Thursday, October 24, 2013

Witches' Night Out - Oh The Places I've Been

Put on your pointed hat
and your pointed boots
and come party with us
at Witches' Night Out.

We flew in with these two
cute witches
Miss Utah County, Hannah Harkness
Little Miss Utah County, Kyle McCann,
my oldest grandchild.

Park your brooms, you
will be walking and
dancing the rest of the night.

You might even pick up a scary warlock
while you are there (hubby of mine!)

I may have flown in with
the queens from Utah County,
but this is the queen of Gardner Villages'
(She lives and works here
during the month of October
so you will always find her.  Just
listen for her wicked cackle!)

She has the most 
costume ever!
She even has "Gardner Village"
blinged across the back of her 
dress this year.  I am sure it
gets wilder each year.  No one
can compete with her for 
Evening Gown tonight.

And she stays in character teasing
and insulting (gently) you.  
She is such a riot.

I have to admit to a little jewelry envy.
This witchy-poo is bedazzled!

She stopped long enough for
a sweet picture with our queens.
Look at the hem of her dress 
and her fancy boots.
Oh wow, she is stylin'!

Looks like we might need to upgrade some
of our boots!
Alas I couldn't find my boots and ended 
up in heels this year - double drat!!

The queens had fun posing.

They are kind witches and
will happily pose with you too!

There are just too many fun photo spots.

 You will find witches all over
the property, day and night.

(Excuse me madam, you might
want to shut the door!)

Whew!  These girls will stop 
and take a photo 
with anyone who asks.

Watch out because
they are flying in 
from everywhere.

No one wants to miss out on the fun.

This little diva lights up
and so does her broom.

And she has some really
fancy sisters running around too.

As the sun goes down the party
gets rocking.  The dancing takes place
under this glowing green tree.

There is music and
dancing and great eating
and of course every witches' favorite -
shopping, shopping, shopping!
Gardner Village is a collection
of shops, a restaurant and
a bakery.  It is based around
the Gardner Mill which was 
built in 1877 and is located
at 1050 W. 7800 S.
 in West Jordan, Utah.
 They have
other old homes they have
brought in and those are the
shops.  There is something
for everyone here.

So get your sparkle on and
come to the
the biggest and best
Halloween party that I know
They are having it again
this Friday and Saturday,
Oct. 24 and 25, 2013
from 6:00-10:00.
So get your on your brooms and
come early for pictures and
less crowded shopping.  You
can even have your make up and nails done.

Under the green glow of the 
magical tree
the witches that own shops have
a boot parade.

These girls know how to strut their stuff.

Wow, where can I get some of these?

Every great party ends with dessert.
Thanks for coming along for the party!
Maybe we will see you there
this weekend!

I will be flying on over to


  1. That looks like a lot of fun Jacqueline! Love that folks get dressed up and they are some very fancy boots:@)

  2. This looks like a fun party and your granddaughter is beautiful!! Thanks for sharing - such a great post.

  3. Definitely the Queen of Hallowee..
    The little one is following in your bootsteps:)

  4. What a grand time! I may have to add this to my bucket list.
    Thank you for sharing it with us.

  5. Wow, what a fun event, Jacqueline! The witch costumes are awesome. You have a very pretty granddaughter....Christine

  6. What a fun festival! I want a pair of those curly toed shoes!! LOL!

  7. My, My those are fancy boots! You really know how to enjoy a party, Jacqueline. Glad you had fun. Thanks for sharing.

  8. So many witched to adore. Who knew?!!! This must be so much fun.

  9. What a fun and spooky event. You girls look nice in your bewitching finery.

  10. Jaqueline,
    What a fun party you had! I wish I could have been there! But I had other obligations. I did do a tasting for Sheffield Cider at an event at a Nursery near us, and it was Pirate themed. There were many other costumes as well, witches, and tooth fairies, and Cinderella and wenches and pirates and mermaids and zombie Brides.
    It was so fun to see the creative costumes. I was amazed by the hand sewn costumes...people are so creative! So I got a taste of your party at our party!
    have fun this weekend again!

  11. Now that looks like SOME party! I have been to Gardner Village years ago, but I see the town to go is in October:) All of you look amazing!

  12. What a crazy fun post.

    It's a treat to have you at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This was the BEST witches party EVER! Too fun! I love all of your pictures, what incredible memories. Love you!

  15. You have the most beautiful and creative people among your acquaintances ahahahah
    I must say I miss the point of Halloween, but seeing you people putting so much effort and having such a blast is inspiring.
    Happy Halloween!

  16. WOW!!!!!!!!! I am blown away with the costumes. Those BROOMS are fabulous!!! I want to do one now! Thanks for taking us to the party!!!

  17. Cant wait to see these three dressed up for the party at the Gatehouse! So much talent in one room!


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