Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Where Witches Gather Tablescape

If you go out in the woods today, 
you better not go alone!

The old crones have gathered from all around
for their annual 
picnic in the woods.

It could be quite scary to come across
them if you weren't aware!

Don't be too scared though because
they are a friendly lot

They might even ask you to sit

You know you shouldn't, 
but it is just too tempting!

You feel slightly underdressed,
but oh well....

Oh, yum you say,
dirt cupcakes
(don't know when was the
last time I had those!!!)

And spider and snake sandwiches,
with a few twigs thrown in
(oh my!)

You can hardly wait!!!

Now that's a tasty looking morsel.

If you are watching your calories,
how about a rotten apple.

What a bewitching feast.

At least the plates don't look too scary.

If you don't mind creepy, crawly,
wood creatures all over your plates.
(Or maybe that crawled out of the

Even though the food was a little
hard to swallow

The company has been great

The gals have been playful and fun

And you hope you run into them
another year.

Give us a kiss because you have to run!

How scary could they be, they
are Beaulah and Zoulah's

They will be partying with


  1. What a wonderful post I love your table setting, you must have had a blast with the have some witches who would love to join in on all the fun...


  2. All I can say is our grandchildren must think you are pretty amazing:)

  3. I am grabbbing a pair of striped stockings and a frilly party skirt and running out hoping to meet them!

    I love the parties you and your friends throw.

  4. Hi Maam Jacqueline,

    What a whimsical party-... the idea in the wood with the gorgeous witches is absolutely awesome.

    Love and drool with your plates.

    Happy mid-week.

    Greetings from Stockholm,
    /CC girl

  5. I love your witch girls!The life of the party1 thanks for inviting us to see!

  6. I love your witch girls!The life of the party1 thanks for inviting us to see!

  7. Looks like a wild day in the woods! All that food and no recipes??? The Girls look like they're having lots of fun Jacqueline, I still get a kick out of the green one:@)

  8. What a bewtiching and fun loving group! I love their fashionable footwear and leggings! I think I'll pass on the food though :)

  9. Oh I would like to go out in the woods and party with these gals. What a great time they are having. Such a wonderful grouping of witches. Dirt cupcakes....just my style. Thanks for linking me. Joni

  10. Those are some good looking witches!! Not a group I would want to lunch with, but fun none the less!! What a great post with all of your disgusting food choices!!

  11. What a fun party! Those sandwiches and dirt cupcakes cracked me up! The dishes are so cute- love it all!

  12. wow those are some wonderful witches, wow I could look at them all day, they are so great and I love the dirt the snacks and how fun the party looks with the spooky wild witches...

  13. Such a scary bunch. The snacks look wonderful.

    - The Tablescaper

  14. Now, that's one adorable witch party. And I love their table. :)

    My old blog is still there...I just can't post on it again as I am blocked out.

  15. Love them! Wonderful décor....

  16. Oh Jacqueline you are so creative!! I can only imagine the time it takes to put this together. I also know that time flies when having fun. Love this!!!!

  17. Jacqueline, this post was so much fun! Your witches are absolutely enchanting and so is their tablescape. I love the different ways you posed the witches, and your commentary was great too. I couldn't make myself eat any of the food, but you are right, the company was bewitching. Excellent post! laurie

  18. Oh dear, Jacqueline. I am wearing a big grin as I shake in my boots.

    I hope you will share this with us at Pink Saturday.

  19. Over the top awesome Jacqueline! Your witches are incredible! Love the way you photographed their best sides! Ha! Too much fun is being had here, you thought of everything! Love the chandy hanging in the tree! Great stuff!!!

  20. Do you know what's wonderful about you???

    Well, everything....but in this particular case, on this particular post, I have to say it is your amazing sense of whimsy and sense of humor.

    You always astound with your utter elegance and true sense of exceptional style and are immensely gifted at design.....but you also incorporate such delightfully FUN pieces, too........ABSOLUTELY SUPERB!!!


  21. Jacqueline, oh what a fun gathering. Seems all the witches are taking advantage of these fine autumn days to gather for picnics and gossip. Your girls are much more sophisticated than the Texas girls who hang around here. If the TX girls see this post they will surely want to go shopping for some new frocks. Those shoes and stockings are pretty fancy! '-)

  22. Hi Jacqueline! What fun you provide for your family with those mischievous witches. The setting is perfect for partaking of their picnic. I also loved seeing your kitchen vignette with your new canisters.

  23. I think I met the cousins of these girls on my walk today, but the food they were serving up was not nearly so tasty.

  24. Cute your witches, Jacqueline. Hope they will visit again next year.
    Have a wonderful week...

  25. Soo fun! I wish I had thought to create a scary menu like this for my boys when they were little! I don't know why but it never occurred to me! But I'll make up for it with the grandchildren someday. This is an awesome post!

  26. I especially love the last photo of the sister witches:)

  27. I'm singing that tune in my head right now. A bewitching party to attend but I would not have the right tights I'm sure. The closeup of the witches kiss is adorable.

  28. Well the girls look like they are having a great time casting their spells but the food is not to my liking:) I will politly decline. I love the plates and glasses!


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