Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Spookify The Fireplace

It's time to get the Halloween
decorations out at
Purple Chocolat Home
and start having fun!

This Halloween house is
all about the kiddies and
last year I got in trouble when they
came over and saw that some things
(like the animated butler and life size witches
weren't out yet!)

If you are new to 
Purple Chocolat Home
you need to know that we love shoes
(to wear, to decorate with and even to eat)
Witches Shoes
are tons of fun for decorating!

That Wicked Witch
may have wanted
Dorothy's shoes,
but we wanted hers!
As a matter of fact
we raided her 
whole closet
thanks witchy-poo!

She got back at us though
by putting
a hex on our photos!
But we like them better
this way!

Hope you are having some Halloween

For those that live in Utah,
Gardner Village is having
Friday and Saturday, Oct. 11 and 12
and again Oct. 25 and 26
from 6:00-10:00.

This is the funnest party of witches
you have ever come across.
You won't believe the outfits - 
I will try to get some of the witches
to pause in their flight and pose for me.

Come join the party and have a blast
and come hungry, there's lots of food
and shopping and even
a wagon ride out to see where
the witches live at Cricket Hollow Swamp.


  1. You've got me spooked. In a very pretty and purply way, of course.♥

    I love seeing all the fun you create. I hope you will share your seasonal creations with us for Pink Saturday this weekend.

  2. Looks like you're getting into the spirit Jacqueline! The Witches Night Out sounds like a blast, I do hope you get some fun pics:@)

  3. Those shoes are hilarious! I love how you've gotten into the spirit! Your decorations are so fun! Enjoy Witches Night Out. Can't wait to see the pictures!! ♥ xx

  4. There is always something fun going on at Purple Chocolate Home. '-)

  5. I love all your festive touches! Halloween must be a blast at your home! xo

  6. I think Witches Night Out sounds like an amazingly fun idea! Please share pictures if you can! You have the BEST halloween decor--especially all those shoes! Linda

  7. Love your mantle! Witches Night Out sounds like lots of spooky fun and makes me want to fire up the broom and fly over :)

  8. Jacqueline, you create such beautiful masterpieces. Llove the shoe mantel and your pretties. co Linda


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