven to be able to pick whatever you needed from around the store. Thanks so much for sharing,I love every detail!

  27. Absolutely stunning tablescape. What a treat to be able to use any and everything to set it up. You did a fabulous job!

  28. A magical touch, Maam Jacque...

    Love you color choice. It seems too easy to sew the napkins. OMG! if I have the time. Organzas, silk, cotton etc etc. are stocked in the cellar waiting my ... b...t to start to sew.Lol*

    Job well done. I know you are one talented and an inspiration chic in my TS.

    God bless,
    /CC girl

  29. Little Miss Utah County is adorable!
    Jacqueline, I'm in awe of all that you accomplish. Both of your tables for this event were spectacular. Gate House #1 certainly chose wisely when they asked you to take on this project. Love the aqua and silver details of your adult table. This one sparkles with a sense of magic. Absolutely beautiful!

  30. What I wouldn't do if I was told I could go through a store and pick out whatever I want to create!!!! LUCKY girl!!! Or should I just say "TALENTED girl" who rose to the occasion? :-)

    I started using cup screws in our mantel last year. It sits up so high that no one would ever know the rest of the year. The holes are relatively small, and the screws make a WORLD of difference when decorating my razor thin mantel!!! No more stuff crashing to the floor! It's a game changer, for sure!!!

    You did an outstanding job! Great that you have the chance to attend the classes there, too. I go to classes on occasion at one of the wholesale places I buy from, and there is always so much to learn! You definitely caught on to a WHOLE LOT!!!!! I am sure lots and lots of people were inspired by your creativity! Have a happy Thanksgiving!!!!

  31. The turquoise table is gorgeous! You sure have an eye for style! Of course, I adore the kid's table too:) Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your beautiful family! P.S. I am so excited that we are finally getting a Home Goods in our area:)

  32. You did amazing!!!! So beautiful!

  33. I'm behind in reading posts but must say it was exciting reading about your adult table, being there must have been so inspiring! I've been using aqua touches this year myself and really like it, a good compliment to our favourite purple.
    Your granddaughter is a beautiful girl with a lovely smile.

  34. How fun! Everything is beautifully put together, Jacqueline. I love the colors and mix of dishes you picked. So funny about your hubby's question, I can relate, lol, Your granddaughter is so cute....Christine

  35. The tablescapes are stunning. I had posted about the displays at the Gatehouse store, after visiting them with my daughter when I was on vacation in Utah. One of my followers told me about you and I'm happy to have found your blog. I'm a new follower!

  36. I saw this on Pinterest and knew I had missed something! The table is gorgeous! I love the cebterpiece and the flatware is gorgeous. Of course you knw I love all the dishes. Were the stags yours too, or did you get them from the store? always!


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