Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Beware of Dinner Tonight

The front doors slowly creep open

You have been warned!

Even the butler tries his best to
scare you off

and Thing is on the piano playing
his spooky music,

but you're not scared off,
you know this is Grandma's house
and this is her annual
Halloween Dinner.

Grandma has set up her 
kitchen counter as a buffet
with lots of
foods for everyone to enjoy.

You know there will be candy
and goodies tucked in everywhere,
after all,

She has her wonderful 

which come in an assortment
of four wonderful Halloween colors 

Purple (so glad they included that color!)



And of course, orange.

They are stacked at the end of the
buffet before the creepy food
gets set out.

Shredded Dragon Tail, now that one got
some questions from both children and adults.

Rolled Snake, doesn't everyone want
bright green bread to go along with
their Dragon Tail?

Ahh, there's something not so scary.

No one could be fooled
by the title of this.
Barf Dip is one of their
favorite dips -
just 8 oz. cream cheese with
1 16 oz. can chili.

This one is a little scarier
because it is served in a ghost pumpkin.

A simple salad with
lovely salad talons,
I mean salad tongs!

It wouldn't be Halloween Dinner
Grandma going out to the swamp and
collecting some of her 

And dinner hasn't even begun before
the little ones are helping themselves
to Poison Candy.

Again, you have been warned.

Ooh, yum, gummy fangs -
you are warned again and again!

There are even treat bags
to take some Poison Candy
home if you don't have a
stomach ache by the time you leave.

If you get thirsty later and you want to
try something a little more filtered
than Swamp Water, we have some
spooky drinks (Lanette's Apple Ciders
with Martha Stewart Labels glued on over
the original labels.)

We have to finish with some creepy crawly
treats.  These huge spiders are
carrying their eggs on their backs.

And they appear to be migrating.

Not into arachnids and egg sacks,
you say?  How about gummy mummies?

Or pick up one of the brooms
that our friendly witches have parked.

The Newsies group were here

as well as a gory beast and his innocent victim.

This girl has a frying pan and she knows
how to use it.

Do you think Rapunzel has used that 
frying pan to defend herself a few times with
those characters?

No one knew who this character was supposed
to be (all assuming he didn't dress in a costume)
but he proudly said he was his brother 
(the missionary) - he had taken the glasses, 
shirt, jacket and knife in his belt from his
brother's closet.

Now that was a funny one!

Beaulah loved every minute of the

One of my little granddaughters said wistfully,
"Dad, it was a wonderful night wasn't it?"

That little one deserves a witchy kiss!

It made this witch want to get on her broom 
and fly around the house!

We will continue the party with

Boo plates - Tai Pan (several years ago)
Talon salad servers - Target (this year)
Spider cupcake holders - Home Goods (this year)
Thing - Tai Pan (last year)
Door signs - Home Goods (this year)
Witch leg treat bags - Target (this year)
Scary jars - Home Goods and Tai Pan (this year)


  1. Your creativity amazes me !!! Happy Halloween.

  2. Looks like everyone had a great time! Fun costumes and I love the boo plates! Happy Halloween Jacqueline:@)

  3. Oh my goodness....amazing preparations for a Halloween dinner! Very creative!!!

  4. Holidays at your house would be so much fun, Jacaueline!
    Have a wonderful week...

  5. Jacqueline, always a blast to visit your blog. You never know what you will come up with. Love your Halloween dinner and your guests all dressed up in their cute costumes. You are the prettiest witch. The menu is awesome, especially the green snake. Keep having fun!

  6. You win the award, Jacqueline! Your grands must think this is the norm for a dinner at their grandparents' home. What wonderful memories you create for your family. Thanks for sharing all the fun details. Too cute! And you are a beautiful witch. Definitely a good witch! ;-)
    Happy Halloween! ~ Sarah

  7. Jacqueline~ I bet your grands love your spooktacular annual dinners! Your menu is over the top fun and I love those fun cupcake holders! All your details from your salad talons to your swamp water are perfect and you're bewitching in uniform :) Happy Haunting to you!

  8. My grandmother was never so cool. You win the award for the witchiest and best grandmother ever.

  9. The butler would scare the daylights out of me and I would need several glasses of swampwater. Your Halloween series has been fun and inspiring,thanks for sharing it.

  10. Those plates are wonderful!

  11. What a spooky good time!! I am head over heels in love with your outfit AND that green snake bread!! SOOO creative, Jacqueline...I know your grandkidlets had to be over the moon with all your ideas. Too fun!

  12. I forgot to say how cute all your kids & kidlets looked in their costumes!! They've inherited your creative genes. LOL

    Do you mind sharing how did the bread snake???

  13. Well, you are the prettiest witch ever!!! I LOVE your costume. Of course the little ones are adorable. How sweet to dress as his brother! Your creativity is amazing, Jacqueline. I am actually making that spider web di for our party at the clubhouse tomorrow night! I am assuming your party was yesterday..looks like it was fabulous!!!

  14. Wonderful! Everyone and everything looks so great.

  15. Oh you have so much fun at your house, especially at Halloween! Next year I am going to borrow your party idea and have a little family Halloween party with some spooky food, my family would love it! That barf dip is really gross! It is going to be sad to pack up all our Halloween decorations, I just LOVE Halloween and I can tell you do too!
    Happy Halloween Jacqueline!

  16. Oh what fun, Jacqueline! I want to be young again and be your granddaughter, lol. You all look so cute in your costumes....Christine

  17. JACQUELINE! You are stunning! Wait, where do I begin...I am laughing so hard...that BARF DIP! That is brilliant! And the green snake bread and everything is fabulous! I am guessing that since it is the BOO HOUR, that you are right now entertaining. And I just noticed your pizza oven in your kitchen! YES! I wish I could have one of those!

    Thank you so much for coming to visit. My parents have been gone for 27 years (they died together) and I was only 29. The pain never really goes away, but is tucked away in a part of our being because we are them, they are us. I wish you peace and beauty as we now enter into this fabulous season of thanksgiving and giving back. Anita

  18. Love love all the fun bottles and decanters with the incredible labels, all your scaries are so fun...Would love to know how you get the signing thing at the end of the blog to sign your name, You are my last hope to find out how...thanks Phyllis

  19. This all looks like SO much fun! I love it all.

  20. What fun, what fun! And your costume is the best! Visiting from Pink Saturday.

  21. What fun, what fun! And your costume is the best! Visiting from Pink Saturday.

  22. Jacqueline this is amazing! What a Halloween party, wow...all of you look gorgeous and the horror decor is FABULOUS!!!! YOUR CUSTOM IS AWESOME, pretty lady. I have the same black salad thongs; maybe you like to come and see my Halloween table, just before the dinner party one. I was away that's why I'm so late looking at this incredible spookiness of yours. Thanks for coming to visit sweetie! Enjoy your weekend.

  23. You are just way TOO MUCH FUN!!!

  24. Oh Jacqueline, you make such great memories for your family. The decor, all the fabulous food and the fun you share are so inspirational.

  25. Always a great party at your place. Baby J is getting bigger and is a real cutie!

  26. The dinner looked amazingly creepy, but i'm sure tasted amazing, since everything you cook does. The Halloween costumes and seeing all the families was so fun, but dressing up as his brother, killed me. haha.

  27. We had a ball! You always make things so fun for everyone. I know three little kids who think it's magical every time they come over! xoxo

  28. Love what you did with the cider bottles, I have made some temporary labels for Christmas and so I really thought this was great fun! Thanks so much for showing and using the cider in your blog post!


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