Friday, September 20, 2013

Missionary Moment - Welcome to Korea

Our missionary son has been in Seoul, South Korea
for a few weeks now and he has already been 
introduced to a canned delicacy there
Silkworm Pupas.

You can see that they are being taken from the 
pop-top can and being scooped out with
the traditional Korean spoon.  

He said they chased them down with
a cola drink.

I think a friend just wanted to see if he would
eat this because they really do have wonderful food 
in Korea and Elder Chase says that the Koreans
pride themselves on their food.

Here he is (the missionary on the left with the glasses)  
enjoying a huge feast in someone's home.

It is customary for missionaries to eat whatever
unique and unusual foods are given to them
to honor their hosts.

Chase had the chance to travel on business
with his father to China and there he
ate duck tongue, dog, donkey and snake.
His Chinese host was so pleased that he didn't
turn his nose up at any of their traditional
meats and we felt it helped prepare Chase
for a mission to Korea.

                                여수그리스도 후기성도교회
(I am not sure what this means, but it was his subject heading on 
his email that included the picture of the feast and he started
his email with Welcome from Korea, so maybe that is what it means.)

We are so thrilled to have a son out serving our Savior
Jesus Christ, bringing the Good News to the world.
This is our third son to serve a two year mission
for the 
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Our oldest served in Argentina, our middle son served
in Seattle, Washington and now this one is in Seoul, Korea.
(It's a long ways from home!)

I will be posting with
Spiritual Sundays


  1. It just kills me that Chase is old enough to be on a mission! He looks great! The food...not so much.

  2. You have 3 sons to be proud of. Personally, I don't find the tasty dish in the first photo very appealing. :-)

  3. Jacqueline, I admire your son. I don't think I could be as adventuresome with these foods. '-)

  4. I agree, I don't think I could be this adventuresome either. I think he enjoys trying strange things! Yuck!!

  5. How wonderful! You have so many reasons to be proud :)

  6. I am an adventurous eater like your son :-) You must be so proud of Chase. xo

  7. He will be teaching you new recipes :)
    I think the table looks appetizing..but not so much the first photo..I think I would let the others go first:)
    He looks so happy!

  8. Jacqueline, You must be so proud of your son! I know I would not be able to eat those (yummy?) things. When my husband used to travel to South Korea on business he loved the people but the most trouble he had with the food was sitting at those low tables! I hope your son is having a fulfilling mission trip. Linda

  9. He is truly amazing if he can eat these foods. I know there are some really wonderful dishes there, however, I had to draw the line at some. :)

    You are so blessed to have 3 sons as missionaries!


  10. What a wonderful opportunity for your son. I had the opportunity to travel to Korea a few years ago and remember how gracious and generous the Korean people are. Loved the food but never had to try things like silkworm pupas and duck tongue.

  11. I believe that you really receive the best experiences when you immerse yourself in any culture you visit. How proud you must be of your wonderful son.

    Have a week as beautiful as you!

  12. Thanks for sharing:) When my "picky eater" son was called to the Philippines, I thought he was going to starve. He came home even thinner that when he left, but now he loves Filipino food, and has a Filipino wife:)

  13. You must be so proud of all of your sons! I don't think I could choke down any of the things you mentioned without gagging so I guess I could never be a missionary:)

  14. Same mission as my daughter, Sister Bassett. She LOVES Korea so much!


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