Monday, October 21, 2013

Halloween Decor for My Baking Cabinet

Would a
Bad Witch 
wear shoes this

I love this little sign
that was a gift from my
great friend Annette.

It was the perfect inspiration
for my baking cabinet in the
kitchen that always gets decorated
with a different theme
for the seasons and holidays.

I love having a large area 
for decorating in the kitchen.

I also love how much storage 
this cabinet provides.

My beautiful new
MacKenzie-Child's canisters
are perfect for the black and
cream colors of this vignette.

I had made these lettered
blocks last year
and they are a fun addition too.

Our eery crow
oversees everything.

Lettered blocks
are always wonderful
and the bling in the lettering
is fun.

I was able to find
two of these fun lettered pumpkins
at Home Goods this year.
They are really beautiful and

Both Beaulah and Zoulah love the
new kitchen vignette.


  1. Jacqueline, your baking cupboard vignette is darling and perfectly reflects the elegance of your kitchen. Love the sign about the shoes. Too cute! You do everything with great style. ~ Sarah

  2. What a magical space!
    I hope you share it again with others for several of the parties coming up online this weekend.
    (Links and details on my blog)

  3. Very pretty! Er, um... spooky:@) Looks great Jacqueline and I love the shoes sign!

  4. I never saw those canisters..I bet a lot will covet:)

    You would wear those shoes a heartbeat:)

  5. Beaulah and Zoulah are correct! Such a fun kitchen decor at your house! It was great to see you and see your decorations in person! LOVE Your witch on the pole outside...reminds me of the wizard of Oz, as it should!

  6. Jacqueline, your beautiful baking cabinet is so unique. What a wonderful spot to whip up a cake! I love the adorable shoe sign....along with all of your other pretties! I noticed your MacKenzie-Childs cannisters instantly.....I have the matching teapot and love it. You are so creative with your decorating. Your kitchen is gorgeous!

    Hugs, Katherine S

  7. I bet your grandchildren love coming to your house; you make the holidays so special:) Wish I had more room to decorate!

  8. I love every inch of your Halloween decorating! I bought a similar witch sign for a friend. It looks great with your decor.

  9. I love it, Jacqueline. You have the most fun with Halloween.

  10. Beaulah and Zoulah should feel right at home with your lovely eerie vignette. The letters and pumpkins are perfect additions. I adore the MacKenzie Child's canisters. The shoe sign is adorable and is a perfect fit for you. You know I love your kitchen. Keep baking away sweet Jacqueline. I am healing, bowever visiting your blog puts a smile on my face. xo Linda

  11. I was so excited to see my sign on your blog, your friend Annette bought it at Swiss Days 2012' I am a designer Queen Mother Design you can see me on Etsy ... I love your blog and have followed it forever.

  12. Love all your Halloween decorating. The canisters are so perfect for Halloween. But where is Beaulah? That is such a fun area for decorating and I always love it around the holidays. Joni

  13. This is very ELEGANT halloween decor which is perfect for your beautiful kitchen. Lovely!!!


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