Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Gatehouse No1 Christmas Open House

Last week I was invited to participate
in a Gatehouse No1's 
Christmas Open House
and do a tablescaping demonstration.

Evan's Gatehouse No1 is
a high end furniture store that
has a fabulous selection of Christmas decor.

Their Christmas Open House was a
week long celebration with classes
and demonstrations every day covering
decorating wreaths, decorating a Christmas
tree, creating a Christmas mantle and 
overall holiday decorations.  

One of the
teachers that I just adored,
Joey, has the honor to
decorate the Governor's 
Mansion for Christmas 
and I can see why.  She was

I was allowed to go throughout the store
and pick anything I wanted 
to decorate my table.

 After seeing all of
their wonderful items 
I decided I had to create
two tables, 
one for children and one for
the adults.

I fell in love with these 
Mark Roberts Christmas Fairies
and wanted to make them the focus
of my centerpiece for the 
children's table.

They were just enchanting and since
I had no budget, I could choose as many as
I wanted.  Oh to be able to decorate like this!

The Mark Roberts Christmas Fairy Collectibles
are one of their best sellers during the holidays.
(They sold me on one!!!)

You know me, I love fairies so this table
was just magical for me.

Gatehouse No1 doesn't sell plates, flatware, goblets
and other tablesetting items so I needed to 
bring my own.  I decided on my fun 
candy cane plates and bowls
for the children's table.

They had wonderful pieces that matched mine like
this fabulous cookie jar or canister.

They also sell this cute bowl

that looks like a piece of candy and
the polka dot cake pedestal.

Since they specialize in trees, I asked them
to create a Christmas tree for part of my
centerpiece.  I love how it turned out.  The store
is just stuffed with all of the items you need to
create any style of tree like this.

I taught them about making your own napkins
and runners using a serger.  I layered an organza
napkin over a red cotton napkin and topped it off
with a jingle bell napkin ring and candy canes.
There is nothing more magical for a children's
table than candy on the table.
(This runner sells at Gatehouse No1.)

I taught them about 
layering and stacking your dishes

and about mixing and matching and
gave them ideas for great sources
for reasonably priced tablesetting items.

And I stressed how fun it is to keep
your table set during the Christmas season
to make it a centerpiece of your holiday decor
and to showcase your beautiful pieces.

They invited Miss Utah County,
my good friend Hannah Harkness,
to the event and also her Little Miss Utah County,
my granddaughter, but I will show her
in next week's post
when I show you the adult tablescape.
(To get instructions to make my
apron click here!)

Of course Hannah had a lot of fun
at the event as she hosted
and greeted everyone 
at the door and entered them in 
the giveaways.  She also 
introduced me to the crowd.  She is
just wonderful!

So I had to showcase her in a few of my photos!

I was honored to be a part of their
fabulous Christmas Open House 

My favorite parts of the evening were

1.  My son who came with his family and teased
me and said, "What are you going to say?  Here's 
a plate and then here's another plate?"  I said,
"Oh, honey, you don't know anything about this
kind of stuff!"  Afterwards he said I had done a
great job and that he had really enjoyed it.

2.  My granddaughters (the above son's children)
who came through the door with their eyes
big as saucers and one said, "Grandma, why are
you all dressed up like this?"  I replied, "I am
Mrs. Claus tonight."  Then she said, "Why are
they having this big party?"  And I wisely
responded, "To get you excited about

3.  My hubby who carried 3 huge boxes of my
tablescaping items who came home from the
event and said, "Let's get started decorating
for Christmas.  I want to bring the giant
nutcrackers upstairs tonight!"  I loved that
the magic of the event had worked on him but
I made him wait (at least a week!!!)

4.  Meeting followers of my blog there and
making new blog friends.  Two Christmases
ago hubby had made me business cards with
my blog on it so that when people ask I can
hand them out so it was a lot of fun making 
new friends at the event.

5.  My daughter chose the
cookie jar and cake pedestal
for her birthday presents to go
with her set of candy cane dishes.

6.  And of course having friends and family
there to support me too.

Next week I will show you the second 
tablescape I created.

A big thank you to 
Gatehouse No1 for inviting me
to participate in their
Christmas Open House.

I will be posting with

Candy cane dishes and bowls - Wal Mart 
(a couple of year ago)
Red ruffled chargers - Wal Mart 
(a couple of years ago)
Green flatware - Tuesday Morning
Red flatware - Home Goods
Red goblets - Costco (many years ago)
Napkin rings - Home Goods
Placemats  - Tuesday Morning
Bubble goblets - Tai Pan


  1. Jacqueline, your children's table reflects the magic that you create in everyone of your tables. I can see eyes light up with joy and excitement when big or little see this table. Well done! Congratulations on being asked. Wise decision on the store's part. You look adorable in your Ms. Claus apron. Where did you find it? ~ Sarah

  2. The children's table is magical with all the dishes and extras you placed on it. It was nice this place knows about your talents and let you crate such an inspiring table. I can't wait to see what you created for the adults.

  3. What fun to be asked to do this and then to have free reign to choose items to create your tables! Love what you did and the choices you made. The apron is a great hostess touch! I'm visiting from Kathleen's Let's Dish ~ The Happy Wonderer

  4. Oh my goodness - this is fantastic! I have similar plates that look like peppermint candy and have been planning a table for Christmas with them. I might have to scratch that idea - I can never compete with yours - lol!!! I love Mark Roberts' pieces and have a friend who has an incredible house at Christmas and she has tons of them. I can see why you were asked to do this - you did a stunning table!!

  5. Oh how I love the Tablescape you've created. Positively Fantastic!
    Lucky you to have had the opportunity to do something so fun. I'd love to do something like that.

  6. Jacqueline,
    I saw those Christmas elves and almost laughed out loud!! That doesn't look like the children's table, .... that looks like the JACKY table! LOL
    You are such a kid at heart, I love it. You've got me itching to decorate for Christmas and it isn't even Thanksgiving yet!
    I better fluff up my Thanksgiving table this year and do it JACQUELINE would do it!
    Hugs and thanks for the inspiration!

  7. Hi lovely lady.
    Your Tabescape for Christmas is Gorgeous and this one is for the children's wow. Your candy cane plates and the bowls are so sweet, lets not forget the Christmas fairy, and the centerpiece is also Gorgeous. I love it all!!

  8. That table is magical! Just beautiful, Jacqueline, and to be able to choose anything to put on it. Wow...
    Have a wonderful week.

  9. Love, Love, Love your fabulous magical children's table!! It is bright, cheery and have to believe, perfect for kids with the candy theme. How fun to be able to create a table with so many beautiful pieces for you to use, I would be like a kid in a candy store!!! Can't wait to see your other table.

  10. Well that was a totally gorgeous table you set, it's just so stunningly magical ;-)
    I just adore Mark Roberts fairies.


  11. Jacqueline, the kids table is exquisite!!! I have the same candy cane plates too!!! Love the fairies and the tree is beautiful. I'm with your husband: I am DYING to decorate now!!!

  12. Oh what fun! I used to sell Mark Roberts Fairies, they are magical and perfect for decking the halls and a centerpiece tree! Your table is wonderful, I love how you used the red and green flatware with your festive stack of dishes!

  13. Hi Jacqueline - What a fun and festive and whimsical tablescape - Love it! Hugs, Holly

  14. Having free reign with the stores items must have been an out of this world feeling. With you there creating tablescapes it was an awesome event. So happy that you had this opportunity to showcase your talents.

  15. Oh my, how much fun to be able to play and create with all those beautiful things! A tablescapers dream for sure! I love love the magical fairies and the peppermint swirled dishes, and your apron is adorable! Your family supported you in a big way and I know that was the best part for you! So cute that your hubs got so excited!! I LOVE Christmas, but have to get through Thanksgiving first! Can't wait to see the next table!

  16. WOW!!! You set a fantastic table! I love it and I am sure everyone did too. I love the tree and Santa elves. Pretty dishes are everywhere on your table. Enjoyed this post a lot. Congrats to you! It was truly an honor to be asked to decorate a table.
    You set a beautiful, fun table!
    Blessings My Friend,

    Blessings My Friend,

  17. Love the table. I am inspired to start getting my decorations out. Do you happen to know what size the tree was that was used in the middle of the table? I am going to a smaller tree in my kitchen this year and that looks like the perfect size. Thank you for all the wonder posts, I look forward to seeing them.

  18. Jacqueline, This is truly a table to get one in the Christmas spirit. After all Christmas is all about the children and the Christ Child. To see the light in a child's eyes IS magical. I know you delighted in their presence when you grandchildren came through the door.
    If I had the money, I would have them ship the entire table to Savannah. The faries are breathtaking. OOPS, I couldn't have the entire table, some of it is yours. Well, maybe we could work something out. Your collection is fabulous. I have the candy cane plates but didn't know that Walmart had them. I need to get out more.
    Blessings, Ginger

  19. Talk about letting the girl loose in the toy store ahahahah
    You were in your own heavenm, with such whimsical products and they were very lucky to be abble to count with your expertise.
    Your family was every bit proud and rightly so.

  20. You are too talented! That was such a fun night, I'm glad we got to be there together! Love you Jacqueline! And I'm with Kirk's response too.... time to decorate!!

  21. What a fantastic Christmas table! Love everything it about it! you just can't help but smile when you look at this table.

  22. I love all the whimsy and beauty in your table-scapes.

  23. you mentioned teaching how to make the organza napkins on a serger...have you done a tutorial online?

  24. So wish I would have made this event. Your children's table does make me excited about Christmas. I am always a sucker for red and green, traditional yes, but I love it. The huge fairies are so wonderful. I love that store, and I love it that it is jammed packed for Christmas. I know you did a wonderful job Mrs. Christmas!

  25. You knocked this right out of the park, and I know visitors to the store loved it. Had they known the trouble you went to they would have appreciated it even more!

  26. Pure surely got ME excited about Christmas!!
    You did a spectacular job, truly have a talent for tablescaping!!

  27. Just wanted to stop by and thank you for your kind comments recently. I still am not quite back into the swing of things yet.

    I love the kids table you did and those fairies really caught my eye as the center of attention. They are wonderful.

  28. Absolutely gorgeous! I love everything here!

  29. What a fun assignment and even more so as you had their entire store inventory to chose from! You did a fantastic table --it is so bright and colorful and such a delight. Love the figurines and you look adorable as Mrs Claus!

  30. Absolutely beautiful! Love those plates and bowls.

  31. Had to come back to ask you: do you have any pictures of the "big nutcrackers" on yor blog??? Can you send me the link??? Thanks!!!


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